Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Perfect Letter in 6 Quick & Easy Steps

This article will show you a simple, step-by-step formula to quickly and easily write a character reference letter that you can be extremely proud of.

If you've ever been asked to write a character reference letter, you know the anxiety that the request can create. The first thought is usually "how in the world do you even write one?" And this thought is quickly followed by such questions as "what do I say?" and "what if I say the wrong things and make the person look bad?"

The fear and unanswered questions can be very troubling. But, rest assured that if you know the person you're going to write about and use the information presented in this article, you won't have anything to worry about.

But understand this. If someone you're not comfortable with asks you to write them a character reference letter or if you can't think of enough good things to say about the person, then it will be better if you can find a way to get out of writing it. However, if you just can't say no to them or can't get out of doing it, well, just follow the information presented here as best you can.

So What Is A Character Reference Letter All About?

A character reference letter (also sometimes referred to as a letter of personal reference or personal recommendation) is used to recommend someone for a position within a company or for some capacity within an organization. But, the primary objective is to share how the person you're writing about possesses the character traits that make them best suited for the position they're seeking.

A character reference letter is different from an employee reference letter and even a letter of recommendation.

A character reference letter is usually written by someone you know outside of work which could be a friend, neighbor or relative. It can also be written by a person with whom you have shared an experience with, like a teammate or fellow volunteer. And because of this, the tone of the letter is usually more casual than a letter of recommendation.

Character reference letters generally describe a person's positive qualities. Meaning, all of the good things are written about them while leaving out any of the bad. You want to put the person you're writing about in the best light possible without going overboard.

Steps To Organizing and Writing Your Character Reference Letter

Character letters that have the greatest impact are personal and heartfelt. So, the more you can write in your own words, the better it will be. But know that although a character reference letter might be less formal, you shouldn't just randomly include words in it.

A character reference letter speaks of your relationship to the person you're referring and your assessment of that person's abilities. It provides evidence from your personal observation that the person meets certain criteria and the letter centers itself on specific attributes to prove its effectiveness. So to organize such a personal testament for someone, your letter must have a proper structure.

The letter should be relatively short, usually no more than one typewritten page. The paragraphs only need to be 2 to 4 sentences.

Just follow the 6 steps and you can write a winning character reference letter in no time!

First Things First - Get Prepared

The first thing you should do once you've decided to write a character reference letter is to do a little prep work. You need to get information from the person who has asked you to write the letter.

- If possible, get the name and/or title of the person to whom the letter should be directed.

- Get the address of where or to whom you should mail the letter.

- Depending on what you're writing the letter for, get the job description or qualifications needed for the position they're seeking.

- Make sure you know exactly by what date they need the letter completed or mailed.

- Think of at least 3 strong, positive qualities that the person possesses that relate to the position they're seeking.

Start Writing The Letter

STEP 1: Date & Address

The person reading the letter will want to know that the reference is current and not from 5 or 10 years ago so include the date. Also include your full address

STEP 2: Salutation

Start with a salutation. If you know the full name of the person the letter is being addressed to, use it. Using their first and last name will increase the professionalism, and therefore the credibility of the letter.

If the person being addressed is not known or if you're unsure who it is or if the letter is being used for general purposes, simply use "To Whom It May Concern". However, if you know the title of the person being addressed, you can write, for example, "Dear Human Resources Director" to personalize the letter a little more.

Avoid using "Dear Sir or Madam" as well as Miss, Mrs., Ms., or Mr.

After all, how much credibility would your letter have if you wrote to "Mrs. Sydney Smith" only to find out that "Sydney Smith" is a man?!

STEP 3: The Opening

The opening is usually a paragraph of only a sentence or two. The opening paragraph explains who you are, how long you've known the person you're referring, and how you know them.

STEP 4: The Body

The body is the largest part of the letter. It can be several paragraphs. This is where you make the case for the person you're referring by describing your experiences with them and giving examples of the person's outstanding qualities or abilities.

It's best that you construct the letter around 1 to 3 of the person's best qualities. And try to keep these qualities somewhat related.

For example, suppose the person you're writing about is friendly, honest, intelligent, creative, responsible, and hardworking. Now, suppose also their seeking a supervisory position. A supervisor should be, among other things, friendly (able to get along easily with others), honest, and responsible. So it's best to build your letter around these qualities.

The examples of these experiences provided should be focused and direct, making them very easy for the reader to grasp. Usually, a paragraph of no more than 3 sentences for each quality should be enough.

Two pieces of very strong advice: When writing a character reference letter, don't go overboard sharing the person's positive qualities and be honest.

You need to understand something. The person who will be reading your letter already assumes that the letter writer is "pumping up" the person they're referring. So, to keep your letter more credible, you should provide proof that your high opinion of the person is legitimate. You can do this by explaining very specific events concerning the person you're referring.

An effective way to keep the credibility in your letter without it sounding like a bunch of hype is by telling one or more short, believable stories that you know personally about the person. In doing this, the experiences should illustrate the person's positive qualities. They should be examples of how the person behaves.

In the event you mention more than one incident, divide them into 2 different paragraphs and end the paragraph with the quality that should be highlighted with each example.

STEP 5: The Closing

The closing is the last part and doesn't have to be long. It summarizes and reinforces your belief in the person you're referring, why you believe they meet the qualifications, and contains your actual recommendation.

This is where you can say something about yourself by mentioning your credibility as to what qualifies you to make an assessment of the person's ability by way of the type and duration of your relationship to them.

STEP 6: The Valediction

End your letter with a valediction or complimentary closing, such as "Sincerely".

Leave three spaces and type your name. Include your title if it will help the person you're writing the letter for.

Complete the letter with your signature.

On a side note, include contact information so the person reviewing your letter can use in the event more information is required. But, adding this information can sometimes be a judgment call.

Final Comments

The bottom line is a character reference letter should be recently dated, short and to the point, and very professionally presented.

If you have excellent penmanship, the letter can be handwritten, but even still, it would better if you used a word processing program.

It may not be the best decision to show your finished letter to the person whom you're writing for. Reason being is the person may ask you to change something or to include some other information. Or, they may even feel disappointed that you didn't "pump them up" enough.

Be sure to mail the letter without delay.

