Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Affirmative Thoughts

What is the difference between affirmative thinking and positive thinking? Well, for starters we can be absolutely positive that our lives are not going well. But our affirmative thoughts can tell us something much different and therefore, yield us different results.

Affirmative thoughts tell us that there are things that can yield positive results in our lives. They keep us looking for opportunities when others would only see the lack of opportunity. They can guide us into paths that will take us exactly where we want our lives to go. In short, they can lead us to the water that we are so desperately thirsty for.

Whatever you would like to attract into your life, whatever your result that you are looking for, you can lead yourself to this desire by making sure that your thoughts are affirmative in their nature. The thought of their being love all around you is an affirmative thought even though at that moment, you may be positive that their is no love in your current life.

The difference between affirmative thoughts and positive thoughts is somewhat small and yet very big all at the same time. The results that you yield are that difference. You will not always find that positive thinking in the traditional way is as beneficial as it has been described. You may also find that your practical side of your mind can easily negate those positive thoughts. Affirmative thoughts can be harder to negate and therefor hold more power in your life to lead you to something bigger and better!

Change your thinking and in turn, change your life! Go to and SIGN up for the FREE newsletter. BOOKMARK the site and keep coming back and watch your life blossom into whatever you want it to be!

Bryan Appleton is an author of self-help motivational literature as well as an entrepreneur and investor. He is a single father and has made it one of his life's goals to try and help other people live the lives they are dreaming of.

Make Money As a Paparazzi!

I'm going to go into detail on how make money as a paparazzi. There are two types of paparazzi you have the amateur and the professional. Both types of paparazzi can make allot of money. The first step in making money is finding the celebrities, without a celebrity making money will be impossible. The easiest and best way to find out where celebrities go is to do a Google search for the following keywords; Celebrity Events, Celebrity Hot Spots, Celebrity Spotting, Paparazzi hot spots, etc... Write down all the locations where celebrities frequent so you don't forget the locations.

Now that you have the locations you will now need to buy a camera. The type of camera you buy should be based on whether you want to do it as a fan or professional paparazzi. I recommend starting out slow and buy a cheap point and shoot camera. Make sure the camera is at least 5 mega pixels. If you decide to buy a professional camera buy a min Canon 20D which can be purchased for about $300 on eBay or Craigslist. I recommend a 50 D. assuming you purchased a professional camera now you need a flash for night shooting. I recommend min a 430 EX and high end you can get a 530 EX 2.

Ok now we will talk about what kind of paparazzi pictures sell. Once you see a famous person wait for them to do something like eating, kissing a friend, buying something etc. The idea is to catch them doing something! Just taking a picture of them walking sometimes isn't good enough. I've made tens of thousands of dollars off pictures of celebrities making out in nightclubs. The money shots are celebrities doing drugs, drinking, car accidents, fighting, signing autographs at movie premiers, you get the picture. Now that you got the money shot next thing is to find a paparazzi agency that will edit, market your celebrity pictures and sell them to the tabloids.

Now the question is how often and when do you get paid? Your first check from an agency can take up to 12 weeks often sooner. After your first check the money comes on a monthly basis sometimes allot sooner depending if you shoot video or still pictures. Video money comes in allot faster usually in 2 weeks or less.

Now hurry and go out and buy your camera and start making money!

Dave Styles
Web Site:

Is Your Religion an Illusion? Who is God?

Most people that I run into on a regular basis while out and about on my journey through life, seem to believe in something. Most of them when asked, fear death and are often looking forward to going to a better place, like heaven when they die. Some of them will start talking about all the good things they've done in their lifetime, while others live in a very humble world.

If you're a strong believer and are told not to read or listen to anything outside of your religious text. This probably comes from fear and will keep you living in your religious illusion of faithfulness. Jesus once said, Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

I'm sure that religious scholars can interpret this in a hundred ways and some of them will even make sense to people like me but the words are simple and straightforward. Seek and you will find is pretty simple to understand. If I'm looking for the answers while seeking the truth, I should be able to find it.

Here's where the problem comes in, why don't more people seek the truth. If you believe that seeking the truth is reading your religious text on a daily basis, read them with an open mind and soon you will find text that some of it is outdated, doesn't make sense, and some of it even contradicts itself. There is some wonderful information in these texts also. I've read some of the Holy Bible and love Proverbs and the Story of Job.

Just because I liked the stories and other parts of the Holy Bible, does it make me a believer in Jesus or the God of the Holy Bible. I can no longer agree with my past beliefs, how I was raised or have the same beliefs as the majority of people in my community. I am still seeking the truth but no longer falling into the trap and believe most religions create an illusion of a better life, but can't seem to deliver the goods, especially here on earth. The promise of something better entices some people to live a godly life but at what expense, sometimes.

There are plenty of religious followers who will tell you that they're happy and they love following their religion. Some of these people are liars, others are honest but most of them aren't very educated about their own religions or others throughout the world. Don't get caught up in the religious trap, that your religion is right and others are wrong. This could become more frustrating once you truly start to seek the truth.

Fooling Christians Today

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

The Root Cause of Problems - Lack of Knowledge of the Spiritual Truth

Believe it or not, the world system has put shackles and limits on our minds. It has only taught us what it wants us to know for its own self-serving reasons. The Bible gave us a clue when it said that "the love of money is the root of all evil." If you're reading this and don't have a spiritual based mindset your negative subconscious is probably telling you that I'm full of it. Nevertheless, that's okay - I understand.

But, here's the deal. We lack all the knowledge we need to achieve a happier, more blessed, and fulfilling life. We've been mis-educated and that is the root cause of all our problems. It's causing our relationship issues, debt, health and other problems.

In reality, our problems are not a lack of money, poor health, and non-harmonious relationships-those are the symptoms. Our problem is a lack of understanding of the root cause of the prosperity, good health, and fulfilling relationships.

The people who think they know do not really truly know, and they're giving us information that is shallow and not totally true. They may be giving us pieces of the puzzle but not the whole thing, which still leaves us puzzled.

After all the schools, religious teachings/sermons, self-help seminars, books, magazines, newspapers that we attend and read, we continue to be confused, unhappy, dissatisfied, and have a void in our lives. All because we have not been properly educated and taught the whole truth about life. We have gotten wrong ideas/thoughts/beliefs planted in our brains and subconscious minds, and they are difficult to remove even after you have learned the truth.

