Monday, July 20, 2009

Creating Renewable Energy Yourself is Easier Than You Might Think

Have you ever considered creating your own renewable energy? With rising energy prices, concerns about energy supplies and the environment there are many people who would love to be able to unplug from the grid. Most of these people never do anything to start generating their own energy and they also don't realize how easy it is to do. They just continue to spend $1000's per year without a clue that there is a better way.

With the ever increasing costs of living, there is no better time than right now to stop throwing money out the window and start generating your own electricity. However, you need an open mind and willingness to listen, because there are large economic interests that keep most people dependent on energy.

Many people are discouraged by the initial cost of setting up a renewable energy system. But what they don't realize is it doesn't have to be that expensive if you set them up yourself. You can create a solar system for less than $200 or a wind system for less than $100.

Imagine if you never had to pay an energy bill again. Knowing that your energy was coming from a clean reliable source. When the power goes out for everyone else you will still not be affected. And if you have a system with a large enough capacity you can even sell your excess electricity to the power company. Not only will you never have to pay them for your energy but now they will be paying you.

For full details and instructions visit my website.

House Foundation Books
Fireplace Books

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