Save yourself a ton time by going to and getting FREE character reference letter templates as well as many other business and personal letter templates. Just add your personal touch to them and BINGO! You have the perfect instant letter right when you need it.

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Born Again or The Kingdom of God

Jesus was sent to Earth to deliver a Message to mankind. A startling message from Outer Space - the third Heaven - from our CREATOR GOD. A correct understanding of what that REVELATION is - the one and only true Gospel - separates God's Church from all others, and exalts the pure religion above every false way (John 17:17).

There is only one way to enter God's Kingdom - and that is through Christ (Acts 4:12). He is the Key that unlocks God's Royal House, the Open Door to the Universe, the Gateway to Eternity, the Immortal Pioneer who has led the way! All other ways are dead ends and will self-destruct (John 10:1).

GOD IS REPRODUCING HIMSELF! That's the glorious Good News that Jesus boldly proclaimed! The Gospel of the KINGDOM OF GOD announces the GOD KINGDOM: a Spirit-Born Kingdom of God-Beings! A Royal Family that we can enter (Rev. 3:21). A Divine Family that will administer God's Government throughout the universe and eternity (Isa. 9:7; Dan. 7:18).

God became man, so man could become God (John 1:14; Matt. 10:25). Mankind has been created after the GODKIND, and after a life of conversion, of changing for the better, of going through the process of purification (becoming more God-like, more Christ-like, more Kingdom-like) we can be BORN AGAIN BY A RESURRECTION - just like Jesus was, the firstborn of MANY brethren! (Rom. 1:4; 8:29). Presently, we're far too human, but soon we're to be transformed into glorious, immortal Spirit! (John 10:34-35; Ephes. 4:24). This is what Jesus told Nicodemus, the Jewish religious leader. He didn't beat around the bush, He got straight to the point and told him: "You must be born again" (John. 3:3).

Jesus elaborated on this bombshell, seeing Nicodemus was dumbstruck (just like so many religious people today), and explained that if your parents are flesh and blood humans, it's only natural that you're also human. "That which is born of the flesh IS flesh." You're nothing more or less. Kind after kind (Gen. 1:27). And if you're born again by a Spirit-composed GOD, it's only supernatural that you'll become a Spirit-composed God! "That which is born of the Spirit IS Spirit" (John 3:3-8). Human-beings can become GOD-BEINGS! But first we must be BORN AGAIN.

Unless we're born again - by a RESURRECTION - we can't even see or enter God's Royal Family! The apostle Paul clearly taught the same as Jesus: "And as we have borne the image of the earthy (flesh and blood), we shall also bear the image of the heavenly (Spirit). Now this I say, brethren, FLESH AND BLOOD CANNOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD...but we shall all be CHANGED... raised incorruptible... and...put on immortality" (1 Cor. 15:48-53). When will mortals become immortal? (Proving we're not now!). When will we change our composition and character? " the last trump" (vs.52) - NOT during this life, but at Christ's Coming and our resurrection (Rev. 11:15; 20:6). How plain and simple!

Why have the vast majority of professing Christians been deceived on this point? Why do they go about bleating that they're "born again" already? Jesus said "that which is born of Spirit IS Spirit" and Paul said "flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God." Will you believe the Bible or traditional Christianity? (Mark 7:7).

But will we actually become GOD-BEINGS? (1 John 3:9). Will God be our literal FATHER? Will we take on His FAMILY NAME? (Ephes. 3:15; Rev. 22:4). Yes! Because it's REVEALED that "when He shall appear, we shall be like Him" (I John. 3:4), "who shall change our vile body (flesh), that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body (Spirit), according to the working whereby HE IS ABLE even to subdue all things unto Himself"(Phil. 3:21). Even as David and Daniel prophesied of the BRIGHT FUTURE God has in store for us, when we'll inherit His divine nature and form: "... I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied when I awake (at the resurrection), with thy likeness" and " the stars for ever and ever" (Ps. 17:15; Dan. 12:3). Again, kind after kind (Gal. 4:19). What a glorious hope and calling!

Mankind created after the Godkind, born again at the resurrection, Spirit-composed and Divine! THIS IS THE WHOLE PLAN AND PURPOSE OF GOD! Soon it'll be mission accomplished in our lives and we'll experience the "finishing touch" to our spiritual creation (Phil. 1:6; Rev. 1:8; Ephes. 2:10). We're actually the Kingdom of God in embryo - the PIONEERING COMMUNITY of an advanced civilization - who'll soon help establish HEAVEN ON EARTH! Meanwhile, may we continue to develop and reflect the HOLY, RIGHTEOUS CHARACTER of God in joyous anticipation! (2 Pet. 1:4).

David Ben-Ariel, a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, shares a special focus on the Middle East, reflected in hard-hitting articles that help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out Beyond Babylon

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I Was Not Placed Here to Condemn - But to Shine

I was not placed in this position to condemn anybody. I was placed here to shine in order that those who do not know light may witness light and be drawn to the light.

I frequently notice how Christians tend to lash out at non-christians. They hit them on their heads with the bible and condemn them of their sins. Why? Do you not know that we are here not to judge but to shine so that others may see our light and in their witnessing our light that shines through, that they too will seek after the light and come to the light.

John 12:45 "And he who sees me sees Him who sent me."

12:46 "I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness"

12:47 "And if anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him: for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world".

Verse 45 states that when someone sees Jesus, they see God. Likewise when someone sees you they should be seeing Jesus, or possibly it could be that you will be the closest thing to Jesus that they will ever see.

Verse 46, in my personal translation, says let your light, which is Jesus in you, shine through that others will see the light and come to know the light and darkness in their lives will automatically be gone.

Verse 47 Jesus says that He did not come to Judge but to save. Do we set out to Judge the world or do we go into the world and let our light shine.

John 3:17 "For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved". Do we as Christians, rush out and start to bash people over their heads with the bible and convict them of their sins, or do we quietly go out, sit amongst the sinners and let our lights shine so that they are automatically drawn to the light? I wonder which approach Jesus chose?

How many Christians do you know that have absolutely no fellowship with non-christians. How will the non-christian ever come to see the light if we do not take the light out. We open churches in nice buildings, which is great, but sometimes the church building acts as a lampshade and all the christians go hide their lights in the building. When they leave the building many turn their lights off that they may go unnoticed! How can we ever be the light of the world and shine to the lost if we hide in buildings and keep turning our lights off?