You may have learned something in the past that took hold of you and you believe it to be true, when in fact it was not true. When you finally do learn the truth, you don't accept it, the pre-existing belief has lodged into your subconscious mind and refuses to give ground.

Therefore, the lesson is to be careful what you believe when you first learn it, because a pre-existing belief is almost impossible to dislodge without great effort. If a new belief conflicts with an existing one, the existing belief will almost always win out.

Your mind plays tricks on you and it deceives you. It convinces you to stop trying to create change and believe in your potential to create an extraordinary life, because it's comfortable where you are right now - even if you aren't happy.

Examine your beliefs often; they are the core of what causes your happiness, health, and wealth. If they aren't producing the blessings you desire, it's time to reevaluate them and change. If they're beliefs that don't benefit you and serve you and mankind to the highest good, let them go and consider new, more blessing ones.

Beliefs are supposed to add to your life, not subtract from it; if they are correct and true you will flourish in all areas of your life. If they are not correct and true you will run into a lot of turbulence in your health, finances, or your relationships; causing emotional trauma, illness, and possibly death.

We have not been told the whole truth about life, e.g. God, our mind, and the universe. This is what is holding us back and keeping us tied to sickness, debt, lack of freedom, and unhappiness.

What is the solution? We have to be properly educated about life and how to use our minds to create change and a more blessed and fulfilling life. We have to let go of our old knowledge and beliefs that have been producing limited or no blessings at all and take away from the fullness of our life. We must begin to accept the knowledge and beliefs that serve us to the fullest for the good of ourselves and mankind. Letting go is going to be hard, but we can do it. We have to embrace new more spiritual-based thinking about our self, God, the laws of the universe, and life. The bible says, "And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free" and "The day and time will come when my people will worship me in spirit and in truth."

I believe that the day and time is here now. Don't miss the opportunity that life is offering you to grow. The fruits, blessings and rewards are well worth it - If you BELIEVE.

Greg Tharpe is one of the world's leading authorities on spirituality, spiritual growth, higher consciousness and awareness and human potenial. His mission and passion in life is to teach the spiritual truth seekers about their divine potential and power and how to use it to create heaven in their life despite all of the negativity that's going on in the world. He is the author of the book: The Godsend - How to Create Heaven in Your Life.

To purchase a copy of the book go to:

For daily enlightenment for spiritual growth visit:

Council Of Nicaea Conclusion

Third eye Mediation - Spiritual Video

Ahhhhh is the sound of God and can be used for meditation. Listen to this wonderful sound and try to find God in it.

Question Your Religion

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religious help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Game Of Life And How To Play

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Roadmap to Riches vs EDC Gold and Entrepreneurs vs Wanna-Be's

Do you have an Entrepreneurial mind set or do you have the Wanna-Be mind set? You might be trying to decide on EDCGold or Roadmap to Riches, but realize this, at some point you will be forced to choose which side of the fence you are on. I will be focusing on 12 definite differences between the dreamers and the one that make it happen. Below you will find the Twelve differences that I came up with, however, I am sure you will come up with a few of your own as well.

1. Wanna-be's obsess about ideas. Entrepreneurs, I like to call them, "E's", obsess about implementation. Don't get stuck in Analysis Paralysis, when deciding on the best home based business for you. Look at what the top income producers are doing and copy them. There is no need what so ever to re-invent the wheel.

2. Wanna-be's want or hope for more web traffic. E's focus on how best to get that traffic and high sale conversion. Nobody want to be a sales person so you'll want a system that will have a paint by number training system in place for yourself as well as for your new members, giving you the ability to earn ridiculous amounts of residual income. To my knowledge, EDCGold and Roadmap to Riches, both decent companies, don't have a comp plan in place for residual or passive income.

3. Wanna-be's focus on positive thinking. E's plan for multiple contingencies. "Changing your mind" is just as important as thinking positive, a person can't "only" think about positive things. In short, change your mind, empower yourself and combine this with research, education and targeted action, and in no time, you are bringing home a 6 to 7 figure income.

4. Wanna-be's want to get on TV and get "famous." E's grow their business and their member list. Let the ego go. Your only goal is to make as much money as possible and to empower people along the way to do the same as quickly as possible, not become the next, "I Love New York" star.

5. Wanna-be's seek a perfect plan and wait for the perfect time. E's implement, execute and take action when an opportunity arises. Entrepreneurs, or "E's, accept educated risk and are able to make big decisions quickly once they have all the information. Ezine Articles are a good place to obtain such information, and that would be by doing an search for EDCGold Review and the Roadmap to Riches Review

6. Wanna-be's hope for their winning lotto ticket or lucky break. E's take ownership, thus creating their OWN circumstances.

7. Wanna-be's fear looking stupid in front of their friends. E's are willingly risk making fools of themselves, knowing that long-term success is a good trade for short-term loss of image. Surround yourself with people who have proven results and copy what they do.

8. Wanna-be's hide their special ideas from reality, postponing the sometimes verdict of success or failure, in favor of "someday".' E's expose their ideas to cold reality as soon as reasonably possible.

9. Wanna-be's will only practice basketball if they have Air Jordan's. Entrepreneurs, or E's practice barefoot behind the garage. Stop waiting for the perfect time, the perfect opportunity, the perfect situation. This is your life, do the research, take decisive action now and stop procrastinating.

10. Wanna-be's would be O.K with giving up their first two sales like a new member must at EDCGold and Roadmap to Riches. E's wouldn't have to because they would have done their homework and found programs that let you keep all of your sales.

11. Wanna-be's believe they can do anything. E's many times consult with a synergistic team and use systems and technology to solve the variables that most people struggle with.

12. Wanna-be's think about the world in terms of COULD and SHOULD. E's think in terms of IS and CAN BE.

In conclusion here, I would just like to say whether you are investigating EDCGold, Roadmap to Riches or any of the other 1-up or 2-up programs online, you must, at some point make the choice to become an Entrepreneur or a Wanna Be? It is quite simple, change your mind and change your financial future. The world is yours if you really take to heart, these 12 differences. Figure out where you are, where you want to be, how much you want to make and don't settle for less!

