Saturday, April 25, 2009

How to Use Money Affirmations For Successful Manifesting

Affirmations are an extremely effective manifesting technique. Affirmations create mental focus but they also help in altering your subconscious mind.

Let's say you would like to manifest 20, 000 dollars by this time next month you can begin to write out a list of affirmations that support that goal. You can write out on paper, "I now have $20,000." While that is the most often instructed thing to do it's not the most effective. Here is why.
Few people are able to believe that they are capable of making that sort of money. That immediate fear that you cannot do it creates a blog in your own mind and in your own personal energy. That block holds you back and out of the flow from manifesting that $20,000 goal.

The goal is not impossible but you are impossible

Your relentless desire to hold on to fear makes it impossible for you to manifest what you want. Fear is like a huge bolder. You can't go above it, you can't go around it, you surely can't go under it. All of this you experience even when your goal is an arm's length away from you.

Use Affirmations to Break the Fear Barrier

The moment you have a desire and begin to write out affirmations in support of that desire become aware of the fear bolder. It always comes, it happens for everyone. So it's wise to know that most effective way to use affirmations is to break down the fear bolder.

Make a list of the fears which enter your mind when you set a new goal

Write affirmations which dissolve those fears

When the fears are gone you are closer to manifesting your goals

The manifesting process looks something like this. Set your goal, recognize your fears, write affirmations to kill those fears, take action with power to towards your goals.

Would you like to learn 2 powerful Manifesting Techniques to become more magnetic to your desires? Sign up and receive Free Manifesting Software with Magic Money Newsletter.

Old Souls Of The World

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