Friday, July 31, 2009

Our Beliefs and How They Stop Us From Success

Beliefs are constructs of our internal world and how we view them. They are based on what we have experienced and what we perceive to be true. We all behave as if our beliefs were true and that is what gives us direction. If you 100% believe that you will create a successful business or wealth, without any doubt in yourself, your ability or any other factors, then you will behave as if it were true. When you behave as if it were true, then every decision you make, path you take and conversation you have is all geared around that one thing. You in fact MAKE it happen. You will also see things and interpret events, people and actions based on your beliefs. For instance, if you believe your neighbor is a thief based on what Mrs Smith told you at number 23 down the street, you will behave with that person in a way based on that belief. So, your interaction with that person is likely to be guarded and therefore precipitate a response which is guarded from that neighbor based on your behavior towards them. So, due to the fact you now have confirmed they are "shifty" you in fact are creating your own reality. However, Mrs Smith got her facts wrong and the neighbor is really a Nobel Peace Prize winner for charitable acts but you have just confirmed to yourself that they are a thief.

Think about it - if you believe you are not capable - then you will behave and make decisions based on that fact. So, if you deal with those negative beliefs about yourself, think what a difference that will make to your capabilities and results? AND what are those beliefs that you are capable based on? A one time event which started a repeated behavior? A repeated belief? So, if your reality is subjective, then if you think you are not capable is that in fact reliable, or would you like to change it to something else? With our beliefs and our reality we view the world as if everything we are seeing is the truth is real and that anything outside of that must either no be real or we disbelieve it. Everyone lives within boundaries of some description - whether they are enforced by society, our environment, what we have experienced or the influence of others. We also make judgments about others based on those boundaries and make judgments which ultimately revolve around our own experience so if we come across something we are not familiar with, we can automatically disbelieve it or possibly treat it as a threat until we understand it or in fact dismiss it completely without consideration. The problem with this is that we limit ourselves to the possibilities of growth and the ability to develop and progress and learn. Can you change your beliefs today and allow yourself to achieve everything you know you can? Make your reality today.

The director of Emma James Training Ltd is Emma James (amazingly!) who is a trainer of NLP, Hypnosis and Master TLT but also a Master Practitioner in all three therapies. Originally from Northern Ireland she has the drive and passion to constantly prove that NLP works, not only in her sport and coaching of others, but in therapy at her clinic and also in business application, taking people to levels they didn't think were possible.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Exterior Remodeling - Fiber-Cement Siding Compared to Vinyl Siding

In the world of remodeling the exterior of your home, there are several things to consider when comparing fiber-cement siding to vinyl siding.

Disguising the Problem

Vinyl siding is sometimes used as a cover-up to be placed over the old damaged cladding. The current problems may still exist. Sometimes it may be improperly installed. This invites insects and moisture to build up behind the panels, and may even go through the structure of the home.


Vinyl facing may melt or burn if it too close to a heat source such as your grill or a close by fire. The flammability of the cladding is such a concern that some counties/districts are starting to educate homeowners about its natural flammability.

Fiber-cement facing is non-combustible when exposed to significant amount of heat or flame. It has been appreciated for this safety feature. It is also approved for fire-rated structure.

All colors fade from the sun and there are several options that you can do to replace vinyl cladding. You can install a replacement piece and try to find the matching color of your original siding. You can also replace all the cladding again if you can't find the matching color. You may also paint the facing, but keep in mind this type of facing is made to expand and contract which will cause the paint to chip and peel over time.

Fiber-cement facing can be painted any color that you desire. It will also remain longer than with wood. It won't crack and peel as quickly as vinyl.


Always look at the warranty before your purchase. Look closely at the "Life-Time" to see how many years the warranty really covers and also what is covered. Check the "Normal Weathering" section to see what their definition is of normal weathering.

Fiber-cement facing may be found to have a 50 year transferable limited product warranty, and a 15 year finish warranty. This warranty is good for even the most sever climates.

Poor Quality and Aesthetics

Vinyl siding may not look as natural as wood. It has overlapping seams and fake wood grains that try to copy the appearance of wood.

Fiber-cement siding has the beauty of real wood with the ability to be painted any color and not have the chipping and peeling of vinyl or wood. There are no overlapping seams to take away from the natural appearance it will lend to the home.

Weather Resistant

Fiber-cement cladding is a very durable product that can even withstand the most severe climates. It will not go brittle in the cold or be damaged by flying debris like the other type of cladding is known to do.

The great amount of thickness that accompanies fiber-cement cladding adds to the products strength that provides impact resistance from wind or hail.

The finest vinyl siding is only 5/100th inch thick.

These are several things you need to consider when investing in the exterior of your home. In the long run, having fiber-cement siding is aesthetically and financially more sound than having vinyl siding which is an inferior product.

Mr. Oliver is a marketing agent of Blue Ridge Exteriors. The siding contractor provides James Hardie Siding throughout the Richmond Virginia area. For more information on their James Hardie Siding please visit their website.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Paradise In Your Own Backyard

In this day and age, the world moves at a stressfully fast pace. Tension abounds at work. There is no escape from the tension at home. There are sources of stress all around you. It's important to be able to get away from the stresses of every day life so you can relax. If only you had the time to take a week off from your life, relaxing at a spa resort. For less than half the cost and time of a spa visit, you can enjoy nature all year round by sprucing up your backyard. Think, "Backyard Spa"!

Location, Location, Location

A spa's location is crucial for the admiration of your neighbors and the aesthetic qualities it can bring to your backyard. So first and foremost, CAREFULLY choose your spa's location. You could set it up in an unused area of your backyard or locate it right on your present patio. The size of the available space will determine the size of your spa. Make sure that you know where the spa's attachments for water and electricity are. Seasonal flowers, bushes, and other plants make fine decorations for the surrounding area. Be sure that the spa is cleared of any potential tree branches that may fall into it.

Many people choose to fit their homes with customized patio coverings, which are tasteful, yet still provide the necessary privacy. With the strategic use of wood, lattice, posts, and paint you can create the neighborhood's best in privacy and beauty in your own backyard. You can adjust the privacy and the amount of sunlight with the lattice spacing. The coverings can also be used to grow ivy and flowers. A landscaper can install them more quickly and save you time. You can also plant high hedges around the edge of the backyard. To maintain privacy, you can enclose your spa in a hot tub gazebo.

Numerous Options and Choices

Your back yard is an awesome place to relax and unwind after a hard day's work. You can commune with your family and with nature there. Privacy and beauty can go hand in hand with a little creativity. High-quality landscaping materials and vividly colored plants will help. Your patio can be painted with colors to match your personality. A unique look can be simply achieved through the addition of pretty rugs and aromatic candles, and for a really unique look you can add elaborate statues.

Placing a birdbath in your backyard will encourage pretty birds to stop by. Stones or other sturdy material can be used in its construction. You can have different types of birdbaths, pedestal or hanging.

With just a little creativity, you can turn your backyard into something wonderful. You do not have to have a large yard to make it awesome, just a little bit of creativity. What matters most is how you use your imagination to transform the space you have into a beautiful outdoor paradise.

As an expert on the Santa Clarita Valley real estate market for more than 30 years Pam Ingram loves the idea of having a backyard paradise as a place to unwind after a long day. In fact Pam has noted that a number of the new homes in Santa Clarita had paradise in mind when their backyards were constructed.

Home Remodeling Books

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

One Thing at a Time

Are you a multi-tasker? Most of us are - particularly women. We have to be, right? Otherwise things just wouldn't get done.

Like many other people, that's what I used to believe. I used to think that if I did more than one thing at a time it meant that I was more efficient with my time; that I was getting more done. In fact, the opposite is true.

What actually happens when you do more than one thing at a time is that your energy is scattered. The energy that you're putting into whatever tasks you are doing is scattered, making you less effective and meaning that you don't do such a good job of anything.

