Saturday, April 25, 2009

Isn't It About Time Affirmations Were Fun and Got Results?

"I am wealthy," "I am healthy," "I am cheerful," "I am a money magnet," "I have faith and confidence in my future." How many times can you tell yourself these things without going unconscious? Especially when your inner self is asking, "Where are our results?" and all you can reply is "Let's say more affirmations." This is the old, "If something isn't working, let's do more of it," which is a sure-fire formula for being frustrated, discouraged, and feeling you've been let down.

Does self-suggestion work? I'm convinced it does.

Grazya Fosar and Franz Bludorf, in their book Vernetzte Intelligenz, point out that Russian scientists (whom they name) have discovered that the alkalines of our DNA (the genetic code, especially in the apparently useless 90%), follows regular grammar and has set rules just like our languages. "So human languages did not appear coincidentally, but are a reflection of our inherent DNA."

In other words, as they point out, human DNA is a biological internet and certain frequency patterns influence DNA information waves and thus the genetic message encoded in DNA itself!

DNA information patterns were captured by Russian scientists and the cells reprogrammed (which, I might add, we have the power to do up to a point by altering our self-talk from negative to more optimistic and upbeat). There are many other techniques we may employ to also transmit new information patterns and frequencies to our DNA such as meditation, hypnosis, prayer, Emotional Freedom Techniques, and so many other self growth techniques.

Dr. Deepak Chopra has pointed out that each cell of our body is not only a miniature mind but a "little ear" listening in on everything we say and think - positive or negative.

In The Law of Mental Medicine by Thomas Jay Hudson, Hudson states that not only do we have a dual mind, or two states of consciousness, and also that "our subjective mind is extremely amenable to the power of suggestion." In other words, "Whatever suggestions are imparted to it constitute the premises from which it reasons," IF the conscious mind that imparts these suggestions makes a convincing case that is emotionally satisfying to what today we call the subconscious mind.

The subjective mind, it appears, is dominated by the power of suggestion, except to the degree that these suggestions run counter to one's moral principles.

Now the self-suggestions, or affirmations, have to be within the realm of the possible.

All well and good, you say, "But where's the money? Where are my clients? Why isn't my business growing? Why aren't my affirmations working?

One reason, among many, may be that your inner mind is bored out of its mind hearing these same old bromides over and over and has stopped listening. Perhaps it wishes you'd stop saying them. So, how do we revive, rekindle its interest, if this is the case?

For an answer let's turn to a book called Psychic Healing by Yogi Ramacharaka, written in 1906, and actually written by Chicago businessman William Walker Atkinson who wrote over a hundred books during his lifetime, some under his own name, others as Yogi Ramacharaka, Theron Q. Dumont, and numerous other aliases, for reasons known only by William Walker Atkinson.

Atkinson - Yogi Ramacharaka - writes: "The very cells of the body respond to Suggestion," which, in the light of our DNA being a biological computer, makes sense now. Atkinson, of course, did not have this knowledge when he wrote claimed that "The very cells of our body respond to Suggestion."

Writing as Theron Q. Dumont in Mental Therapeutics (1916), Atkinson provides a vital key for amping up the subjective mind's "amenability to suggestions," rather than turning a deaf ear to them out of boredom.

You imagine yourself treating yourself as a client sitting in a chair in front of you or else reclining on a couch with you standing or sitting by your side. Then you give your imagined self suggestions applicable to your case, telling yourself just what results you expect yourself to accomplish, telling yourself firmly and positively that the result WILL be accomplished.

Pick out the key-words of the suggestion that is the strong, vibrant words that you wish to stand out in your own mind during and after your session. The real you, in other words, is talking to the you seen in your imagination, but it is from your mind to its mind communication.

You're playing a dual-role. Rather than saying, "I am this or that," you suggest rather than affirm. Instead of "I am fearless and courageous," suggest to your imaginative self, "Bill, you are courageous and fearless; every day you are gaining in courage and fearlessness, and you're getting stronger and stronger every day you live. Every day, in every way, you're getting better and better." Do you get the idea?

Let's say your name is Betty. Tell Betty what you expect her to do and become. You will be surprised to see how alert and interested your subconscious mentality will become. By this plan you are able to pour receptive, positive suggestions into your subjective mind.

Atkinson claims that in this form of Mental Suggestion you are enacting the dual role of suggestor and suggestee - the one giving the suggestions and the one receiving them, both at the same time. The conscious "you" is suggesting to the subconscious "you." To repeat, this scene takes place in your imagination and the suggestions you send are silent, not spoken.

"You, Bill, are bright, cheerful and happy." "You, Mary, take an interest in life and see everything as a new and happy world." "You, Mike, have every reason to have faith and confidence in your future." "You, Kate, feel the spirit of life and youth springing up inside you and you are enjoying life fully."

Now, Bill, Mary, Mike, Kate, tell your younger self, present self, or future self that you're glad to see them, that each has a strong, healthy body doing its work properly, and that they sit or stand before you as an ideally healthy person. We all need a little encouragement from time to time to perk ourselves up, don't we?

It's fun, isn't it, to know you are eagerly listening to, believe in, and are on the verge of manifesting everything you're telling yourself?

By the way, remind yourself - when you do speak to yourself - how incredibly successful, prosperous, and happy you already are.

"Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy." - Guillaume Apollinaire, French poet

James Clayton Napier worked as a TV news anchor, talk show host, and feature story reporter in Texas for thirteen years. James interviewed thousands of people during his career from the highest and mightiest to those whose lives were so quiet they might never have been noticed had he not decided to tell their stories. He has also taught TV news reporting and speech communication at three universities. Learn more about James' current projects at

Treat Others As You Would Like T

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