Make sure to receive Holli Diel's Wealthy Marketer Newsletter Holli has proven leadership qualities and a Sales and Marketing background that spans over 20 years. She is a full time Internet Marketer and a Million Dollar Club Member, both in the U.S. and Canada. She devotes her time, energy, and efforts to her team's online financial success.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Scientific Theories to Support Religion

Can you believe in God and scientific theories of how the universe started.

Seek the wisdom and the truth shall set you free.

Hope in Religion

Buels Manual Of Self Help
Book Of Life

Sunday, April 26, 2009

How to Make More Money From Home and Quit Your Daily Job

Do you know that some people manage to make more money from home rather than working from 9 to 5 job? There is no doubt about it Internet Business is the perfect business for those of you who want to retire rich and live a much happier life.

Internet Business can make you more money simply because there are many people who want to buy absolutely anything from you if you have the right product from them. I'm not talking about 100 or 1000 potential customers but millions of them. Tell me, can you get this many customer if you open up a shop or something? You can if you have a very well known brand to begin with.

If you want to make more money from home, consider selling an information product on the Internet. The topic can be absolutely anything from training a dog or baking a cake. As long as you provide people with some useful tip, strategies and high quality content, people will definitely buy from you. Lets say you sell one ebook for $27 and you manage to sell 5 ebooks in one day, that will be $135 pure profit from you. In one month, your income has reach $4050. There is no other business in this world will give you this kind of profit ever.

You don't have to worry if you have nothing to sell because you can join any affiliate programs out there. There are many people have become millionaire just by selling affiliate products and you can do it as well. The trick is you need to treat your affiliate business like your own business. This way you can stay in focus and reach your goal.

Make more money from home is actually very easy if you have the right tools and guidance from the beginning. What if I tell you there is one system called The 10x Method Article Cash Machine System that can help you easily earn $1000 per month consistently without failing, will you be interested to join? I'm sure you will. The best thing of all, you only need to spend 1 hour of your day to reach that $1000 per month. Sound so easy because it is.

Discover The Secrets On How To Easily Earn $1000 In Just One Month From Now Consistently By Doing Less Than One Hour Of Work Per Day.

Check out for more details.

Governments Through History

Easiest Free Way To Make Money On The Internet

I'm not knocking people who want to make money online and don't want to spend any money doing it. There are many of us who simply don't have money to invest in a business and that makes spending money close to impossible. Well, this article is going to give you my top picks for making money online without having to spend any money at all. You won't make a fortune, but you should earn a steady income. Keep reading to find out how.

The best way is to write articles. Yes, you will have to bone up on your writing skill as you can't just write any old garbage and get it accepted. However, there are many sites out there that will pay you for the articles you write. Write them, submit them, get paid. It's that simple. And you'd be surprised how many sites I've found that actually pay for article submission. It's crazy. The pay ranges from about $3 per article to as much as $200 per article. Naturally, you'll have to have been writing a while to get that kind of money, but the opportunity is there.

The best part about writing articles for a living is that you can write on just about any topic that interests you. Most places that accept articles for pay have a wide range of topics that they accept. The requirements, for the most part, are very easy. Article lengths vary but most sites require only between 300 and 400 words. Some require between 500 and 600. It all depends on the site as each one has its own set of rules.

When I had more time to write, by just writing one article per day, which took me all of 15 minutes, I'd make about $300 a month. It's not a fortune, and now that I'm earning a 5 figure monthly income with a large business to run, I don't need to do this. But for somebody starting out, this is a great way to make money without having to put a single dent in your pocketbook.

In my signature, you'll find a resource that will not only show you, step by step, how to write articles for profit but also where you can submit them.

It really doesn't get any easier than this for making money online.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

If you want to get your hands on the best resource for showing you how to write articles and where to submit them to for profit, please visit my blog at where you'll find the best book ever written on the subject, hands down.

Wants And Desires In Life

Saturday, April 25, 2009

How to Make Money From Home Promoting Only One Program But Earning Multiple Residual Incomes

Everybody has only a certain amount of working hours and capacity in use to make money from home, so the idea is to use it as effectively as possible. That means that every hour you work must bring the maximum amount of results immediately and during a long period of time.

You Can Offer Several Opportunities In All Your Communications.

One of the most effective tactics to make money from home is to drive traffic to a website, which has lots of links to choose from. Your business plan conducts you, which kind of links you shall put on your page.

Another key factor is to use affiliate programs, which have multitier income systems, so that you can earn from the downlines of your own downline. When the program sells itself with the monthly subscription idea, you will get a real residual income every month.

The income system is very important thinking of your chances to make money from home and you have to examine carefully the terms before you will join any new affiliate program.

Use Affiliate Programs, Which Include Several Programs To Be Able To Maximize The Income.

Usually the subprograms form a package, where every single program is needed and where they support each other. This is a very wise strategy, because the affiliate really needs all of the programs to be able to run it and that will bring a nice multiple residual income to you.

In praxis this kind of an affiliate program can satisfy the needs of your online business, because the single programs can already be very profitable ones but especially the package can bring you a nice amount of residual income every month.

Usually this kind of a package includes a free website, a hosting program, several multitier affiliate programs and an advertising program. When a new affiliate will join this program, the hosting program is the only obligatory program and he can join for free to the rest of the programs and to upgrade his memberships later on to earn better.

Install Optin Form On Your Landing Page And Send Useful Information To Your List During A Long Period Of Time.

When you plan how to make good money online, the multichannel strategy is the most effective one. It means that you use several channels or mediums to reach your niches. Optin list, website, blog, articles, social sites, forums, etc..

Of course your strategy limits the amount of mediums and especially your chance to run them, but when you can automate some efforts, like sending emails to your list, it is wise to promote with this tactics too. You can install it once and the autoresponder takes care of the whole operation.

As you see it is realistic to think that by doing one work you can actually earn from several income streams and to use your energy wisely. This alternative is very profitable and offers great ways to make money online.

Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. How To Make Money From Home? Use Your Energy To Generate Multiple Ways To Make Extra Money With One Work And Automization. Visit: How To Make Money Online

Adult Pier Pressure

How To Make Money As A Product Tester Online

With the increase of an emphasis on market research being noticed at many large global companies, many firms are now looking at widening and developing their own areas of market research. The companies are looking at ways to enter different markets, and of ways of obtaining more precise and valuable research for their products. This is the reason that many online product tester positions have become available in recent weeks, with many of these companies actually looking to hire people to carry out simple product testing.

Many of these companies also carry out standard market research techniques, such as online survey panels where they pay people to answer surveys which are obviously related to their own market area. Although paying members of the public to answer these surveys, there is only so much information a company can gather from asking people for their opinions. This is why some companies have decided that they would pay people to test products online as well.

The companies that currently carry out paid product testing are using their website to try and find more product testers. So if you wanted to become a product tester online then you would have to find one of these websites, which is not a very easy process. There aren't too many companies that currently pay people to test their own products, so you will find it difficult finding a genuine company to apply to join as a researcher.

Obviously getting paid to test products online is a very rewarding and in-demand "job". Not only are you sent some of the latest products, months before they even become available to purchase in the high street stores, but you will also be getting paid to test them. Usually the market research companies reward people with gift vouchers for carrying out the product testing.

As a paid product tester you will be expected to receive packages through the mail and will be asked to use and test these products for a set period of time. You will then be expected to log-on to the market research website and give some feedback on the product that you tested. You will answer a basic survey online which will be used by the company to gauge the success of that product.

Learn how to Make Money Online at our website. Find the best free Paid Surveys to answer. Learn about the many different ways to earn money using the Internet. Discover various paid Product Testing opportunities listed on our Paid To Review website.

Overcoming Limited Beliefs

How to Use Money Affirmations For Successful Manifesting

Affirmations are an extremely effective manifesting technique. Affirmations create mental focus but they also help in altering your subconscious mind.

Let's say you would like to manifest 20, 000 dollars by this time next month you can begin to write out a list of affirmations that support that goal. You can write out on paper, "I now have $20,000." While that is the most often instructed thing to do it's not the most effective. Here is why.
Few people are able to believe that they are capable of making that sort of money. That immediate fear that you cannot do it creates a blog in your own mind and in your own personal energy. That block holds you back and out of the flow from manifesting that $20,000 goal.

The goal is not impossible but you are impossible

Your relentless desire to hold on to fear makes it impossible for you to manifest what you want. Fear is like a huge bolder. You can't go above it, you can't go around it, you surely can't go under it. All of this you experience even when your goal is an arm's length away from you.

Use Affirmations to Break the Fear Barrier

The moment you have a desire and begin to write out affirmations in support of that desire become aware of the fear bolder. It always comes, it happens for everyone. So it's wise to know that most effective way to use affirmations is to break down the fear bolder.

Make a list of the fears which enter your mind when you set a new goal

Write affirmations which dissolve those fears

When the fears are gone you are closer to manifesting your goals

The manifesting process looks something like this. Set your goal, recognize your fears, write affirmations to kill those fears, take action with power to towards your goals.

Would you like to learn 2 powerful Manifesting Techniques to become more magnetic to your desires? Sign up and receive Free Manifesting Software with Magic Money Newsletter.

Old Souls Of The World

Isn't It About Time Affirmations Were Fun and Got Results?

"I am wealthy," "I am healthy," "I am cheerful," "I am a money magnet," "I have faith and confidence in my future." How many times can you tell yourself these things without going unconscious? Especially when your inner self is asking, "Where are our results?" and all you can reply is "Let's say more affirmations." This is the old, "If something isn't working, let's do more of it," which is a sure-fire formula for being frustrated, discouraged, and feeling you've been let down.

Does self-suggestion work? I'm convinced it does.

Grazya Fosar and Franz Bludorf, in their book Vernetzte Intelligenz, point out that Russian scientists (whom they name) have discovered that the alkalines of our DNA (the genetic code, especially in the apparently useless 90%), follows regular grammar and has set rules just like our languages. "So human languages did not appear coincidentally, but are a reflection of our inherent DNA."

In other words, as they point out, human DNA is a biological internet and certain frequency patterns influence DNA information waves and thus the genetic message encoded in DNA itself!

DNA information patterns were captured by Russian scientists and the cells reprogrammed (which, I might add, we have the power to do up to a point by altering our self-talk from negative to more optimistic and upbeat). There are many other techniques we may employ to also transmit new information patterns and frequencies to our DNA such as meditation, hypnosis, prayer, Emotional Freedom Techniques, and so many other self growth techniques.

Dr. Deepak Chopra has pointed out that each cell of our body is not only a miniature mind but a "little ear" listening in on everything we say and think - positive or negative.

In The Law of Mental Medicine by Thomas Jay Hudson, Hudson states that not only do we have a dual mind, or two states of consciousness, and also that "our subjective mind is extremely amenable to the power of suggestion." In other words, "Whatever suggestions are imparted to it constitute the premises from which it reasons," IF the conscious mind that imparts these suggestions makes a convincing case that is emotionally satisfying to what today we call the subconscious mind.

The subjective mind, it appears, is dominated by the power of suggestion, except to the degree that these suggestions run counter to one's moral principles.

Now the self-suggestions, or affirmations, have to be within the realm of the possible.

All well and good, you say, "But where's the money? Where are my clients? Why isn't my business growing? Why aren't my affirmations working?

One reason, among many, may be that your inner mind is bored out of its mind hearing these same old bromides over and over and has stopped listening. Perhaps it wishes you'd stop saying them. So, how do we revive, rekindle its interest, if this is the case?

For an answer let's turn to a book called Psychic Healing by Yogi Ramacharaka, written in 1906, and actually written by Chicago businessman William Walker Atkinson who wrote over a hundred books during his lifetime, some under his own name, others as Yogi Ramacharaka, Theron Q. Dumont, and numerous other aliases, for reasons known only by William Walker Atkinson.

Atkinson - Yogi Ramacharaka - writes: "The very cells of the body respond to Suggestion," which, in the light of our DNA being a biological computer, makes sense now. Atkinson, of course, did not have this knowledge when he wrote claimed that "The very cells of our body respond to Suggestion."

Writing as Theron Q. Dumont in Mental Therapeutics (1916), Atkinson provides a vital key for amping up the subjective mind's "amenability to suggestions," rather than turning a deaf ear to them out of boredom.