I remember sitting in an internet training class recently. We all had our laptops with us as the instructor was showing us how to do certain things and taking us through it step by step on the screen. Each time there would be people who would complain that "my screen doesn't look like that" or "it's not working for me". These were the people who had been busy checking their e-mail or doing other things on-line while the instructor was talking. The result - they were scattered, they became frustrated, the instructor became frustrated with them for not paying attention, and the rest of the class became frustrated with them for making everything take twice as long as it needed to. Did they learn from this and pay attention next time? No. Checking e-mail was too tempting. Listening to the class must have been too boring.

Think about how often you do this. You're talking with someone on the phone and you're checking your e-mail or doing something else on your computer at the same time. Do you know what this actually does for your relationships? You then start to wonder why your relationships are not satisfying any more, it's because the energy you're putting into them is scattered. Next time somebody is talking to you, whether it's on the phone or in person, try giving them your full attention. Stop thinking about other things, like what you've got to do next, or what you're going to prepare for dinner. Give them your full attention. If you do this you'll start to find that your relationships will improve. You'll get on better with your family, your spouse, your co-workers. Why? Because you're being fully present with them. You're actually listening and connecting with them instead of only partially interacting with them.

Try this also the next time you're doing a task. You're doing something and the phone rings, so you pick up the phone and talk and continue with the task that you were doing before the phone rang. Next time, just continue with the task and don't answer the phone. When you are doing something and you put your full attention on it, give all your energy to it, not only do you do it much better - the quality of it will be much better - you'll also probably find that you can do it faster and more effectively.

I know it probably sounds counter-intuitive. It does seem like you'd get more done if you did more things and multi-tasking often seems like the only way to go. But I invite you to try it and see how it really can make a difference - here's what you'll find:

You'll feel calmer, less stressed
You'll be more focused
You'll be more efficient and productive
Your relationships will improve
People will like you more and you'll like yourself much better too
The quality of what you do will improve dramatically
You'll be much less scattered, more energized

There's no great mystery to this. It's simply being present with whatever it is that you're doing and not allowing yourself to get distracted. If you're a chronic multi-tasker it might be difficult to change, but I encourage you to try - you'll be glad you did.

Linda Binns shows you how to be more successful in all areas of your life by working with your environment. Sign up for her free 9-step E-course at

Linda Binns is author of Feng Shui for Your Relationships: Changing Your Environment to Create Better Relationships. She has been a Feng Shui Practitioner, Author, Speaker and teacher for over 10 years. She has appeared internationally on television and radio and in local publications. Linda is also the founder of The Feng Shui Success Institute - which teaches in-depth Feng Shui training and practitioner certification.

Patio Books

Monday, July 27, 2009

Turn Your Bathroom Into a Spa Oasis With Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, the bathroom is a sanctuary where you nurture yourself.

Does your bathroom rejuvenate you in the morning and help you relax and unwind in the evening, or does it create chaos, increase stress and promote tension in your life?

Consider the following aspects of your bathroom and implement some of the suggestions to create a spa-like experience that uplifts your energy and renews your spirit.

1. Colors: The best colors for a bathroom include lighter shades of green, yellow, blue, silver sage, lavender, and yellow.

The bathroom already has an enormous amount of water energy represented with the sink, tub, shower and toilet. Colors that incorporate the "wood" element, such as light blues and greens, feed the water element and create a sense of balance.

Avoid colors such as red, purple, emerald, navy, brown and black; they make the room feel smaller. Additionally, red, purple and black represent the fire (red and purple) or water (black) element, which can make the water element in the room undesirably strong.

I recently worked with a client who had a small bathroom decorated entirely in red. The room felt tight and constricting. I felt my body tense as soon as I entered. I suggested that she paint over the red with a lighter cream or white and introduce green accents in the form of a shower curtain, rug and towels. Her bathroom now feels like a lush, personal oasis that she loves.

2. Life Energy: Many homes I visit have a lot of candles in the bathroom, especially on top of the toilet tank. While it's relaxing and romantic to soak in a tub by candlelight, candles represent the fire element, which actually strengthens the water element already in the space.

Instead of candles, bring live plants into the bathroom to balance the water element. You can even replace those candles on top of your toilet tank with a lush green plant.
Of course, you can keep candles in your bathroom. Simply store them of sight when you are not using them, or keep only a few displayed. This change is easy and inexpensive to implement, and you'll notice a difference right away.

3. Proper Ventilation: You want good air flow throughout your whole house to promote the flow of chi, but it is especially important to have proper ventilation and fresh air circulating in the bathroom. Run the fan when you take a hot shower so you don't create mold and mildew in the bathroom.

4. Scents: Your bathroom experience should encompass all your senses. Small pots of fresh herbs, such as lavender, rosemary or sage, add a relaxing scent to the space, while offsetting the water element in the room. Try to avoid using air fresheners that may add toxic chemicals to the air; look for natural alternatives whenever you can.

5. Organization: What do you see when you walk into your bathroom: the curling iron, makeup and brushes scattered across the vanity? Or do you notice bath salts, folded towels, organized baskets and soothing lotions?

Consider organizing the space to display items that are pleasing to the eye. Keep your hair dryer and other styling tools tucked away out of sight. Even when they're not turned on, these items emit electrical energy that can energize a space too much.

6. Lighting: Make sure your bathroom is well lit and that you have additional lighting options such as multiple lights or lights on a dimmer.

7. Mirrors: Bathroom mirrors should permit you to see your entire face. If the mirror is not hung at the proper height, and the image cuts off the top of your head or chin, it is slicing your energy. This can lead to problems of self-esteem or feeling "incomplete." It's best to have one mirror rather than multiple panes of mirrors, so the mirror does not cut your image into segments.

8. Etiquette: The toilet seat should always be down with the toilet lid closed. Do you really want that bacteria going into the air when you flush the toilet?

9. Proper Maintenance: Fix any leaking faucets and keep the fixtures clean. Dripping water is said to "drain" your wealth and can lead to financial difficulties.

These are just a few ways you can incorporate Feng Shui into your bathroom and your life. For additional information, visit for your free Feng Shui Tips. Written by Feng Shui Consultant Ken Lauher.

Furniture Restoration Books

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Amish Lifestyles in a Modern World

I consider myself a normal person in the fast-paced world, probably just like you. We have our luxuries that we take for granted and never even notice we have them unless we have a power outage. Through my relationship with the Amish, and my desire to learn more about their customs and work ethic, I recently offered my services to assist one of the families of fourteen (14) on their small family farm. I was soon regretting that decision. I found myself assisting the young Amish children, ages 7 through 13, in throwing wheat sheaves onto a horse drawn hay wagon . Needless to say, the young Amish children put me to shame. I could not keep up!

I have learned that the Amish are very hard working and decent people with an unbelievable work ethic . They are trained from a very young age that if a job is worth doing it is a job worth doing right. That instilled value is what makes their products so special. They live a very simple life with minimal furnishings in their homes. It goes without saying that there are no refrigerators, televisions, computers, radios, electricity, telephones, fans, etc. What took me by surprise was finding there are no pictures, doilies, what-knots, or even couches inside their homes! An Amish home is furnished with wooden beds, handmade quilts, basic dressers, a kitchen table with a few hardwood chairs, and wooden floors without even a throw rug.

The families within this area are carried in a black buggy type carriage, which is pulled by horses. It is not unusual to see a young boy around the age of 9, controlling a team of horses pulling him around a field on a wagon or buckboard. These wagons have wooden wheels with large spokes or thick steel wheels. The wagon wheels have to be sturdy in order to carry logs to the sawmill or hay to the barn. The Old Order Amish do not use rubber on their wheels; even the hub is wood. A metal band (steel tire rim) actually rolls on the roadway. The wheels are a lot like the western wheels shown on the covered wagons except a little bit more narrow.

