Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hang Laundry and Save Money & Energy

Energy savings opportunities are throughout your home waiting for you to take advantage of them. It's amazing to think about the money we could save and the contribution to helping to the environment we could make from changing our habits into simple energy saving habits.

Here's just one example and it would probably add just 10 minutes (at most) to your weekly laundry time. The idea is to hang just one load of laundry a week for it to air dry (instead of using the dryer). Can you even imagine the tremendous energy savings there would be if every household in the U.S. hanged JUST ONE LOAD of laundry a week? It would be amazing, an absolutely tremendous savings in energy and thus a major benefit to the environment. It would also SAVE YOU MONEY by cutting down on your gas and electric bills... and in these challenging economic times, who wouldn't benefit from lower bills?

If you are wondering how exactly to hang your laundry then you have many options to consider from hanging lines (for ex. with rope) in your backyard to purchasing a clothes drying racks. There are many hanging racks that are available for purchase online, so start your search today and start saving! Here's an even easier option for hanging shirts, skirts and pants that I learned from my mother. When we were growing up, our utility room had a closet which she used for hanging clothes. If you don't have a closet in your utility room you can use any closet in your home to hang your clothes. And just think, after time, you'll get so used to it that you may even start hanging more loads per week. What a money savings that will be!

There are so many other ways that you can make your home more energy efficient from choosing the right light bulbs to installing energy saving windows and doors. So consider hanging your laundry and you'll feel great about it!

Marcy Tate is a content writer for
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