You imagine yourself treating yourself as a client sitting in a chair in front of you or else reclining on a couch with you standing or sitting by your side. Then you give your imagined self suggestions applicable to your case, telling yourself just what results you expect yourself to accomplish, telling yourself firmly and positively that the result WILL be accomplished.

Pick out the key-words of the suggestion that is the strong, vibrant words that you wish to stand out in your own mind during and after your session. The real you, in other words, is talking to the you seen in your imagination, but it is from your mind to its mind communication.

You're playing a dual-role. Rather than saying, "I am this or that," you suggest rather than affirm. Instead of "I am fearless and courageous," suggest to your imaginative self, "Bill, you are courageous and fearless; every day you are gaining in courage and fearlessness, and you're getting stronger and stronger every day you live. Every day, in every way, you're getting better and better." Do you get the idea?

Let's say your name is Betty. Tell Betty what you expect her to do and become. You will be surprised to see how alert and interested your subconscious mentality will become. By this plan you are able to pour receptive, positive suggestions into your subjective mind.

Atkinson claims that in this form of Mental Suggestion you are enacting the dual role of suggestor and suggestee - the one giving the suggestions and the one receiving them, both at the same time. The conscious "you" is suggesting to the subconscious "you." To repeat, this scene takes place in your imagination and the suggestions you send are silent, not spoken.

"You, Bill, are bright, cheerful and happy." "You, Mary, take an interest in life and see everything as a new and happy world." "You, Mike, have every reason to have faith and confidence in your future." "You, Kate, feel the spirit of life and youth springing up inside you and you are enjoying life fully."

Now, Bill, Mary, Mike, Kate, tell your younger self, present self, or future self that you're glad to see them, that each has a strong, healthy body doing its work properly, and that they sit or stand before you as an ideally healthy person. We all need a little encouragement from time to time to perk ourselves up, don't we?

It's fun, isn't it, to know you are eagerly listening to, believe in, and are on the verge of manifesting everything you're telling yourself?

By the way, remind yourself - when you do speak to yourself - how incredibly successful, prosperous, and happy you already are.

"Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy." - Guillaume Apollinaire, French poet

James Clayton Napier worked as a TV news anchor, talk show host, and feature story reporter in Texas for thirteen years. James interviewed thousands of people during his career from the highest and mightiest to those whose lives were so quiet they might never have been noticed had he not decided to tell their stories. He has also taught TV news reporting and speech communication at three universities. Learn more about James' current projects at

Treat Others As You Would Like T

Achieve Peace of Mind With a Spiritual Talisman

In today's fast-paced world and uncertain times, many of us crave tranquility yet find it difficult to calm the mind. A spiritual talisman can enable peace of mind by helping to harness the serenity you seek.

The dictionary defines a talisman as "an object held to act as a charm to avert evil and bring good fortune". That's a talisman. We're talking about a spirtual talisman. A spiritual talisman isn't a good luck charm. It's a material device for leading your mind to a higher plain where you can find peace and harmony.

The talisman should represent serenity to you, so that every time you see it or touch it, your mind overflows with calming impulses. Initially, it will help if you practice conscious peaceful meditation when seeing or touching the amulet. Over time, serene thoughts will automatically flow in connection with your talisman. Eventually, you'll experience feelings of tranquility without conscious thought.

Choosing a spiritual talisman is a very personal endeavour. What works for someone else may not work for you. Your talisman might have a religious connection such as a cross, buddha, or prayer beads. It might be something that symbolizes tranquility like a peace symbol, smooth river stone, or favorite object with happy memories attached to it.

My own spiritual talisman is an angel; in fact, I surround myself with angels throughout my day to center myself in serenity. I have an angel pin attached to a bed pillow, an angel ornament decorates my bathroom mirror, a guardian angel charmer is suspended from my car's rearview mirror, and I wear an angel necklace that I can touch anytime throughout the day to summon tranquility. The angels represent universal harmony, love, serenity, and protection -- all conducive to peace of mind.

Seek out your own spiritual talisman that will help you achieve serenity and peace of mind. You just might be amazed at the results!

Click here to find an angelic spiritual talisman.

Sue A. Richardson is owner of Giving Angels, an online store which offers a complete selection of Angel Gifts as well as items with animal and nature, peace, and celestial sun, moon, and star themes. In addition, you'll find a wealth of angel lore, angel recipes, and resources to nurture your spirit. A portion of every item sold (whether or not it's an angel) is donated to charity.

Smiles Are Free So Give Them Awa

Cycle of Health - Mind, Body and Spirit

In the Western Medicine paradigm of technology and science the primary emphasis is on the physical body and how to treat disease. Thus, Western society has become a society of sickness and disease rather than wellness. Physical health is one-third the equation for wholeness and healthiness. Western Medicine over looks the other two - emotional and spiritual.

The cycle of wholeness and health seeks to attune the person's mind, body and spirit to the needs and messages of the body, as well as, to the natural means the body uses to maintain health. Similar to the balancing cycles in nature, such as the sun and rain nourishing crops, Ayurveda tradition observes the natural cycles of detoxification and rejuvenation that are ever present in the human physiology.

To maintain health, the body needs to rid itself of damaging and unwanted elements - [detoxification] and supply necessary nutrients [rejuvenation] in a balanced fashion. Through combining botanicals in a manner that promotes mild detoxification and cellular rejuvenation this promotes the natural cycle of body health. The result is the enjoyment of new levels of health and well-being in body, mind, and spirit.

By examining how an herb or fruit affects the physiology, Ayurveda establishes how different botanicals can affect the mind, [emotions], the subtle energies of the body, and ultimately the spirit. Ayurveda teaches that each area of health is interdependent.

To maintain health the mind [emotions] and spirit need to be nurtured and supported. The four most important rituals to create emotional and spiritual health is: Prayer, Meditation, Gratitude, Spending time in nature, including near fire and water.

Remember to be consciously aware of the role Spirit plays in your life. Spiritual health is created through being intimately connected to your spouse, partner, family, friends, and community, resulting in social health. Spiritual and social health, are interconnected. It is through your committed relationships that you will create the greatest opportunities for spiritual growth and for learning how to receive and impart unconditional love. Only love is real - all else is self-defeating.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life." Dr. Dorothy has the unique gift of connecting people with a broad range of profound principles that resonate in the deepest part of their being. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's daily thoughts and feelings.