Amish handmade unique gift ideas for your country western home and garden decor. Rustic horse drawn buggy wagon wheels, cannon wheels, handcrafted baskets, heavy duty barn stars, quilts, fine furniture, birdhouses, and rustic furniture for your log cabin or to decorate your primitive landscape. Proudly made in the USA. Vernon Christian, dba Amish Wares, 877-644-6229.

Did Jesus Actually Ever Get Mad - Video

Persistence Or Failure In Goals

A Calling to a Career in Ministry

Do you want to be part of a community of believers committed to learning about god? Pursuing a degree program based on faith is an exciting prospect for some students. When you earn a degree in Christian studies, you are teaching yourself to share the message of Jesus with the world. Your Christian studies degree can lead you - not in to temptation, but in to a variety of ministerial and service positions around the world.

What They Do:

Ministers work to spread the word of god. They act as counselors and spiritual guides for members of their church and the community at large. They not only lead their church, but they coordinate educational and leadership programs as well. Ministers are mainly responsible for overseeing and managing the daily activities of the church.


Earning a degree in Christian studies or theology can get you started on a road to several interesting careers. Your basic coursework will cover basic curriculum in areas such as sociology, history, and civics. You will also be required to take courses that are focused on history and history of world religions. You will take classes that further your learning of god and his word like courses in scripture, theology, ancient languages, church history, and ethics.

Job Opportunities:

Earning a degree in Christian Studies can prepare you for other careers than simply ministry. There are opportunities in fields such as life ministries, religious systems management, and education. You can also find careers in nonprofit, publishing, and education. Museums also hire people with a background in art and religion to work in specific areas of expertise. Salaries tend to vary in this field. Your salary may be in the $40,000 range, but the work you do is priceless.

Mary Hart is an in-house writer for and has been writing about online business degree programs since 2004. To find out more information about earning your online Christian studies degree, click here.

What Was Jesus True Message To His Followers

Change Can Lead To Suffering

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Words Create Powerful Beliefs

Could you imagine someone telling you that if you don't do something, you're going to suffer a horrible punishment and possibly death, because you chose to ignore their message. Can simple words create powerful beliefs, isn't this what some religious doctorines create? Even the media does it, think about it the next time you turn your television on or read the newspaper.

You seem to believe something because someone told you that's how it is and when you go to question them, they simply repeat the simple statement, that's how is. It's hard to imagine a few words, articulated almost perfectly can create an overwhelming emotion in someone.

The Germans used propaganda to create fear with a few of these words. It's not just a few of these words, there's more power behind these words if their repeated often. These words can build up someone's hopes and dreams or tear them apart.

Is there a quote that you're fond of? You probably memorized it and it has some sort of significance or creates a certain feeling when mentioned. Quotes are organized words that create powerful beliefs in some people.

If I mention the words," I have a dream" you probably think of Martin Luther King. These four words meant a lot to people that were struggling for their freedom, not only in America but around the world. These words are a example of powerful words that have created a wonderful feeling.

When these powerful words create fear you know it. If you watch the news, night after night and they keep telling you how bad the economy is, it doesn't take long before you believe it. You tighten up your budget and stop spending money, because you are now fearful and don't want to lose what you have. When everyone starts holding onto their money, the economy actually does become worse over time.

Can simple words create powerful beliefs? Yes obviously they can and they do, so be careful when listening to words that create fear and try not to spread this fear around to others. Fear can be turned into relief if the right words are used, I would suggest using happy words to create a happy world. Have a nice day.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, The Magic of the Believing

Greg is currently working on a self improvement articles filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion

What About The End The End Of The World

Lou Holtz

Friday, July 24, 2009

How to Find a Spiritual Community

Spiritual communities provide benefits we can't find in other social circles. Throughout known history, people have sought out such communities. And in these communities they revealed the most important and personal developments in their lives. Joys and sorrows, vows and confessions, hopes for a better life beyond life on earth, and fears of eternal abysses have all been shared in spiritual communities around the earth. And yet, spiritual communities have also been the causes of much deep-set heartbreak and disappointment. Corruption and depravity have destroyed churches, synagogues and mosques, as well as numerous alternative spiritual communities. Then the faithful often scatter, and some decide to never trust or be a part of a spiritual community again.

How can you know if a spiritual community is likely to be strong and hold integrity or become corrupt and fall apart?

Common Pitfalls for Spiritual Communities
The quality and dedication of a spiritual community's leadership is central to its success or failure. The most common cause of a spiritual community's breakup is the fall of the leadership into sexual or financial scandal and opportunism.
Spiritual leaders often are confronted with great temptation to abuse the trust their congregations or students have given them. Misguided or troubled members may offer sexual favors or naively believe that sexual relations with a spiritual leader will help them grow spiritually.
Many religious and spiritual organizations also keep no checks and balances on the moneys generated through their membership and services, and the leaders are allowed to take extravagantly from the generosity of others who trust them.

Finding the Right Spiritual Community for You

How then might you find a spiritual community with integrity? You can start researching the websites of various groups. Do note that there are hate-groups and people who deride almost all small spiritual groups, so do not go by what they are saying on the Internet.

Instead, if you see a group that interests you and that resides in a place you are willing to travel to, find out if they have introductory classes or services which you could attend to get to know them. Ask about their sexual and financial mores: Do the leaders or ministers sleep around? Do they make exorbitant salaries that are not commensurate with what their typical members make? Do they live ethical lives?

When you visit the communities you are considering joining, trust your heart. Is there an atmosphere of warmth and love that is also honest and open? Does this group help their members learn better communication skills? Do they teach how to develop a deeper relationship with God?

You will want to know yourself enough to know what you are looking for. If you want a quite in-depth spiritual training program, then you will need to find a place that offers that. If you mostly want a social spiritual group, then look for that. Take your time, trust your heart, and treat yourself to a spiritual community with which to grow and deepen.

Mother Clare Watts is a mystic, ordained priest, Master Teacher, and Co-Director of an independent, mystical Christian Order and spiritual school that has spiritual centers, called Centers of Light, in 15 cities nationwide. She holds a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology, with extensive post-graduate training in Jungian analysis, is a Certified Professional Midwife, and has enjoyed successful careers in both fields. She is the mother of four grown children and currently lives in Dolores, Colorado, where she directs The Peace Temple Initiative - an organization working to build a retreat center for peace workers from around the world. She is a nationally known speaker and lectures in a different city nearly every weekend of the year. She has also been a featured guest on several radio broadcast programs, including Wisconsin Public Radio's At Issue with Ben Merens, Contact Radio in Seattle, and Seeing Beyond in San Francisco. Jim Lewis, author of The Oxford Handbook of New Religions, as well as 11 other works, and leading scholar internationally on new religious movements, is currently writing a scholarly book about the Order that Mother Clare co-directs, expected to be published in the spring of 2009.

Mother Clare has found recent acclaim as the author of the book, Giving Birth to God: A Woman's Path to Enlightenment. This moving account of her life tells of her journey through yoga ashrams and Sufi training schools to find a mystical Christian spiritual school with Master Teachers. Wonderfully moving stories give an in-depth rendering of the inner spiritual path. As she writes in the book, "Each of us was created with the full potential to become masters over everything on Earth, not so that we might dominate the Earth, but so that we might bless it with consciousness."

To hear Mother Clare's podcasts, visit

Who Said The Bible Was Easy To Understand

Spiritual Benefits

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Breathing Your Troubles Away - The Way You Breathe Can Heal and Transform Your Life

The breath has the capacity to ease pain and soften tension.When you concentrate on breathing, your mind is able to gather together all its scattered energies. Your mind becomes much more focused, quiet, and clear. In fact, when you focus on your breathing, you are in the present, in the here and now. You are able to truly shift from one state of consciousness to another.

The Breath Moves Consciousness

Some great thinkers have actually said that the breath has the power to actually move matter and consciousness to new states of being. The breath is the life force.. When you focus on breathing, you focus on directing the life force within you This focuses and quiets your mind and helps you move energy. That's why it's so powerful to breathe into your difficulties. It moves them, shifts them, transforms them.