I remember many years ago, how my earthly father, who was a fairly devout Roman Catholic at the stage, proudly explained to me how religion was a personal thing and how he hid his religion so well that most people in his work place thought that he was an atheist. SHAME. I did eventually, many years later, manage to lead him into a true relationship with Jesus. How? I never ever preached to him and never hit him over the head with the bible, but my light shone through and when he was sickly, he called for me. He had seen the light and realised that he needed the same light as what I had.

Now I am not saying to any of you that we should stop preaching and close the churches. I am saying that we should go out into our own little worlds and shine so that others will see the light. The light will attract them and they will be drawn to the source of the light which is Jesus. They will want Jesus and will come to him of free will, not because you hit them on the head. If you hit someone every time you see them , they will avoid you and run away from you. If you carry the light while you hit them they will come to hate the light as it starts to represent punishment to them.

Love them. Everyone craves to be loved and when you love them with your light, they associate the light with love and are then attracted to the light.

Now my great commission to you, the Christian, is to go into the whole wide world and let your light shine. Go to places where you would not normally go, and let your light shine into the darkness there. Do not let the darkness overcome the light, so make sure that the lamp in you has sufficient oil, so that it does not go out.

I frequently notice how Christians tend to lash out at non-christians. They hit them on their heads with the bible and condemn them of their sins. Why? Do you not know that we are here not to judge but to shine so that others may see our light and in their witnessing our light that shines through, that they too will seek after the light and come to the light.

John 12:45 "And he who sees me sees Him who sent me."

12:46 "I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness"

12:47 "And if anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him: for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world".

Verse 45 states that when someone sees Jesus, they see God. Likewise when someone sees you they should be seeing Jesus, or possibly it could be that you will be the closest thing to Jesus that they will ever see.

Verse 46, in my personal translation, says let your light, which is Jesus in you, shine through that others will see the light and come to know the light and darkness in their lives will automatically be gone.

Verse 47 Jesus says that He did not come to Judge but to save. Do we set out to Judge the world or do we go into the world and let our light shine.

John 3:17 "For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved". Do we as Christians, rush out and start to bash people over their heads with the bible and convict them of their sins, or do we quietly go out, sit amongst the sinners and let our lights shine so that they are automatically drawn to the light? I wonder which approach Jesus chose?

How many Christians do you know that have absolutely no fellowship with non-christians. How will the non-christian ever come to see the light if we do not take the light out. We open churches in nice buildings, which is great, but sometimes the church building acts as a lampshade and all the christians go hide their lights in the building. When they leave the building many turn their lights off that they may go unnoticed! How can we ever be the light of the world and shine to the lost if we hide in buildings and keep turning our lights off?

I remember many years ago, how my earthly father, who was a fairly devout Roman Catholic at the stage, proudly explained to me how religion was a personal thing and how he hid his religion so well that most people in his work place thought that he was an atheist. SHAME. I did eventually, many years later, manage to lead him into a true relationship with Jesus. How? I never ever preached to him and never hit him over the head with the bible, but my light shone through and when he was sickly, he called for me. He had seen the light and realised that he needed the same light as what I had.

Now I am not saying to any of you that we should stop preaching and close the churches. I am saying that we should go out into our own little worlds and shine so that others will see the light. The light will attract them and they will be drawn to the source of the light which is Jesus. They will want Jesus and will come to him of free will, not because you hit them on the head. If you hit someone every time you see them , they will avoid you and run away from you. If you carry the light while you hit them they will come to hate the light as it starts to represent punishment to them.

Love them. Everyone craves to be loved and when you love them with your light, they associate the light with love and are then attracted to the light.

Now my great commission to you, the Christian, is to go into the whole wide world and let your light shine. Go to places where you would not normally go, and let your light shine into the darkness there. Do not let the darkness overcome the light, so make sure that the lamp in you has sufficient oil, so that it does not go out.

Compliments of a place of daily inspiration and where you are able to contribute your testimonials in order to touch others. We encourage your participation.

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American Patriot Among War Heroes - The Story of Bud Day

As a fighter pilot who saw my share of combat during the Vietnam War, I thought I knew Medal of Honor recipient Bud Day. After all, I was once a member of the elite combat unit he formed to conduct a secret war along the Ho Chi Minh trail during the late 1960s (A unit generally referred to as "Misty" their call sign in combat). But after reading "American Patriot," I realized I was dead wrong. Robert Coram's book profiles a man with a seemingly inexhaustible reservoir of controlled courage and an unimpeachable sense of honor - all of which he gladly placed at the disposal of his country throughout his life.

The book is carefully detailed and written in a manner that even the "great unwashed" who were not fighter pilots can understand. The descriptive scenes involving his torture as a POW are painful to read at times, yet I know that they were not exaggerated; and that's what makes them all the more disturbing.

The words "honor," "integrity" and "heroes" have been trivialized in our society to the extent that few people know or care what they mean any more. In an ideal world, these subjects would be addressed in school, or at least discussed at home. But we do not live in a perfect world; that's why I suggest that "American Patriot" be required reading in every high school and college in America. This is a profound and moving book about a man who history will recognize as one of the great American heroes of his time.

Ron Standerfer is a retired Air Force Colonel and fighter pilot who flew 250 combat missions during the Vietnam War. He has written numerous short stories, magazine articles, and blog pieces on military aviation in general, and fighter pilots in specific. During the initial bombing of Baghdad during the Persian Gulf War, he was seen on national TV as a military analyst. His latest novel, The Eagle's Last Flight, chronicles the life of an Air Force fighter pilot during the Cold War and Vietnam years. Details of this book can be found at His blog, which presents his views and opitions on a variety of subjects can be read at

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Does God Exist and If So Who's Right? Religion

Would you stake your life on your beliefs? I'm asking this question, hoping that you have an answer. Would you be gambling with your life or are you that sure about your religion. Do you live your life without a doubt that your religion is right and other religions are wrong or are you one of those people that hopes you are right and hopes that the other religions aren't.