Wayne Dyer

Various Types of Ghosts

You have read volumes about ghosts and have browsed hundreds of websites to devour more information on ghosts, but have you ever wondered how many types of ghosts there are? The fact is that there are various types of ghosts out there and all these are minutely described and documented by the Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF).

The Spiritual Science Research Foundation has undertaken extensive research on ghosts in order to demystify this widespread phenomenon and help people in recognising and treating the adverse effects caused by ghosts through proven methodology according to the science of Spirituality.

At the outset, it is important to note that while we use the phrase ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) as a collective noun to cover the entire gamut of negative energies, there is a vast difference between the lower order ghosts and higher order ghosts such as subtle sorcerers (maantriks) from the sixth and seventh region of Hell. They differ according to their spiritual strength. Ghosts primarily use their spiritual strength to harm humanity.

The generic types of ghosts as identified by the Spiritual Science Research Foundation in ascending order of hierarchy as well as power and strength are:

  • Common ghost

  • Demons

  • Black serpent

  • Female goblin

  • Jaakhin

  • Witch

  • Spirit

  • Subtle sorcerer

  • The Hierarchy among Ghosts

    There is a hierarchy among ghosts which is based on their spiritual power or strength. Ultimately all ghosts are controlled by subtle sorcerers (maantriks).

    Basic shape and form of types of ghosts

    The spiritual principle that word, touch, form, taste, smell and its associated energy coexist is also true with ghosts. Depending on their type of energy, they take up generic forms. These forms can however change, depending on what the ghost is trying to achieve. For example, if the ghost is trying to intimidate, it will take up an intimidating form, whereas if it is trying to fool a spiritual healer it may take a form of an angel or a positive energy. They can also take the form of our departed ancestors thus misleading psychics and the people who come to psychics to enquire about departed relatives. This is true in almost all cases.

    How does one become a Ghost in the first place?

    When a person dies only his physical body ceases to exist. His subtle body however continues to exist and moves on to the other regions of the Universe. Some of these subtle bodies become ghosts. Most ghosts have unfulfilled desires such as cravings for sex, alcohol, revenge, etc. or derive pleasure out of exerting control over and tormenting humans and other subtle bodies. The subtle body of a person after physical death is defined as a ghost if their characteristics and intentions match the above. There is no special process as such which they go through to become a ghost.

    How does a Ghost become a particular type of Ghost?

    The main reason behind a person becoming a certain type of ghost is due to their predominant personality trait and their predominant thought at the time of death. For example people involved in adversely affecting humanity at large are more likely to become subtle sorcerers (maantriks). On the other hand excessive worldly desires and constantly thinking ill about others may culminate in one becoming a Common Ghost (Bhoot) after death.


    The most reliable way of reducing the risk of being affected or possessed by the various types of ghosts, is undertaking spiritual practice as per the 5 basic principles of spirituality Spiritual practice and spiritual healing remedies, coupled with personality defect removal and eradication of ego are the tools to access supreme protection from God that insulates one from the attack of ghosts as well as helps us proceed to higher regions in the afterlife.

    Visit SSRFs website to explore more on the salient features of the various types of ghosts, view subtle drawings and pictures of various types of ghosts and discover how they can affect our lives:

    Chakras Book Review

Friday, April 24, 2009

Feng Shui - Healthy Bedroom Tips

Since you spend approximately one third of your life sleeping your bedroom is the most important room in your home. If your bedroom is filled with clutter and chaos, your body will identify with that energy so, rest assured, you won't sleep soundly.

Here are 7 bedroom health tips to keep in mind.

  1. If possible, don't position the foot of your bed in direct alignment with your bedroom door. Since the chi (energy) enters each room through a doorway you don't want this energy targeting your body as your sleeping. You do want your bed positioned so that you can view the doorway. This keeps you in a power position. If you must keep your bed aligned with the door, place a large plant, bench or other object in front of the bed to create a shield between you and the door.
  2. Given that desks, computers, and exercise equipment are associated with activity it's best not have them in a bedroom as the feeling of rest will be forced right out of the room. If you no other option, then try to place your equipment behind a screen or large plant to create a partition.
  3. Don't sleep with a clock radio, telephone/cell phone, or computer near your head. Keep them 4 to 6 feet away from your body, particularly your head. This equipment emits electromagnetic fields (EMF) which will affect your health and well-being over time.
  4. No white or beige walls in the bedroom! Make sure to paint the walls a soothing color that you love. Stark walls create a feeling of depression.
  5. Find furniture with flowing curves rather than pointed edges. In Feng Shui these points are known as "poision arrows." You don't want points coming at your body. This can lead to body pain and health issues.
  6. Don't keep clutter in your bedroom. Allow space for you to breathe. Clutter can affect your health and your mindset even if it's hidden under your bed. In fact, lots of stuff under the bed might disrupt your sleep.
  7. Keep the master bathroom door closed. Water energy in the bathroom is active energy so you don't want that active energy interfering with your sleep. It's also important to keep that door closed because you don't want that "waste energy" flowing through your bedroom. This is especially important if your bed is in direct alignment with the bathroom.

Since you spend more than six hours each night in this room, the Feng Shui flow of energy in your bedroom has a huge impact during sleep which subsequently affects your overall health and happiness. The quality of your life will be elevated by following the basic bedroom tips and you can start enjoying positive results immediately.

Feng Shui Health and Wellness Specialist, Sheri Ruston, can teach you how to create a supportive environment within your home and within your body to dramatically improve your health, well-being and mindset. Sheri's innovative healing approach combines her wisdom of simple Feng Shui principles along with her health expertise which she learned on her journey of healing her body from a 35 year autoimmune disease. To receive her Free Special Report: "47 Feng Shui Tips That Will Immediately Improve Your Health" and her Free bi-monthly ezine packed with "how to" information, visit her at

You Can Heal Your Life: Never before Seen Interviews

You Have To Watch This Video

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Heal Your Life Moving

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence.