Rapid, Anxious Breathing

Notice your breathing when you feel anxious and uncentered. It's high up in your chest, and it's shallow and rapid. Some people feel as if their feet are going to leave the ground. Others break out into pronounced sweats. Rapid breathing and fear thoughts can create the perception of anxiety.

By breathing more deeply and bringing your breath down into your belly, you'll feel a greater sense of peace. You pay attention to what's bothering you, then breathe into your issues and breathe them out deeply transforms your life experiences.

Constricted Breathing

When you open and relax your breathing, you're able to release and transform old habits of mind with greater ease. The Buddha said, "Being sensitive to the whole body, the yogi breathes in; being sensitive to the whole body, the yogi breathes out."

When we inhale, the air comes into the inner world. When we exhale, the air goes out to the outer world. The inner world is limitless, and the outer world is also limitless. . . . Actually, there is just one whole world. -Shunryu Suzuki, The Enlightened Mind

Want to learn more about life transformation, spiritual growth, and healing? You can download our 100 page free ebook, Extraordinary Healing at You can also subscribe to our wonderful free monthly newsletter, "The Transformation News." Marilyn Gordon is a board certified hypnotherapist, teacher, speaker, healer, school director, and author with over thirty years of experience. Her latest book is The Wise Mind: The Brilliant Key to Life Transformation and Healing.

Prayer In My Earlier Life and Its Effects

Cookie Thief

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Conversations With My Master About Quantum Physics


For 30 years I studied with my spiritual master, I.F. Now that I look back I can see that he understood the Laws of Quantum Physics and he taught it to me in all the occult and mystical examples and sciences he used. Only he used the language of the discipline he was teaching. Runes, Tarot, Astrology, Hermetics, Numerology and Egyptology.

It is only now when I look back in retrospect that I see the seeds of the Laws of Quantum Physics in his words and writings. Years before Quantum Physics became in known to the masses.

Now, part of my dharma is to not only carry on I.F.'s work, but to also, to the best of my ability, show the golden thread of the Laws of Quantum Physics that ran through all of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings.

Here is a very basic description of the Laws of Quantum Physics that I use as my measuring stick.

"There exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean, or the Mind of God. Everything that ever was, is or will be is contained in the quantum ocean. There is no time there, No past, present nor future. Only the Now! There is no space there, only the HERE!. Therefore the Mind of God or the Quantum Ocean is an infinite point in the HERE-NOW!. We all live in two realities. Our physical one and our quantum ocean one.

Inside the quantum ocean are divine blueprints, or energy patterns or energy matrices that when projected onto the physical plane become part of our reality.

Thoughts are things and what we think we attract out of the quantum ocean and into our aura. Our aura is the energy filed that connects us to both our physical reality and our blueprint in the quantum ocean. We become what we think.

Here are some of the ideas presented to me over 30 years ago in the form of Study Letters by I.F. You judge the similarity to the Laws of Quantum Physics.

I.F. said that there is a blueprint for each person's life, but within that blueprint there are many possible variations and fluctuations,ramifications and many areas in which to operate

Every one's blueprint for life is to expand consciousness. To grow and become more aware of who and what we really are and to live in accordance with our blueprint. But the way we grow is up to the individual.

Life is a constant stream of choices. it is a choice from the very beginning.

As you expand your consciousness you make better choices. it is all a mathematical process. Use discrimination, wisdom and selectivity combined with balanced living to structure a whole (HOLY) life.

It fits so well with the ideas that thoughts are things and that we create our lives by what we think. We think thoughts or health, wealth and happiness along with the desire to be more conscious then we live a full productive life. The more conscious or god-like we become the better choices we make. The better choices we make the more conscious we become.

It works in the other direction also. The worse choices we make the more bestial we become and the lower our consciousness becomes. The lower our consciousness the more bestial. It brings up a very interesting occult question as far as reincarnation goes. According to some of the Eastern Religions you can be reborn as an animal. Something to think about?

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, radionics, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing. To see more of his writings visit his websites.


Or go to Google and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now." You can contact him by email.

How Many Disciples Were There, Really

Awfulizing Creates Negativity

Home Made Wind Mill - Harness the Wind to Create Electricity

Wind power is not quite a mainstream energy source yet, at least in the U.S., but it is for some a viable way to power their homes. It can be expensive to buy a wind power system, so some who have made the choice to use alternative energy sources instead opt for a homemade wind mill instead. Basically, a turbine for wind power is made up of three components.


This sounds simple enough, but keep in mind that a wind turbine should be built of strong materials which can stand up to the elements for at least five years. This periodic replacement is a great tradeoff when you compare it to the electricity savings of at least 10% over the next five or six years. You might want to talk to someone who has already built their own wind turbine before going ahead and building your own.

You can generate enough energy to power your home with a wind turbine that turns at an average speed of 10 mph. While you may not be able to generate enough power with wind alone to meet all of your electricity needs, you can store surplus electricity in batteries and even sell it back to the utility company in your area. If your home is in a very isolated area, however, wind power and other alternative energy sources may be your only options for generating the electricity you need.

Before you get started, make sure that you have all of the necessary supplies. Here's some of the most important:

Hardware and Wiring
Battery Backup
Tail and Body Assembly

Typically, a wind turbine is built like so: the rotor blades will face into prevailing winds. The wind turns the blades and the kinetic energy is converted into electrical energy. All of this happens in the shaft/motor assembly.


This is the pathway that the energy will follow. There are other elements (such as wiring) that will control the current and turn your meter back when you generate more power than you are using.

1. Once you have all of your materials together, then cut your blades from a round section of pipe - PVC is typically the material of choice, but remember to cut your blades to a uniform size for balance.

2. Typically, windmills rotate on a horizontal axis. This axis will be mounted at the top of your tower. For the sake of balance, the back needs to be longer than the front. Bolting your axis to the tower will keep it from rising up as it is turned by the wind.

3. Your tower needs to be sturdy, but that's the only real requirement. You can use metal pipes, a satellite dish stand or anything else which will be sturdy and stable. Use cement to secure it to the ground.

4. You'll need to wire everything together to make the system functional. Run wires from the motor to a controller for saving energy and then to the battery to hold excess energy. From this point, the wiring continues to the household electrical system via your breaker box.

These are the basics of creating a home made wind mill. If you are a bit handy and can use the tools you probably already own, then you can easily make your own home made wind mill.

To learn more about how a Home Made Wind Mill can significantly reduce your electricity bills while supplying you with unlimited power visit

Home Basement Books
Home Building Books

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Why Is Faith Important - Zig Ziglar Video

Zig Ziglar explains how come your faith is so important. Listen to one of the best motivational speakers in the world explain his belief in Christianity.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Wayne Dyer
Problems With School Bullies

Is Nuclear Power Safe? You Decide

Nuclear power is an alternative to using fossil fuels and it is something that many countries are researching. You will find that nuclear power plants are spread through out most major countries and that the governments are actually trying to stop the spreading of these plants, simply because of the danger that bring in the cases of nuclear accidents. A nuclear accident could end up destroying a large area of the country and eventually the world.

However, you will find that the nuclear power is mostly safe for the general public, including the public that fears nuclear plants. You will want to learn the process of nuclear power so that you can raise awareness about all of the benefits of the power, but become known and familiar with the disadvantages of nuclear power. With this knowledge the community can take a stand against nuclear power.

Uranium is the start of nuclear power. Over 99% of the uranium that is found in the earth cannot be used to create nuclear power. However, with that 99% is some that could be used for your advantage. Nuclear power works in much of the same way that burning fossil fuels work.

Heat is created in a process known as fission, and this heat is used to create steam. You might find that the steam is expanded and that is what runs the turbine generator. Then the generator will produce electricity that will be delivered your homes across the country.