If you are a Muslim and follow Islam, is the Quran the Word of God? Is this text flawless and without error? What's going to be going through your mind when you go to heaven, if you go to heaven, only to find out that the Hindu religion is right. Are you convinced without a doubt, 100% that your religion is right or are their errors and mistakes in your religious text.

Is your God going to be merciful and understanding to other religions or other people who have lived what you would consider to be a good and moral life. Is your god going to let them enter heaven or is he going to turn them away or possibly send them to burn in an eternal lake of fire.

Imagine, if you can, standing near a cliff and there was a long line of people and you were slowly working your way towards the front of the line, watching someone who was glowing with radiant light asking people questions, and pushing some of the people off of the cliff, while others walk away unharmed. You're going to be ready to answer any questions that the glowing person is going to ask you.

When you arrive, he simply says do you believe in your religion 100%. What's your answer going to be? What's going to be going through your mind? Are you that sure, that you're right.

So I ask you again, are you positive and without a doubt, 100% sure that you are right about your religion and the other religions are wrong. If you're not 100% sure, do a little research about your religion and your beliefs will either get stronger or weaker but try to keep an open mind, either way.

Most religions around the world have certain things in common. Seek the truth and the truth shall set you free. You've got to know what you're looking for though, so pay attention.

Choose Your Religion

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

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Anna Nicole Smith Reveals The Secret From Heaven

Anna Nicole Smith: My Dear Dannielynn, I 10ve you so much, I miss you so much, my heart is breaking, I cry for you. But alas now I am free from the liars and backstabbers. Be Happy I Am. I Am with Daniel now in Heaven.

Beware of the mockers and scoffers who will hound you all around all the days of your life like Lisa Marie Presley. (Psalm 1). Her father was the King of Rock and Roll. Larry Birkhead is asking the court to order a DNA test on me now. This is to determine if I am your mother. Jesus was in a house talking to some people when his mother and brothers showed up at the door asking to see him. People today are still arguing over who was the father of Jesus Christ? Jesus said, Who is my mother and who are my brothers? Jesus pointed at his Jewish disciples and said, Behold you are my mother and my brothers. For whoever shall do the will of my Father who is in Heaven, follow the 10 commandments, 10ve, these people are my brothers and sisters and mother. (Matt. 12:46-50).

A house, the Earth divided against itself cannot stand. The religious leaders of Christianity, Islam and Judaism call all non group members non believers in God. Jesus called the religious leaders of his day following the Old Testament, (except for the 10 commandments, the Word of God, 10ve), like the Christian, Muslim and Jewish religious leaders of today venomous snakes spewing their poisonous lies and blind guides leading you all into the fire. (Matt. 23). Yet the fact is that Jews, Christians and Muslims all believe in the very same God of Mount Sinai who carved the 10 commandments in stone and gave them to Moses 3,200 years ago. A rose by any other name is still a rose. Vicky Lynn Hogan is still Anna Nicole Smith your 10ving mother. God of Mount Sinai is named Allah and God the Father and Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit and Yehovah and Elohim and I Am Who I Am and I Shall Be As I Shall Be but He is still God of Mount Sinai. Jews, Christians and Muslims are all believers in the very same God of Mount Sinai who appeared as a burning bush to Moses.

The century has turned and life must cease on Earth unless there is peace. Your religious leaders divide you by focusing on the 1% of religious beliefs you disagree upon instead of uniting you all by focusing on the 99% of religious beliefs you hold in common. 2 billion Christians and 1 billion Muslims all believe that the Jewish born Rabbi Jesus Christ was born to the Virgin Mary and was the Messiah who is to come again. (Koran Chapter 3:40-43, The Temple of Love page 2). Heaven is like the YMCA filled with laughing happy children of every religion race creed and color all playing beautifully together. God is like gravity, it doesnt matter if you believe in it or what name you call it, gravity and God will still pull you in the right direction.

Anna Nicole Smith: Beware Dannielynn of the mockers and scoffers of Earth (Psalm 1). They will surely say that your mother was a harlot. Remember what Jesus said, Truthfully I say unto you that the tax collectors and the harlots will go into the Kingdom of God before you. For John came unto you in the way of righteousness and you did not believe him but the tax collectors and the harlots did believe him. (Matt. 21:31-32). You must 10ve God and you must 10ve yourself and your neighbor in the little village called earth. (Mark 12:29-31).

Bury me, please. Jesus said, Woe unto you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge and you entered not in yourselves, and those that were entering in you blocked. (Luke 11:52). The people gathered to stone to death a woman who had committed adultery. Jesus said, Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone. (John 8:7). No on cast any stones and they all slinked away. For 4 years J. Howard Marshall begged me to marry him. Had I been a gold digger I would have married him on the spot for I was poor, but I did not. Finally after 4 years I married J. Howard Marshall because I fell in love with him. I fell in love with the timeless Holy Spirit inside of him. The Pharisees asked Jesus when the Kingdom of God would come. Jesus said, The Kingdom of God will not be able to be observed and people shall not say Look here, look there because the Kingdom of God is within you. (Luke 17:20-21).

Jesus said that in Heaven people do not marry and they do not die because they are angels, the children of God. (Luke 21:36). Jesus said God is a spirit. (John 4:24). Who is your father my darling Dannielynn? Jesus said, Is it not written in your law I said you are Gods? (John 10:34). Jesus was referring to Psalm 82. Who is your father Dannielynn? God said, I say you are Gods, children of God, all of you. (Psalm 82:6). You have your answer now Dannielynn. Your father is God. The father of every child on Earth today is God. You are all God, you are all part of God, and you are all children of God. The Holy white light Spirit of God lives in every child on Earth today.

Anna Nicole Smith: Dannielynn the fox in The Little Prince said, Words are a source of misunderstanding. The one word that is the biggest source of misunderstanding which is leading the Jewish and Christian and Muslim children against each other now into the real live Hell of Nuclear World War 3 is the Hebrew word Goyim in Psalm 2 of the Old Testament followed by Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The original Hebrew word Goyim in Psalm 2 means the non Jews. King David, the King of the Jews channeled Psalm 2 from God 3,000 years ago. God told King David, You are my son, (I Am your father). I have begotten you this day. Ask of me and I will make the Goyim your inheritance and the ends of the earth your possession. You shall smash the Goyim with a rod of iron and you will shatter the Goyim like a potters vessel.