What Are Affirmations
Overcoming Limited Beliefs

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Procrastination Help 4 Solid Tips to Help - Overcoming Procrastination

Procrastination, it made me realise that I needed some procrastination help. Identifying my problem and labeling it allowed me to be able to face it and get help for it. Doing this is by no means a "this is what you have to do and your done" fix, for me it is likened to a twelve step program that I have to follow on a daily basis.

Making out small to do list's will give you the initial procrastination help that you need to form a solid foundation toward this on a daily basis. The to do list should be broken down and made easily approachable so that the tasks that lie ahead do not become overwhelming before you get started. remember this is a journey with no end destination but one that will find you greater happiness and peace no matter what the area is you are having a problem with

People that suffer from procrastination tend to have a fear that what ever projects they have before them will turn out unsuccessful before they ever begin and it stops them from ever experiencing any true happiness. You must approach anything that you do with an educational attitude and not a predictable one and you will realize some tremendous gains in your life. It begins with positive passive action that builds confidence, and it's very powerful.

Just remember to finish the project that you start before you even think about another, that's the best procrastination help that I can offer. Distractions can be your worst enemy and can come in the form of just about anything, that's why you have to set a time schedule to complete each task so that you don't become overwhelmed with the project as a whole. You have to consume your projects in small chunks in order to overcome that nagging feeling brought about it.

Finally when you meet the goals that you set for yourself, reward yourself, take that much needed break and do something that you truly enjoy, just don't forget the task at hand that needs to be finished. Once you begin to see your projects and deeds through to their ends you will become empowered, you will feel like you have broken chains that have bound you for many years. People will begin to notice this great and wonderful change in you because you will have commanded it, so get the help that you need and take the first step in overcoming procrastination today.

Take the first step to unlocking the procrastination chains that bind you. Here is more information toward a better life

Self Esteem - Finding Your Ultimate Authority Figure

When Ida was a child, her mother always threatened her with God's wrath: "God doesn't love little girls who behave ugly." When really provoked, she'd say, "God's going to get you for that."

God was used as a sort of "Boogie-man" whose main job was to "get" you. So she grew up thinking God was a harsh, petty, being who didn't like people, and especially didn't like her. That was a big piece of her self esteem.

It took Ida years to sort out how her mother had abused the name of God -- literally taking it in vain -- hiding behind it because she had no authority of her own.

You don't have to be as powerless as Ida's mother.

In fact, you can be the primary authority in your own life. Once you find your own authority, you'll never again hide behind somebody else. Example: "Just wait till your father gets home, young man." Ever hear that one? It's a pretty common example.

When you claim your own power, you won't feel the need to call in some other force to right the wrongs being done to you. It will be a simple thing to work things out and set matters right yourself.

Of course, this kind of change doesn't usually come overnight. It doesn't HAVE to be slow, but it usually is. Why? Simply because we are wading forward against years of precedent, against the weight of our own low self esteem. That's a lot of inertia to move through.

There are cases here and there, now and then, of people who make sudden breakthroughs in self esteem, in wealth, or in personal power. That kind of fast breakthrough may be rare, but it could h94Bappen much more frequently.

The secret? Stop battling with the inertia. Instead, just go do what you'd be doing if you had already broken through. Sounds simple, doesn't it?

Mike Brescia, of tells about his early years trying to make a salesman of himself. It's an amazing story. As I recall, he went two solid years without a single sale. Finally, he had no home and was living out of his van. He was one of the worst salesmen who ever walked the face of this earth.

And yet, when Mike finally got himself pointed in the right direction, his change was more than amazing. He began setting industry sales records that were unthinkable. Now he manufactures products that do for other people what he did for himself.

He became his own authority figure, and gave himself full permission to function at a level never seen before in any of the companies he served. From homeless to powerhouse.

But this power isn't limited to sales. Not by a long shot. You can have that kind of authority and power in any phase of your life. Any.

Could you use a shift in self esteem like this?

Well, as illogical as it sounds, all you have to do is claim it... REALLY claim it. Then just start doing it as if you had a right to it. Because, after all, you do have that right.

For more information on how to shape your future, download the free PDF report "It's All Good Luck - Five No-Fail Tips for Turning Bad Luck into Good... Every Time" at

Learning the Meaning Behind Dreams for a Better Life

Can Your Dreams Help You Succeed In Life?

Dreams - we all have them. But are they really significant in the real world? Many people do believe that remembering and learning to interpret your dreams can help you solve problems in the waking world, confront and conquer repressed feelings and issues that you avoid or are afraid to deal with in the waking world, and can help you to become the best person that you can be.

Since the beginning of recorded history, dreams have played a significant role in the lives of many people. Military, political, and spiritual decisions have been made because of a dream. In some tribes, the crossover from childhood to manhood includes isolating oneself from the rest of the tribe and communing with the spirit world through dreams. The dreams are believed to reveal to the young man what his purpose in this life wi1202ll be - the path that he should take for his journey through his life on earth.

Dreams are the brain's way of sorting all of the information taken in during your waking hours. While we may be faintly aware of things going on in the background, the brain only focuses on what is of the most significance at the moment - everything else is stored away to be dealt with at a later time - and that occurs in our dreams.

Dreams can be a way for you to take a close look at yourself and learn just exactly what makes you tick - what your true desires are. Dreams can also provide you with a way to face the things that you do not like about yourself and learn to change these aspects of your personality into something that is positive and more productive in your waking life.

Some people base all of their personal, business, and social decisions on what they learn from interpreting their dreams. They learn to manipulate their dreams in order to focus on decisions in their lives that need to be made.

Sigmund Freud, one of the greatest minds of the 19th century, revolutionized he study of dreams. He called dreams the "royal road to the unconscious". Freud's initial assessment of dreams was that all dreams were of a sexual nature. While he later gave up that theory, he clung to the theory that dreams are a wish fulfillment - a way for our conscious minds to become aware of what our deepest desires may be as well as our deepest fears.

Carl Jung studied under Freud. His views on dreams differed quite dramatically - to the point that they parted company and went their separate ways in their studies of dreams. Jung believed that dreams were more spiritual in nature. Like Freud, Jung believed that dreams were a "window to our unconscious" - a way of communicating and acquainting ourselves with the unconscious. Through our dreams, we can explore our true feelings and find solutions to problems we are facing in our waking life. Jung believed that our dreams "serve to guide the waking self to achieve wholeness" - a unity of body, spirit, and mind.