When uranium rods are placed into a reactor you will get fission. Neutrons are sent to smash into the uranium, and the nucleus of the uranium atoms split in half. This chemical reaction causes heat, which is picked up by carbon dioxide that has been pumped into the reactor.

This process is safer than most people think. When the reactor gets too hot or over heated, you will find that a fire is caused and then uranium is let into the environment. However, cooling rods, made of boron, can be used to quickly stop the nuclear reaction process.

If the reactor gets too hot, boron rods are lowered into it with a special crane, and the boron absorbs the neutrons. In the case of human error, a backup system is set into place in which boron rods are automatically lowered into the reactor.

Also, you should find that the reactor can become flooded with nitrogen and water when the reactor is over heated. This permanently damages the reactor, so it is a last resort, but it is an automated system that prevents disaster.

You should learn both the advantages and the disadvantages for nuclear power before you make a judgment on whether it is good for you or not. You will find that there is a lot of use, but there are lots of risks too. This form of energy needs to be pursued with caution.

James Veach is an Alternative Fuel Enthusiest who takes pride in helping the average consumer. Learn options in the energy field that can bring you big savings when it comes to saving energy and fuel. Join the revolution against high energy prices today!

Free Energy Tips

Swimming Pool Books
House Renovation Books

Why is Tetra Pak Recycling Not Happening?

Tetra Paks are everywhere with two billion used every year in the UK, and yet they seem to be the forgotton rubbish. Recycling collections differ across the UK with some local authorities offering a much greater range of services than others. Tetra Pak recycling, however, is severely lacking on a nationwide basis, with only a few areas offering collection services. Other areas offer recycling banks, but many more provide no recycling facilities for these cartons whatsoever.

Statistics indicate that only 4% of the two billion Tetra Paks used each year in the UK are currently being recycled. So why is this? Councils are improving their recycling facilities for many products, so why not Tetra Paks? Well, there are seemingly a few reasons. Firstly, the government recycling targets are weight-based, which means that waste such as paper and glass go much further than light-weight cartons towards meeting these. In addition, there is concern from some councils about the fact that Tetra Pak recycling takes place abroad, thus providing more environmental concerns with regards to the transportation of the waste.

Tetra Pak are currently encouraging councils to offer more recycling facilities and have also been working with Tesco to provide recycling banks at some of their stores. Tetra Pak also offer advice and assistance to councils, who should be taking advantage of this. Recycling facilities within the UK would undoubtedly also make a difference, and perhaps the government needs to consider the wisdom of weight-based recycling targets.

The advantages of recycling Tetra Paks are clear. Firstly, the waste will then not be heading for a landfill site but for a recycling facility. And secondly, the recycled cartons can be used to make paper-based products and items such as garden furniture and playground equipment, reducing the need for virgin materials.

Hayley Jones is the Web Marketing Director of UK Energy Saving,

Information on recycling can be found at

Landscaping Books
Home Theater Books

Third eye Mediation - Spiritual Video

Ahhhhh is the sound of God and can be used for meditation. Listen to this wonderful sound and try to find God in it.

Question Your Religion

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religious help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Living With Out Limits
Problems With School Bullies

Monday, July 20, 2009

Drastically Reduce Your Electricity Bill

How about your electricity bill? Are you paying more than one hundred dollars for it every month? Did you try to reduce that bill but you couldn't effectively reduce its price to save money? Reducing that electricity bill is very important thing these days to save our money; I'll give you the best tip that cannot fail to drastically reduce that bill by at least 80%.

My tip is to build your own wind and power system which can be used to produce unlimited free electricity all the day. Building 2 or 3 wind or/and solar power systems can easily eliminate your electricity bill forever. There is nothing better than this technique to cut your power bill as never before.

Wind and solar are perfect green energy resources that can be used in any place all over the world. Solar energy can be used to make electricity even in cloudy areas. Wind can be also used in all places even in shinny areas. Those two energy resources are the best for our home electricity.

Electricity generated form wind and solar power systems can be used to power all electrical devices at home. TVs, PCs, washers, lights and all other electrical devices can be powered with this free electricity. There is no limit of the amount of electricity you can generate; it is all up to you. When you build more units, you will make more electricity and al for free.

So, how to build your own wind and solar power systems even if you have no experience on building such systems. There is one way to do that, you just have to download a step by step instructions guide written by an expert in the field. Following the installation steps is pretty easy and any one could easily understand the instructions to build wind and solar units in minutes. One hour from your spare time and a simple instruction guide are all you need to create electricity at home eliminate the electricity bill while saving the planet.

Ready to create electricity at home and drastically reduce your power bill, Learn how right now:

Home Siding Books
Handyman Books

Are We Angels and Are There Higher Levels

Are We All Angels, Watch This Video and Find out.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a spiritual and sell help articles filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Changing Your Thinking
W Clement Stone

Creating Renewable Energy Yourself is Easier Than You Might Think

Have you ever considered creating your own renewable energy? With rising energy prices, concerns about energy supplies and the environment there are many people who would love to be able to unplug from the grid. Most of these people never do anything to start generating their own energy and they also don't realize how easy it is to do. They just continue to spend $1000's per year without a clue that there is a better way.

With the ever increasing costs of living, there is no better time than right now to stop throwing money out the window and start generating your own electricity. However, you need an open mind and willingness to listen, because there are large economic interests that keep most people dependent on energy.

Many people are discouraged by the initial cost of setting up a renewable energy system. But what they don't realize is it doesn't have to be that expensive if you set them up yourself. You can create a solar system for less than $200 or a wind system for less than $100.

Imagine if you never had to pay an energy bill again. Knowing that your energy was coming from a clean reliable source. When the power goes out for everyone else you will still not be affected. And if you have a system with a large enough capacity you can even sell your excess electricity to the power company. Not only will you never have to pay them for your energy but now they will be paying you.

For full details and instructions visit my website.

House Foundation Books
Fireplace Books

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Meditation and Painful Problems

Adult Pier Pressure
Conversations With God

How to Save Money on Electricity With Alternative Energy

Are your electric bills getting out of hand? If so, then perhaps you should consider alternative energy options, to save money on electricity. Wind turbines and solar panels have been on the up rise for quite some time now. People from all across the world are producing their own electricity; it is time for us to grip the future. Start saving money now on electricity with alternative energy.

If you live in a blustery area, Wind turbines are a great way to save you money. Take the necessary steps and you will be on your way to saving money in no time. Although thinking about building your own wind turbine can seem like a hassle, it is actually a very simple, cheap, and can be finished in less than a day with the proper equipment. Previously buying units could be very expensive, now with do-it-yourself methods you can build a wind turbine for very cheap.

Another alternative is solar panels, if you live in a sunny area then solar panels is a great way to harness natural alternative energy and save a lot of money on your electricity bills. Solar panels have been around for a long time but are now more affordable than ever, due to rising demand and do-it-yourself solar panel plans.

Hopefully now you have learned how to save money on electricity with alternative energy. Consider using either a wind turbine or solar panels to generate your own electricity and save big every month. What are you waiting for?

Get your do-it-yourself solar panel and wind turbine instructions, complete with step-by-step video instructions, today.

Go green, save money and reduce your carbon footprint. What are you waiting for?

Drywall Books
Porch And Sunroom Books

Third eye Mediation - Spiritual Video

Ahhhhh is the sound of God and can be used for meditation. Listen to this wonderful sound and try to find God in it.

Question Your Religion

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religious help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Wandering Or Lost Souls
Voice Of Knowledge

To Reuse Or to Recycle?

Recycling comes with hidden costs. Sometimes those costs are higher than you think. On nearly every level of government from the federal all the way down to local, there is usually some form of recycling law or mandate. Several states, in fact, have gone as far as to require home recycling. But, as people become more educated with our collective impact on the environment, are we continuing to put an undue emphasis on recycling at the detriment of the other two modern recycling rudiments? Are we recycling when we should instead be reducing or simply reusing?