Every Bible Scholar on Earth today knows that Christianity was born with Jesus Christ 1,000 years after the death of King David. When King James asked that the Old Testament be translated into English for Christianity, the Bible Writer had a problem. How could he translate the word Goyim properly? How could the Christian Bible say that God promised King David that he would smash every Goy, every non Jew, every Christian? To get around this, the Christian Bible writers changed the word of God, the word Goyim to the word Heathen. (Psalm 2:8 KJV). Heathen means non Christian. The N.R.S.V. Bible writers changed the word Heathen to the word nations, the non Christians. In around 650 AD the Muslims adopted the Old Testament for Islam and changed the word Goyim to infidel meaning non Muslim. Is Tom Cruise going to change the word Goyim to non Thetan? God through every prophet called your Holy Bibles except for His word 10ve shelters of lies and falsehoods which would cause you all to fall backwards and be broken and ensnared and taken. (Isaiah 28:9-15, The Temple of Love page 3.)

Dannielynn the spirit of God lives in every person on Earth. Everyone sits back and does nothing waiting for the Messiah to arrive to save them and conquer the world for them as the Bible Writers of Psalm 2 say. This is why God through every prophet especially Jesus Christ called your Holy Bibles forgeries except for the 10 commandments. God said, "They (the Bible Writers) say, 'Says the Lord', when the Lord has not sent them, and yet they wait for the fulfillment of THEIR word!" (Ezekiel 13:6). In the meantime God is inside of every person on Earth today screaming 10ve! 10ve yourself and 10ve your brothers and sisters. Stop murdering each other and stop telling lies about each other. You all have the same father.

Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles California. The Temple of Love

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Renewable "Green" Energy in the Home - How Does Wind Power Work?

As a source of renewable energy, wind power is one of the cleanest and greenest. Electricity generators around the world are switching to wind power, and as the cost of technology comes down many smart, environmentally conscious and money smart individuals like you and me are starting to generate their own wind power at home. In this article, I will outline the basics of wind power electricity generation.

Firstly, there is the wind which is simply air moving about. As it comes up against the propeller of the wind turbine it is forced to slow down and move around the propeller. Some of this energy is transferred to the propeller which starts to spin. The propeller is connected to a shaft which then spins inside an alternator/generator to generate the electricity. Inside the alternator/generator it is the effect of magnets moving around a piece of electrical wire that forces electrons to move through the wire -- and there we have it, electricity.

In most cases the electricity is then stored in a bank of batteries, ready for use by whatever systems are connected into it. You can also setup what is known as a 'dump load', so that when the batteries are full the excess electricity being generated is used to heat hot water or provide some kind of lighting -- basically, you are ensuring that none of the generated electricity gets wasted.

The last step is ensuring that we can make use of the electricity we have stored. Without getting too technical, basically the electricity stored in batteries and the electricity we use to power our appliances is different. However, we can make them the same. To do this, the electricity from the batteries passes through what is called an inverter. This basically converts it into the right kind of electricity to power your appliances. From the inverter you have your plugs setup that you plug your TV / stereo / etc into.

Using wind power to generate electricity within your home is really quite easy, and there are a number of detailed guides on how to do it. Not only is it cheap and easy to do, it can save you lots of money. Find out more here -

Mold On Sub Floor Block

How To Save Up To 25% On Your Monthly Electric Bill

With The Power-Save 1200 You Will Save To 25% On Your Electric Bill - Maybe More. The Power-Save TechnologyTM is NASA tested, UL Listed, recognized by the EPA, Honeywell, ENERGYSTAR and "Cleaner/Greener" certified. Don't be fooled by imitators!

It's time to fight the rise in energy costs and for you to start keeping what is yours. How do you do that?

Power-Save Energy Corp. products are responsible for thousands of Americans saving millions of dollars on their utility bills every month. The Power-Save 1200 unit saves families as much as 25% on their electric bill every month without sacrificing normal energy consumption and the comforts it provides.

Imagine a small gray box that fits neatly next to your breaker panel, saves you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars year after year, and protects the entire home.

The Power-Save 1200 was designed with the homeowner in mind, providing lower energy bills, increased motor and appliance life, as well as surge and lightning protection for all of the equipment inside of your house. With a 60 day money back guarantee, you can't lose!

The POWER-SAVE 1200 has a comprehensive five (5) year warranty.

Homeowner's Benefits:

* Lower electric / energy bills.

* Less heat generated in motors and appliances, which increases the productive life cycle of these products.

* Power surge protection for the whole home or facility.

Residential customers throughout the United States and Canada see a realized savings of 8% - 10% minimum and as much as 25% on their electrical usage (and thus power bills). All Power-Save products are backed by a warranty for surge and lighting protection.

How do you achieve savings?

When motors in your home start, they ask the utilities transformer for power (voltage and amperage) to run. This demand for power runs through the house wiring, the panel box, the meter and down the lines to the transformer. This demand for power heats up and strains the motors and wiring in the home, this heat (I2R losses) is watts.

The POWER-SAVE 1200 UNIT, once installed, stores and releases to the homes motors what they need to function properly, thus reducing heat on the wires and the motors. Lowering this heat will reduce your electric bill, reduce the chance of fires and increase the life of the motors. Note: The POWER-SAVE 1200 UNIT is compatible with installation on all breaker panel boxes.

The Patented POWER-SAVE 1200 UNIT is a UL/CSA/EPA listed product, has a 5 year warranty and with up to 25% energy savings the possibility of an investment return in 12 months or less. Lower monthly power bills, decreased heat dissipation in all inductive load appliances, thus extending their productive life cycle and complete power surge protection for the entire home or office. What's GREAT about this system is you can take it with you when you move.

What Does The Power-Save 1200 Do?

* Reduces electricity required by existing inductive loads

* Enhances capacity of existing electrical system

* Eliminates danger of harmful power surges on appliances and sensitive electronic equipment

* Reduces harmful effects caused by electrical noise in the electrical system

Features: PS-1200

* Electrical Noise Reduction

* Power Factor Optimization

* Voltage Regulation


* Single Phase (Power-Save 3200 & 3400 are three (3) phase 200 amps & 400 amps

* Utilizes Self-Healing Low Loss Capacitors

* 20 Year Design Life

* Surge Suppression - 2000 Joules

* Protection For Electrical Storms, Lightning, &

Power Utility Spikes

* Let Through Voltage - 150V line-to-neutral

* Load Rating - 20A

* Six-Way Electrical Protection

* EMI / RFI Noise Reduction 0-40dB and Power-Save Energy Corp. products are responsible for thousands of Americans saving millions of dollars on their utility bills every month! Buy one today and start Saving!