Your dreams can help you bring about a unity of body, spirit, and mind by showing you the path in life that will lead to happiness. Many times we may take a job because the pay is good, the benefits are good, and the "social status" we are searching for can be obtained through this job. But, if the job does not make us happy - if the job is not the career that we truly desire - is this keeping us from feeling successful? In many cases, the answer is yes.

Being successful means different things to different people. But to most people, being successful means that we are achieving our goals in a personal, professional, and social aspect. Your dreams can actually help you on your journey to success. Dreams allow you to explore your true desires and once your true desires are identified, you can begin the task of achieving them. Dreams can help you face aspects of your personality that you may not like - and once you have faced them, you have the power of changing these things about yourself and becoming the best person that you can be.

Throughout the history of man, even during the days of the Bible, dreams have played a significant role. God spoke to many through their dreams. Many people have been warned of medical problems in their dreams - and in many cases were able to make changes that helped them avoid the medical problem. Dreams are way to create a unity in mind, body, and spirit - thus creating a way for us to achieve success in our lives. Dreams are one of the free resources available to help us choose the path in life that will fulfill all of our desires.

Tom Houston writes on a wide variety of topics. To learn more about the meaning behind dreams visit for a free email course.

Revolutionary Self-Help Programs To Beat Eating Disorders

As a doctor I have worked with many women struggling with eating disorders. I am also a former suffer of anorexia and bulimia myself (this was the main reason I decided to learn everything I could about these conditions and help myself and other people to recover from it).

I believe that most eating disorders are learned behavior. It can therefore be unlearned. By behavior I mean not only actions but thought processes and attitudes as well. As with many behavioral problems, early detection often speeds up recovery.

Those who admit to their eating problem in the early stage and are frightened that they might continue often are able to change their destructive eating habits with relative ease.

Many of the sufferers I see have already had years of individual psychotherapy. Often their therapists have focused on deep-seated underlying causes, which did not help the women in the here and now. Some sufferers have continued to feel bizarre and alone, even though they were told that their behavior was not uncommon. And there are some who have never admitted to their secret eating behavior.

Some therapists favor group therapy but I have found that group therapy is good and helpful only until a certain stage of recovery the stage of admitting that Yes, I do have a problem and I do need help.

At this point to continue with treatment people are advised by councilors to come to group therapy where they return again and again, but this is not good. Here is what happens they all become friends and get close to each other and understand each other. But to continue with the group you have be a member of it, to say it in other words you have to stay the same to continue to belong. Other wise if you recover you have to leave the group and all your friends, but it is difficult for most of sufferers to do this so they prefer just to stay the same and not recover.

While it is generally true that women in the early stages of an eating disorder recover faster, two factors seem far more relevant. The first involves the level of commitment to change. Second, but of equal importance, are the strategies she employs to overcome the eating disorder. What can she do in the face of all the anxiety? What can she substitute for binge eating, purging or starving herself? If the sufferer can call upon more productive strategies to cope with the stresses of daily life than group therapy, she is on her way to recovery. The commitment to initiate and maintain personal growth through alternative methods is 1008therefore crucial.

The best treatment strategy, in my opinion, is when a sufferer is introduced to a special recovery program that they can follow at home. A program that is easy to follow and above all else fun to do. Yes that is correct fun to do, because if it is not fun it becomes a chore and the sufferer will simply stop doing it.

But it is also important to be very persistent and consistent with this kind of program so the role of a therapist is to actually make sure that the patient is doing it every day and everything is clear regarding the program.

The best program of the self help kind I recommend to my patients was put together by Karen Phillips (A lady who treated her daughter saving her life from anorexia and bulimia by herself). She wrote a book about her method called Mom Please Help. She approached me with it and I was so impressed that I decided to help her get it out to the world.

It is a very interesting method which has now helped many people to recover and beat their eating disorders. It fact I have discovered if the program is followed exactly then most sufferers will recover given time and stay recovered.

When I was treating myself I had unbeknown used very similar methods to what Karen had used, but it was only when Karen approached me that the penny dropped. She had done what I hadnt done and that was documenting her every thought, action and words.

The simple fact is that eating disorders have been around for decades and conventional treatment has proven itself to be unreliable for just as long. The statistics say that the recurrence rate of eating disorders is very high even after sufferers have gone through all the group therapies, counseling and clinic admissions. You only have to look at the Hollywood stars to see that this is indeed the case.

It is now time for a different approach and I truly believe Karen has come up with that new approach. As I have used it and have the results with many sufferers making enormous advances in a short time to beating their infliction.

Dr Irina Webster.

Dr Irina Webster is Director of Women Health Issues Programm which covers diferent areas of Women Health. Dr Irina Webster has a wholistic approach to medicine and her favorite area is to discover natural treatments for Women health problems and share these treatments and methods with other people. Dr Irina Webster believes that majority of women health problems can be treated naturally without drugs or surgical treatment. Dr Irina Webster started her medical career in 1987 after graduating from high school with distinctions. She then enrolled in the Medical University of Archangelsk situated in North Russia, graduating in 1993.Irina then started her internship at The Komi Republic Childrens Hospital 1993 to 1994 where she studied to become a Pediatrician. Then she did a lot of courses to specialise in Women Health. In year 2001 Irina migrated to Australia. There she has been working as a medical doctor in women health area for 3.5 years. At present she does Eating Disorder natural treatment research. To visit her web-site go to:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Questioning About Your Religion - Movie Video

Are you one of those who believed in your religion wholeheartedly and never has doubted it. Watch this video to gather some more information about questioning your religion.

Start Living Your Dreams Today and Create a Wonderful Life For Yourself And Your Family. Greg Vanden Berge is one of the best inspirations on the planet. You will be hearing a lot about this guy in the future. You can count on it.

Benjamin Graham

Questions For Your Religion - Movie Video

Are you one of those who believed in your religion wholeheartedly and never has doubted it. Watch this video to gather some more information about questioning your religion.

Helping Christians and Create a Wonderful Life For Yourself And Your Family. Greg Vanden Berge is one of the best inspirations on the planet. You will be hearing a lot about this guy in the future. You can count on it.

Helpful Habit Planning Tips