It would be foolish to claim that recycling is not an important part of the collective good that is conservation. Without the established recycling infrastructure, millions of tons of otherwise reusable materials would end up being buried in landfills or incinerated away to ash. If that number, millions of tons, sounds a little large, here's a smaller sample for you. In the 2005-2006 school year (the most recent available) Tufts University recycled 737 tons of cardboard and paper and 132 tons of bottles and cans. The reduction from one university is a good means to show how recycling collectively can have a dramatic reduction in the total amount of waste. Not too shabby.

Or is it? Yes, millions of tons of what would otherwise be refuse have been diverted from landfills around the nation. And judging from a quick walk down the paper isle of your local office supply store, a fair share of materials are making their way back to the market. And the use of recycled materials helps qualify somewhat for that second environmental pillar, "reuse." Somewhat, but perhaps not enough.

Let's take a look at the recycling process for your average aluminum can. After your can is picked up from either your curbside bin or the local disposal center, that can is handed off down a supply chain that varies in length based on bidders and geographical conditions. At some point, last night's can is ground up or shredded into chips. Those chips and grinds are then smelted down into molten metal and then formed into either bars or ingots that can be resold. Frequently these materials come back to us in the form of new parts of larger devices or new soda cans.

As you can see, the process from old aluminum can to new aluminum can involves a great deal of transportation and processing. While the volume of materials being transported at once can reduce the overall carbon burden of the process, the sheer act of recycling can have an unforeseen negative impact on the environment like increasing the dependence on ethanol has on the price of food. This causes one to think of the environmental savings of using an item constructed with post-production content not only in the initial resources it saved, but also in the energy and carbon that were otherwise expended to save the resources.

When small, easy to break down items like cans and newspapers are recycled and the materials are reused, the energy and carbon expenditures are relatively small due to the sheer volume of the materials. But what about larger items like computers, refrigerators, or cars? The resources required in collecting, moving, and breaking these devices down into raw materials that can be smelted and then reused is both intensive and costly, so much so that it's rarely done.

Thankfully, this is one instance where probability wins out. When an aluminum can is empty, the point of failure is obvious. When a fridge or car is considered junk, failure isn't always so certain. Large, complex devices have a multitude of parts, any number of which could have been the reason for failure. What didn't cause the failure, however, is likely to still be usable. As these large devices are built on the Ford concept of interchangeable parts, there is likely a built-in market for that part. What's more, these parts are premade, so once they are cleaned up and quality inspected, they are essentially ready to be resold, all without the resource and energy expenditures required to return these items to refined materials and then remanufacture them.

The lesson seems to be that going green is not as simple as the phrase "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" makes it out to be. Recycling has its own inherent costs, and what makes sense for cans does not necessarily make sense for cars. Sometimes, it's reuse before recycle.

For all your used auto parts and used transmissions needs consider the leader in parts, customer service and environmental concerns

Landscaping Books
Wood Stoves Books

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hang Laundry and Save Money & Energy

Energy savings opportunities are throughout your home waiting for you to take advantage of them. It's amazing to think about the money we could save and the contribution to helping to the environment we could make from changing our habits into simple energy saving habits.

Here's just one example and it would probably add just 10 minutes (at most) to your weekly laundry time. The idea is to hang just one load of laundry a week for it to air dry (instead of using the dryer). Can you even imagine the tremendous energy savings there would be if every household in the U.S. hanged JUST ONE LOAD of laundry a week? It would be amazing, an absolutely tremendous savings in energy and thus a major benefit to the environment. It would also SAVE YOU MONEY by cutting down on your gas and electric bills... and in these challenging economic times, who wouldn't benefit from lower bills?

If you are wondering how exactly to hang your laundry then you have many options to consider from hanging lines (for ex. with rope) in your backyard to purchasing a clothes drying racks. There are many hanging racks that are available for purchase online, so start your search today and start saving! Here's an even easier option for hanging shirts, skirts and pants that I learned from my mother. When we were growing up, our utility room had a closet which she used for hanging clothes. If you don't have a closet in your utility room you can use any closet in your home to hang your clothes. And just think, after time, you'll get so used to it that you may even start hanging more loads per week. What a money savings that will be!

There are so many other ways that you can make your home more energy efficient from choosing the right light bulbs to installing energy saving windows and doors. So consider hanging your laundry and you'll feel great about it!

Marcy Tate is a content writer for
At, we connect you with local, bonded cleaners who are trustworthy, quality professionals who are screened by us and reviewed by you. Need help with your laundry or cleaning? Make sure you click this link to Cleaning Networx to find a reliable, local cleaner in your area and to receive free quotes for your cleaning job.

Green Home Building Books
Home Theater Books

Spiritual Connection to the Earth

From an oversea's show, spliced to view the message from one elder (Floyd Red Crow Westerman) america has come and is destined to go. .. added the Elders Speak to the title

Life of Jesus

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a spiritual help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Fighting In Gods Name
Dealing With Macho Mentality

Friday, July 17, 2009

Home Energy Savings Tips

Home energy usage is something that will save you money in your check book and home budget if handled correctly. There are many things you can do to increase your home's energy efficiency, (like closing the door so heat will not escape) but this article will focus on a few specific things that will have the most impact..

With the rising cost of nearly every utility bill we need to look at our usage of the energy we use to determine where we can save money. Three obvious areas which we will focus on are

  • heating of our home
  • heating of our water
  • insulating our windows and doors

In heating your home, the thermostat is crucial to the number of times the furnace turns on and off. By updating your thermostat to a programmable thermostat, you get a much more efficient use of energy. The circular type has a 6% variance in temperature as compared to the programmable one which has a 1% variance. There is a little savings here.

The programmable thermostat is so sophisticated that you can program it to turn the furnace on when the temperature gets to a certain point, and turn off at another desired temperature. Not only this, but you can turn the furnace down while you are not at home, and program it to turn on 30 minutes before you arrive home so it will be warm when you get there. Likewise, you can turn the temperature down at say 10:30pm and then up again hour before you get up in the morning thus, you are not heating the home unnecessarily, By programing your schedule into the unit, you can have a considerable savings on heating your home.

As for the installation of a programmable thermostat, you can do it yourself and for around $55 for the unit you can start getting savings immediately. They are easier to install than to learn to program them.

Your furnace itself, can be more or less efficient, depending on the age of your furnace. If your furnace is over 15 years old, it likely is not an energy efficient one. You can get 80% to 90% energy efficient furnaces which coupled with the programmable thermostat, you will get the greatest savings.

Heating our water is another extreme amount of energy loss item in our homes. Consequently, we need to address what modern technology has to offer.
First of all, the traditional water heater is a great source of heat loss unless it is insulated. There are water heater "blankets" that are insulation that is wrapped around the water heater to hold the heat inside. You may shower and put the dishwasher through in the morning and then not need the hot water until evening for another load of dishes. The water heater is keeping the water hot all day, while heat is escaping unless the tank is insulated.

Technology has created the tankless water heater which is basically hot water "on demand," with no tank. Up until recently, these tankless heaters have been needed at each sink , shower, tub, and laundry facilities. Now they have developed a tankless unit that goes in the plumbing in the same position as the traditional water heater. Although these tankless heaters may cost a little more, the savings over the long haul make it worth the investment, year after year. At the very least, you'll want to insulate your water heater with an insulation blanket.

Another great loss of energy in your home is around windows and doors. Again, energy efficient windows and doors will help greatly in preventing loss, or lack of it, through windows and doors.

If you can see daylight under your outside doors or around your windows, there can be a lot of heat escaping through those holes. An insulation strip along the bottom of the doors will stop the infiltration of cold air for your outside doors.

Windows that have leaks can be sealed up by using a removable caulking for the winter months, as long as you don't have to open the window. The caulking can be peeled off easily when warmer weather comes.

