Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Roadmap to Riches vs EDC Gold and Entrepreneurs vs Wanna-Be's

Do you have an Entrepreneurial mind set or do you have the Wanna-Be mind set? You might be trying to decide on EDCGold or Roadmap to Riches, but realize this, at some point you will be forced to choose which side of the fence you are on. I will be focusing on 12 definite differences between the dreamers and the one that make it happen. Below you will find the Twelve differences that I came up with, however, I am sure you will come up with a few of your own as well.

1. Wanna-be's obsess about ideas. Entrepreneurs, I like to call them, "E's", obsess about implementation. Don't get stuck in Analysis Paralysis, when deciding on the best home based business for you. Look at what the top income producers are doing and copy them. There is no need what so ever to re-invent the wheel.

2. Wanna-be's want or hope for more web traffic. E's focus on how best to get that traffic and high sale conversion. Nobody want to be a sales person so you'll want a system that will have a paint by number training system in place for yourself as well as for your new members, giving you the ability to earn ridiculous amounts of residual income. To my knowledge, EDCGold and Roadmap to Riches, both decent companies, don't have a comp plan in place for residual or passive income.

3. Wanna-be's focus on positive thinking. E's plan for multiple contingencies. "Changing your mind" is just as important as thinking positive, a person can't "only" think about positive things. In short, change your mind, empower yourself and combine this with research, education and targeted action, and in no time, you are bringing home a 6 to 7 figure income.

4. Wanna-be's want to get on TV and get "famous." E's grow their business and their member list. Let the ego go. Your only goal is to make as much money as possible and to empower people along the way to do the same as quickly as possible, not become the next, "I Love New York" star.

5. Wanna-be's seek a perfect plan and wait for the perfect time. E's implement, execute and take action when an opportunity arises. Entrepreneurs, or "E's, accept educated risk and are able to make big decisions quickly once they have all the information. Ezine Articles are a good place to obtain such information, and that would be by doing an search for EDCGold Review and the Roadmap to Riches Review

6. Wanna-be's hope for their winning lotto ticket or lucky break. E's take ownership, thus creating their OWN circumstances.

7. Wanna-be's fear looking stupid in front of their friends. E's are willingly risk making fools of themselves, knowing that long-term success is a good trade for short-term loss of image. Surround yourself with people who have proven results and copy what they do.

8. Wanna-be's hide their special ideas from reality, postponing the sometimes verdict of success or failure, in favor of "someday".' E's expose their ideas to cold reality as soon as reasonably possible.

9. Wanna-be's will only practice basketball if they have Air Jordan's. Entrepreneurs, or E's practice barefoot behind the garage. Stop waiting for the perfect time, the perfect opportunity, the perfect situation. This is your life, do the research, take decisive action now and stop procrastinating.

10. Wanna-be's would be O.K with giving up their first two sales like a new member must at EDCGold and Roadmap to Riches. E's wouldn't have to because they would have done their homework and found programs that let you keep all of your sales.

11. Wanna-be's believe they can do anything. E's many times consult with a synergistic team and use systems and technology to solve the variables that most people struggle with.

12. Wanna-be's think about the world in terms of COULD and SHOULD. E's think in terms of IS and CAN BE.

In conclusion here, I would just like to say whether you are investigating EDCGold, Roadmap to Riches or any of the other 1-up or 2-up programs online, you must, at some point make the choice to become an Entrepreneur or a Wanna Be? It is quite simple, change your mind and change your financial future. The world is yours if you really take to heart, these 12 differences. Figure out where you are, where you want to be, how much you want to make and don't settle for less!

Make sure to receive Holli Diel's Wealthy Marketer Newsletter Holli has proven leadership qualities and a Sales and Marketing background that spans over 20 years. She is a full time Internet Marketer and a Million Dollar Club Member, both in the U.S. and Canada. She devotes her time, energy, and efforts to her team's online financial success.

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