Crawl Space Repairs

The Costs of Renewable Energy - Are There Any?

So tell me, if you hadn't come across this article how would of gone about using renewable energy? Unfortunately, without doing a lot of research you most likely would have picked a method that might of cost you thousands of dollars. You want to know something pretty funny though? You can personally make your own renewable source of energy for less than $200. Compare that with the $20,000 you would have spent on a professionally installed system and you will soon see where I am coming from. And the best part about making your own natural energy system is that it will pay for itself within a month.

The only significant cost that you will come across while making your own renewable energy system is purchasing a DIY homemade energy guide. I you know where to look you can find a reliable guide for just $50. And to be honest with you, this is probably the hardest step in building your own green energy system. Once you have found the right guide you will be able to complete your project in just a few days. A guide will offer you everything you need to know in one place. This will make it very easy to find the information you need and to complete any task at hand.

Once you have completed your natural power system you will start to enjoy all of the benefits that come along with renewable sources of energy. And this means saying goodbye to your energy bill for good! Are you ready to start saving?

Don't spend dozens of hours trying to find a trustworthy DIY renewable energy guide. I've done all of the hard work for you! All you need to do is click the link below. Can you manage that?

Replaced Window Header

Laptops Conserve Power, Reduce School District Energy Costs and Help Minimize Carbon Footprint

U.S. K-12 schools are challenged to serve growing student populations and rising community expectations with constrained operating budgets and ever-increasing energy bills. According to Energy Star, the annual energy bill to run America's primary and secondary schools is a staggering $6 billion - more than is spent on textbooks and computers combined. In the midst of this energy crisis, the debate rages on: laptops or desktops? To some, the answer is clear. Energy Star, a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy, is aimed at helping American consumers save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices. According to Energy Star's Web site, "Notebooks are the most obvious way to save energy ... laptops use the most energy efficient displays (LCD), adapters, hard disks and CPUs that are available."

The Web site adds that notebooks can offer up to 80 percent in savings when compared to desktop PCs. "Even in the notebooks intended as 'desktop replacement,' with a larger screen (up to 17 inches) and less aggressive power management settings, the savings are still well over 50 percent."

In areas with blackouts and power-surges the notebook (batteries included) could save even more. In these areas, desktop PCs typically require the backup of a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) to keep computer users from losing data. And a UPS is not only a significant extra cost, it is also a significant energy-eater.

If a school district's budget takes priority over total cost of ownership, most desktop PCs are cheaper than notebooks. However, even when only looking at the energy cost advantages, buying a notebook might well be worth the extra money.

RELATED STORY: Northland Pines High School Goes Green with LEED Certification

Converge magazine provides strategy and leadership for technology use in K-12 and higher education. Senior policy makers in education utilize Converge for articles on proven, effective educational methods and models for 21st century learning and beyond.

Published in the Special Issue 2007 of Converge

Home Termite Repairs

Renewable Energy - Lesson 2 - Solar Power

People have been aware that the sun's energy can be harnessed to power various devices and machines for years, but it is not until recently that the technology and the motivation has pushed people to seriously consider solar energy as a viable power source.

With the current state of the economy and with the growing move toward a more environmentally responsible lifestyle, many people are considering various forms of renewable energy and "green living" principals. Solar power is usually at the top of the list when it comes to renewable energy sources. Solar power has been used for years by the government and various businesses, but it has only recently come into the mainstream for the everyday average household.

In almost any area of the country it is possible to dramatically cut one's electric bill by installing and maintaining solar panels. Some people are even able to go entirely off the grid and power their homes completely independently of the traditional local electric company, all by solar power. While going off the grid may be an intimidating prospect for some, there is absolutely no reason why a household cannot install solar panels on the roof and greatly reduce the monthly electric bills.

Until recently, the cost to buy and install residential solar panels has been prohibitively high, and not everyone has the technical know how to do it themselves. However, with the shift toward renewable energy, many companies have seen this as an opportunity in an untapped industry and have started offering solar panels at much more competitive and affordable prices. The installation and upkeep of the solar panels is very easy and affordable. Many households find that they can pay for the solar panels in less than a year through the reduced electric bills they produce.

Obviously, once the panels are installed, the solar power is completely free and produces absolutely no harmful emissions, unlike traditional fossil fuels. As the technology becomes more mainstream, manufacturers and builders are constantly refining their techniques to make the solar panels more efficient, durable and innovative.

Recently, some builders have started to integrate solar power into their overall design by including solar panels as standard features on top of garages and in other unobtrusive places such as the roofs of gazebos, tops of pool houses, and on every available foot of roof space in general. Some pool decks are being built with embedded solar cells. As the renewable energy movement continues, more and more builders will find it necessary to integrate a solar power plan into their overall building plan in order to stay competitive with all the other builders who are doing the same.

Solar power is one of the easiest and best solutions to not only help the environment and climate, but to save significant amounts of money in electric bills as well. With solar power components being more affordable now than ever before, every homeowner should at least consider installing solar panels.

To learn more about solar panels price please visit:

Floor Joist End Repairs

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Alternative Heating Fuels Cost Comparison - Summer '08

I've just finished updating the Fuel Comparison Chart at my alternative heating site, and once again the least expensive fuel to heat with is corn. Although corn reached a high of $7.60 a bushel at the end of June, it has since retreated to $6.31/bushel. This works out to $14.06 per 1 Mil Btu of heat. (The cost to produce 1 Million Btu of heat provides an "apples to apples" method for comparing fuel prices).

Compared to heating oil at $4.71/gal, or $33.41 per 1 Mil Btu, corn is almost 60% cheaper. This is good news if you heat your home with corn AND live in the Corn Belt. For the rest of us who live in the northeast or northwest, wood and wood pellets are still the best option.