If you don't believe you have any leakage around your windows and doors, just do an inspection of all your window sills and door sills after a great dust storm. If you find an accumulation of dust in specific places on your sills, you'll know you have a "leak", you just don't know where the leak is.

You can also check for leaks with a lighted candle during a wind storm. Move the candle around the edge of the window and if the flame is blown by the wind, you'll know exactly where the leaks are. NOTE: This method is extremely dangerous if you have draperies, so use extreme caution when using a candle.

By applying the above mentioned energy savings tips you can generally make a significant savings (up to 30%) in your home budget. I'm sure you'll agree, when it comes to money - "every little bit helps."

Linda Baxter is a piano teacher, and stay at home mom of nine children, (22 grandchildren) who acted as General Contractor for building their retirement home. She hired and paid sub-contractors, was overseer of all construction work (with the help of her husband, RL), and did most of this from her "armchair".and telephone. She freely shares her experiences on her website,, hoping to help other potential owner/builders escape some of the pitfalls she and RL experienced, of being their own General Contractor. BIO

Deck Building Books
Structural Engineering Books

Is the Bible Repulsive or True - Movie Video

Can you believe this guy, if you look up these verses in the Bible, you will see that there and there, but how did he come up with these ideas about the Sabbath, teenagers and the fact that the Bible is repulsive.

If you're really seeking the kingdom of heaven, the glory of God and the true vision that Jesus had, check out some great Christian articles . These articles are designed to teach and educate Christians.

We Know More About What We Dont

LED Strips Guide

Flexible LED strips are widely used as decorative lighting. You may find them in many areas, such as car and motorcycle decorative lighting, architectural decorative lighting, archway lighting, hallway lighting, stairway lighting, cove lighting and so on. They are easy to install and cut every 5-10cm. Besides, LED is energy saving, eco-friendly and long lifespan. Thereby LED strips also have these features. The lifespan is over 50,000 hours.

Main features:

1. LED. The light sources are usually SMD LED. 3528 SMD LED and 5050 SMD LED. The brightness of each types of LED is different. 5050 SMD LED is brighter than 3528 SMD LED. Usually, RGB LED strips are made by 5050 SMD LED.
2. Colors. The color can be white, warm white, red, blue, green, pink, RGB and so on. The price is different in different colors.
3. Quantity of LED. Usually the quantity of LED is 15PCS, 24PCS or 30PCS per 50cm. It also influences the brightness.
4. Length. In most of case, the length is 50cm. There are also 30cm, 60cm and 80cm length. However, you do not need to worry about it. Usually, every LED strip can be cut every 3 LED. That's 5-10 cm.
5. Waterproof or non-waterproof. Waterproof or non-waterproof are both available.
6. Working Voltage. Usually working voltage is 12V DC.
7. Power Consumption. Usually power consumption is from 2.4W to 3.6W every 50cm.
The above features are main factors. For more features, you may contact your suppliers.

How to Choose right LED strips in your project
After we know the above 7 main features, it's easy to choose right products in you project. You just need to tell your supplier the following requirements:

1. Colors. If you need RGB colors, you need a controller to control the colors.
2. Brightness(Luminous Intensity, Flux or other in your descriptions )
3. Waterproof or non-waterproof. If you need waterproof products, IP rating is also a factor.
4. Length. If you a very long strip in your project, you need a amplifier to keep the effect.
5. Input voltage. Usually you need a transformer to transform the voltage.
The above 5 factors are important to both your project and price. You may take more requirements in your project into consideration.

If you want to find appropriate and high quality LED strips, I am pleased to help. If you are interested in other LED lights, welcome to discuss with me.

Home Theater Books
Home Remodeling Books

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Video on Bible Facts

Can you believe this guy, if you look up these verses in the Bible, you will see that there and there, but how did he come up with these ideas about the Sabbath, teenagers and the fact that the Bible is repulsive.

If you're really seeking the kingdom of heaven, the glory of God and the true vision that Jesus had, check out some great Christian articles . These articles are designed to teach and educate Christians.

Put Your Plans Into Action
Judging Your Childrens Partners

The Future of Solar Energy Home

Dreaming and fantasizing are the first step towards innovation. People all over the world and especially in America are dreaming of a green world where there will be only solar power energizing the needs of the entire country.

Experts feel that in five years, solar power will be cheap enough to compete with conventional electricity, even in UK, Africa, Australia and India. If that is the case more and more people will use solar energy in their homes. In a decade, the cost may have fallen so dramatically that solar cells could undercut oil, gas and coal. Technology is leaping ahead towards eco friendly, pollution free and a green future with the advent of solar energy homes.

Companies producing solar products feel that the day is not so far off when all the cities in America and Europe generate their heating, lighting and air-conditioning needs from solar energy for their homes and on buildings with enough left over to feed a surplus back into the grid.

A piece of dark polymer foil, as thin a sheet of paper can cause this wonder. It is 200 times lighter than the normal glass-based solar materials, which require expensive substrates and roof support. Indeed, it is so light it can be stuck to the sides of buildings.

This can be mass-produced in cheap rolls like packaging and can be in any color to go with the structure and design of the solar energy home. It will be the icing on the cake when the capital cost of solar power falls below the rate of oil or gas. That will be the day when every individual would wish to switch to solar energy for their home use.

Scientists all over the world say that the future lies with solar energy. Using solar energy for home use like heating, cooking, driving car and for all other uses like charging your mobile phone, street lights and heating the swimming pool and powering your computer will become a way of life.
Just as the saying goes that sun never stops shining in California, a solar energy home will never lack the power required to run the house.

China is another country which is fast using this solar technology for its future growth. Japan already is moving in the direction of saving its excess power and the government there is helping device methods to save money on fuel. The future of solar energy homes is spreading rapidly in the east. The Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy is formulating a program to introduce solar energy to more than a million homes in the next few years.

India has long days and plenty of sunshine, especially in the Thar Desert region of Rajastan. With abundant solar energy available, this zone is attracting attention from the Indian government for its research purposes. Solar energy is being used in India for heating water for both industrial and domestic purposes.

Human beings may not be trustworthy but the sun is always kind and generous to mankind in general. Lets hope the future of solar energy homes all over the world is not very far away.

Chad Hartman is a solar power supporter and a staff writer for To learn more about solar energy and how you can benefit from it, please visit our site at:

Home Plumbing Books
Home Stucco Books

Interesting Tidbits About Green Construction

Going green used to be on the fringes of society, but now modern skyscrapers are being built using the philosophy. Here are some interesting things about the movement.

Green structures are not weird or ugly things. They are not necessarily geodesic domes or something that looks like a Mongolian Kurt. They do not have rows and rows of solar panels on the roof or a giant windmill in the backyard. At least, they dont have to look that way. The truth is that most green structures are indistinguishable from any other building based on appearance. Although style can be modern, it is not how they look they makes them a green structure.

Green structures are not always new buildings. The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for existing buildings (LEED-EB) program awards certificates to older building that incorporate green ideas, or make changes that support them. They also have standards for existing building that evaluate the environmental impact of work that has already been done. The green construction movement does not focus completely on state of the art type of technology alone.

The whole idea of going green is not an all or nothing proposition. Many people have the mistaken idea that this is so. They think that in order to be considered a green structure; it has to be built as one from the bottom up and from day one. The truth is that a building can be a little green. The idea is environmental protection and even the smallest change or improvement in a building that brings that goal closer makes it part of the green construction movement.

Green structures are not necessarily more expensive. Studies show that buildings consume more energy than any other sector. This includes even transportation and industry. So, energy savings can result in considerable money savings. Operating costs are often much less in green structures when compared to traditional ones. They are just more efficient. Commercial buildings retain and attract tenants better, and they lease and sell faster. There is actually a great deal of money to be saved through going green.