A cord of seasoned hardwood for the '08 - '09 heating season now costs around $295, or $17.90 per 1 Mil Btu. This is roughly half the cost of fuel oil for an equal amount of heat. If you want to save even more by seasoning your own hardwood, green wood usually sells for $50 less per cord than seasoned.

The price for a ton of wood pellets has also risen about 8% for the upcoming heating season. Last year's $249/ton price is now $269, or $16.81 per Mil Btu. Despite the increase, the cost of heating with wood pellets remains 50% below the cost of oil.

So far this week, the price of crude has dropped by $15 a barrel and could possibly drop further. This doesn't necessarily indicate a future drop in the cost of wood or wood pellets. Although the price of oil directly affects the overall cost of wood and wood pellets, the dealers in these alternative fuels generally quote a price for the season to accommodate advance orders.

Improve your home with timely energy saving information from

Floor Repairs

Unplug Small Appliances - Save Money and Energy

We were toasting bagels one morning when my sister was in town. As we all sat around the table to enjoy our breakfast, she mentioned to me that I should unplug my toaster oven since we weren't using it anymore. My response was, "I turned it off, it's OK."

No, it isn't OK. What I didn't understand then that I know now is that small appliances and electronics still draw electricity when they're plugged in - even if the power button is turned off. Common sense says if these items are drawing power when we're not using them, why keep them plugged in?


The biggest energy-drainers even when they are turned off are microwave ovens, televisions, DVD players, computers, game systems, and cable and satellite TV boxes. A good solution for these items is to plug several devices into a power strip that has an on/off switch. When you flick the switch off, the power strip no longer draws electricity from the outlet.

There are many reasons to keep your appliances and electronics unplugged when you're not using them. First and foremost, it is the responsible thing to do for the environment. Just think how good it will feel as you're unplugging your cell phone charger that you're doing something good for the environment today! It's a very simple and easy thing that EVERYONE can do. Imagine if everyone in your city decided to do this one small thing how much energy we could save? How about your state? The world?

Another main reason is the reduction in your electric bill. When my sister told me that she was saving $15 - $20 each month by unplugging her microwave, cell phone charger, and her TV my first thought was "yeah right - it can't be that much". Others might say that's not enough of a savings to even bother with. Oh really? Twenty dollars per month is $240 per year in savings. I can think of plenty of things I'd rather do with $240 than give it to the electric company for something I didn't use anyway.

The truth is that if you have 10 items in your home that are plugged in and not in use, you could be wasting as much as 450,000 watts (or 4,500 kilowatts) of electricity per year! Depending on your usage and local electricity rates, that could cost you anywhere between $200 and $600 each year! Also, most utility companies charge a higher rate when you use more than a certain amount of energy, and they also charge more during summer months when electric use is higher, so that becomes an even bigger savings when you keep your electronics unplugged.

So now I understand what my sister was talking about when she told me to unplug my toaster oven. Everything stays unplugged in my house now unless it's being used. I am happy to say that my electric bill has been reduced by a little more than $20 each month, but even prouder to say that I am doing something good for the environment today.

For more information on how to conserve energy and your utility bill, please visit my Go Green! Tips page at

L Robinson

Discolored Roof Shingles

Compare Energy Prices - Lower Your Energy Bills Tremendously

It is normally said that the importance of these energy resources cannot be known if you don't face scarcity in these regards. Thus, it has become a must to ponder over such energy substances in order, to minimize the cost and scarcity factor. When, the matter comes to the suppliers of these energies such as gas and electricity in UK, a large number of energy suppliers have come into being, which offer gas and electricity energies to the people in a very economical and effective way.

These energy suppliers play quite pivotal and prominent roles in supplying electricity and gas to the people of UK. Some of the famous UK energy suppliers are as follows Countrywide Energy, Atlantic electric and gas, Scottish Gs and British Gas etc. These energy suppliers are quite popular among the people of England in supplying gas and electricity to the people in an immediate way. With the growth in the demand for such energies in UK, numerous new firms have joined the fraternity of energy suppliers in UK in order, to cope up with the fast growing demands for these energies for the people of UK. These suppliers offer gas and electricity to the people in their unique style and proposition. Thus, to get a better proposition of such energy suppliers, you must go through all the details about these suppliers. As the competition is growing stiff with each passing date, numerous energy suppliers have started to offer various discounts and concessions in association with their quality services.

You can easily compare energy prices in various regards, such as pricing, service delivery and payment modes. Some of the energy suppliers offer quite terrific services with regard to the supply of these basic energies such as gas and electricity to the people quite promptly. Thus, we must consider these things in mind before opting the services from any of the energy suppliers. At times, you are in contract with an energy supplier, which may not be able to supply gas and electricity to you on time. Consequently, you may have to resort to other means for cooking and other purposes for a while. Thus, the necessity and intensity of these substances in our lives are paramount.

Furthermore, in an era of credit crunch, it has got the momentum to be as much frugal and economical as possible. On the other hand, due to a radical gush of technological development in the domains of Internet and software in association with the computer has eased our lives in manifolds. Numerous online gas suppliers have come into existence, which offer all the minute details of the services in great length. These online portals also provide access to the customers which allow them to compare energy prices of all the available suppliers. With the help of comparison of different suppliers, you can even find the most lucrative and economical energy suppliers in UK. It has also become one of the safest and simplest means to avoid all the confusions regarding all the nitty-gritties of these suppliers and their different services. Furthermore, you can even browse the Internet to compare energy prices rather than visit various offices of these suppliers in UK.

With one click of the mouse, you can view the entire list of the UK energy suppliers and unique services and that too in a very steady pace. It is recommended that you should visit an appropriate website to make the matter more and more easy in finding one of the best packages of energy deals, which you can rely on without any hassles and second thoughts.

Alden Jerry is an author of Xpert4u a Price Comparison site that provides the relevant information on various Games, electronics and mobile phones products. Compare Energy Prices

Tile Roof Stucco Damage

Asking Amiss

Sometimes when we pray asking God for some things we want in our lives, God answers back with a big NO! This is not that he does not want us to have those things we are asking for but because the motive behind wanting them is wrong. We are asking amiss. God never blesses you for your own sake. He does not want you to have money so that you can only satisfy your needs and wants. God wants you to use that money to reach out to the needy in the society. Bless the work of God with what you have.