People spend 90 percent of their time indoors according to some studies. The United States Environmental Protection Agency reports that the air quality inside a building can often be two to five times worse than the outside air. Green structures are not something that is of concern to the other guy; it can benefit all of us. We all live, work, and often play inside buildings. We all breathe the same air and drink the same water. It is our issue.

Zack Verde is with - providing information on green building companies.

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Living With Out Limits

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Green Tariffs - Eco-Friendly Energy Consumption

With growing concern over the environmental impact of our lifestyles, most gas and electricity suppliers now offer a selection of green tariffs in an attempt to mitigate pollution and the release of greenhouse gases. In other words, they are working to clean-up their energy supply.

These tariffs come in a few shades of green, as there is a variation in both how the energy is generated, and what the supplier does with the money that you spend with them. Typically however these fall into three main categories: energy match, green fund and carbon offset.

Energy Match - This is where the supplier matches the amount of energy that you buy from them with an equivalent amount of energy from renewable resources.

Green Fund -where a portion of your bill is paid into funds that support (via investment) renewable energy projects, such as solar power, hydro-electric generation or wind farms.

Carbon Offset - this involves balancing carbon emissions with carbon-reducing projects elsewhere, such as reforestation. So emissions are not reduced at source, but they are evened out.

Ofgem Guidelines

To minimise confusion among consumers, Ofgem proposed two separate sets of guidelines in 2007. One covers tariffs for energy produced from renewable sources. The other covers tariffs for energy sources that have low carbon dioxide emissions. Ofgem's aim is to improve the information available so customers can make informed choices.

The guidelines rate low carbon offerings from A to F, depending on how low their associated carbon emissions are - with A being zero, and F being very high (over 1,000 g/kWh). As such, suppliers' tariffs are rated according to 'carbon intensity' - so customers can choose a low carbon energy supply.


* The CO2 scale allows customers to make an informed decision, based on the amount of CO2 produced.

* Customers can also see the respective mix of fuels used to produce energy.

* The actions being taken by suppliers to offset or reduce the environmental impact of production may be disclosed.

* From the customer's point of view, it's a painless commitment to doing something positive to help the environment; no action is required - apart from payment of bills on receipt!


* The CO2 scale ranks nuclear energy as a very 'green' source of supply, due to its low CO2 emissions. However most would argue that nuclear is far from a green energy supply!

* Green products / tariffs are traditionally more expensive, and this is not very clear to customers unless they do a full price comparison.

* Users may be better off choosing a cheaper tariff and making their own green arrangements e.g. planting a tree themselves, or offsetting CO2.

* Renewable energy is highly controversial and can have its own environmental impacts e.g. a wind turbine can be considered both beautiful and an eyesore!

To compare Energy Prices check out

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Aum Mantra Mediation - Spiritual Video

Ahhhhh is the sound of God and can be used for meditation. Listen to this wonderful sound and try to find God in it.

Question Your Religion

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religious help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

One Step Away From Success
How To Create Good Habits

Saving the World One Solar Panel at a Time

In this increasingly environmentally aware and money conscious world, more and more people are choosing to use solar power systems in their homes. A solar powered house uses less electricity and is better for the environment. But many people are worried about how much it costs. This article will tell you how to install solar panels onto your home so you can save money in the future.

Electricity from a light source is called photovoltaic. This solar power system converts sunlight into electricity that can be used to run common household items like lights, appliances, and computers. A solar photovoltaic (PV) system enables you to generate electricity from the sunlight, which is an inexhaustible resource that costs you nothing. PV systems do not need fuel, do not cause pollution and can last for as many as 25 years with very little maintenance. Over its lifetime, a PV system located on the roof of your house could save about 34 tons of greenhouse gasses.

The amount of electricity produced by a PV cell depends on the strength of the light which it received. For that reason, PV cells usually produce more solar electricity when it is sunny than they do on overcast days. This doesn't mean that the solar system can not function when it is cloudy outside. Recently PV technology has been used in the roofs and walls of houses, businesses, and factories in city areas.

When choosing the solar power system that suits you best, take into consideration the amount of power you want to generate using solar panels, price of materials and installation, and how much natural sunlight is available. You can put as many solar modules on your roof as will fit. However, remember that putting in too many modules decreases in the cost effectiveness. Use a Solar Pathfinder to do a solar site survey. This will help you find the net energy output of partially shaded modules, and you will then be able to decide whether adding solar panels is worthwhile.

By installing a solar powered system onto your house or company, there can be some great financial and environmental benefits. Solar panels not only decrease or get rid of your utility bills, they may also significantly increase the value of your house. Your solar system will pay for itself in five to ten years with the money you save on heating and cooling your home. Additionally, many rebates are available from the government to homeowners who take such steps to be environmentally conscious. Speaking of the environment, there is no comparison to solar power. This type of fuel has no cost, is clean, and is renewable. As costs go down for technology, additional people make the move to go green. Using solar energy is only one way you can help save the planet and its resources for generations to come.

Martin Landex is a handyman who has worked with Sacramento licensed roofing contractors for more than 25 years. Martin noticed an explosion in the trend of solar panel installation by home owners and businesses in the Sacramento area. Because of this demand, 85% of his business is now spent working with Sacramento solar roofing contractors.

Flipping Houses Books
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Conscious Creation In the Universe Movie Video

Here's a different point of view of how life originated in what's going on on our planet and throughout the universe.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a spiritual and sell help articles filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Dealing With Selfish Thoughts
Gregs Videos

Save Money & Be Energy Conscious - Use a Hybrid Heating System For Your Home

Hybrid Heating Systems are a Growing Trend

The use of "Hybrid" Heating Systems is becoming a very common practice. With fuel prices acting like a ride at the county fair, (out of control and unpredictable) the installations of Hybrid, or Duel-Fuel Home Comfort Systems has increased dramatically. The Duel Fuel application allow you, the homeowner to have more control over your heating expenses by only using the most economical fuel choice when needed.

Home Comfort for the Energy-Conscious

For colder climates, a hybrid heating system, including a gas furnace, heat pump and coil, offers the flexibility of multiple fuel sources to establish and maintain a comfortable indoor environment with optimal energy efficiency.

What is Hybrid Heating?

Hybrid heating systems consist of an electric heat pump and a gas furnace that alternately work to maintain desired indoor temperature and humidity levels year-round. When moderate heating is required, the system selects the heat pump as the most energy-efficient source of heat. On colder days, the system automatically switches to the gas furnace for more economical heating efficiency. Normal heat pump systems utilize electric resistance back-up heat strips that are very expensive to operate. By having the gas furnace in place of this electric heat, efficiency rises dramatically. During warm weather, the heat pump reverses its cycle and functions as a central air conditioner.

Reduce Energy Use and Save Money

A hybrid heating system provides:

Enhanced year-round comfort due to more uniform indoor temperatures and humidity levels

A choice of two fuel sources, which means greater operational efficiency

The flexibility to respond to fluctuating energy prices by using the most economical fuel source (this can translate into lower utility bills when thermostats are set correctly)

Compared to a traditional furnace alone, a hybrid heating system may cost more initially. The reason for this is that heat pumps are normally slightly higher in initial cost then straight air conditioning, and the use of a high efficiency gas furnace in place of a standard air handler will also increase the price as well. And, because its greater operational efficiency translates into reduced energy use, the money saved each year on fuel costs can quickly make up for the extra initial investment.

Be Eco-Conscious

By installing a hybrid heating system, be sure to ask what type of refrigerant the heat pump uses. Opting for a heat pump with environmentally friendly R410A refrigerant is a great way to "Go Green" This chlorine-free refrigerant is better for the environment and transfers heat more efficiently. You ultimately will be saving money on your utility bill, while being environmentally conscience. What a great "two for one."

Jay Boyd owns his own heating and air conditioning store Home Air Direct where he helps the do-it-yourselfer save money. His blog site Ask Boyd contains numerous tips and stories involving the HVAC industry.

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