Other times, we want to have things so as we can show of to our friends, enemies and relatives. As a Christian, this is very wrong. In fact you will miss on your blessings because of your wrong motives. We want to be seen in the best of cars, clothes and houses. This is not wrong, in fact God wants his children to have the best. Let all these good things come, not because you are seeking for them but as a reward from God.

When you are asking amiss, too many things start to go wrong in your walk with God. Sometimes we tend to be offended with God. Yet we do not know that we are worsening our situation. When your work with God is holy, things in your life start to line up. You don't even care if you have the best of worldly stuff. All that matters is your walk with God. When you get to this point, God releases blessings in your life. Blessings you do not have room to contain.

Angela Mwema is a messenger to the world with the true and living word of God. Please visit her site for more spiritual nourishment. This is why-does-god-bless-us

Creating Love And Happiness

Who Do People Say I Am?

There is a story about a Lutheran minister, a Catholic priest and an Anglican priest who dies and arrived at the Pearly Gates at the same time. When they arrived, St. Peter was on his lunch break, so Jesus was on duty at the Pearly Gates. He decided to test the three men of the cloth, so he asked them, "Who do you say I am?" The Lutheran minister was first in line, so he spoke up first and said, "The Bible says..." Jesus interrupted him and said, "I don't care what the Bible says. Who do YOU say I am?" The Lutheran minister replied,"I don't know..." Now the minister was standing on a trap door, so when Jesus pulled a lever, the door opened up, and the Lutheran minister was on his way to hell.

The Catholic priest was next, and when Jesus asked him, "Who do you say I am?" the Catholic priest replied, "The Pope says..." Jesus interrupted him and said, "I don't care what the Pope says. Who do YOU say I am?" The Catholic priest replied, "I don't know..." Jesus pulled the same lever, the door opened, and the Catholic priest was on his way to hell. The Anglican priest stepped up and Jesus asked him the same question. The Anglican priest replied, "You are the Christ". Jesus was very pleased, so he threw open the Pearly Gates. When the Anglican priest started to step forward, he said, "But on the other hand..."

You have to feel sorry at times for Peter. His intentions are often for the best, but like most people he often ends up putting his foot in his mouth. For example, he cut off a man's ear with a sword when he tried to prevent Jesus' arrest before his crucifixion. He also wanted to build houses when he saw Moses, Elijah and Christ together on the mountain at Christ's Transfiguration. When Jesus asked the disciples, "Who do you say I am?" Peter did the right thing when he said "You are the Christ", but when Jesus mentioned his upcoming trials and crucifixion, Peter tried to rebuke Jesus for what he said. Peter's intentions were noble, but he was ignorant about what it really means to be a Christian.

Like many of us, Peter didn't really understand the true nature of Christ's kingdom. Knowing Jesus is key to understanding the Gospels. Ignorance about what it really means to be a Christian is a second, central key to Mark's Gospel. When Christ asks us to take up our cross and follow him, we have to be prepared to pay the price just like he did. We must be prepared to face scorn, ridicule, ostracism, etc. We must be prepared to embrace the will of God, whatever it may be and whenever he decides to reveal his will. When we become a Christian and take up our cross, we must do four things:

1. Embrace Christ voluntarily
2. Renounce all prejudices, sins, etc.
3. Submit willingly to Christ's will
4. Be faithful, even unto death

Mark's view is that knowing Jesus is important, just like it is for us. It allows us to trust him, to transform our way of thinking, to tell others about Christ and to take our identity from him. Our faith in God and our belonging to Jesus Christ are the foundation of our comfort, strength and courage to face the battles of this world.

God doesn't promise a life free of suffering, trouble, problems, persecution or danger. These forces can and often do bring us pain and suffering, but when we endure them in faith for Christ, he will be with us always, for as Paul wrote in Romans 8:39, "...neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus". No one knows why God allows suffering and pain, but we do know that when we believe in him by faith, he identifies with our suffering, because Christ suffered and died for our sins. If we believe in him and acknowledge him as Christ, He will give us strength in times of need, even to the point of carrying us through the deep, dark valleys of life.

Our answer to the question, "Who do you say I am?" can reveal our struggle as to what it means to be part of a Christian community of faith. If we answer, "You are the Christ" like Peter did, our answer reveals two things:

1. A view of a life of compassion and justice as a vivid experience
2. A deep trust in God through Christ

Our lives have to be lost so that they might be saved. Preoccupation with saving life is a sure way to lose it. Fulfillment is found in denial of ourselves. Doctrinal knowledge of Christ is not enough to save our lives. We need to have a personal encounter with, and a vivid experience of, the crucified and risen Lord. This only happens when we receive the spirit of the Lord. Belief is necessary to know Jesus. We have to accept his words by faith. Jesus asks us to deny ourselves and take up our cross and follow him. His suffering led to God's peace. Anyone who refuses to suffer for doing God's will loses the very life they cherish. Those who willingly suffer for his sake will save their eternal life and soul.

Jesus was the model of courage. He had the courage to face a difficult task of suffering, rejection, death and resurrection. He is the source of our courage and competence when we believe in him by faith. Christianity is also the means by which courage is demonstrated. Christian courage seeks opportunities to put life and faith on the line. Christians have the courage to always seek loads or crosses to carry. Christian courage also means fighting the desire to avoid pain. Pain is sometimes necessary in order to follow Christ. Change is necessary and sometimes painful, and often involves short term pain for long term gain, but the process can and often does result in something bigger and better that fits in with God's plan.

Christian courage also means accepting the power God gives us to change the world. When we accept him as Christ, we are called by God to live as people who can make an impact on others by spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. When we use the gifts he gives us to make a difference in the lives of our families, friends, communities, churches, schools or community groups, we are showing Christ's love while at the same time acknowledging that Jesus really and truly is 'the Christ".

German theologian Dietrich Bonheoffer is a good example. He was a Christian dissident in Nazi Germany. He was tired of both Nazi persecution and colleagues who compromised with Nazi philosophy. He decided to go to the United States to escape the Nazis, but he returned when he believed that God called him to be involved in the reconstruction of Germany once the Nazis were defeated. He felt that he could not take part in the process unless he shared the trials of the people-just like Christ shared our trials during his lifetime. Dietrich Bonheoffer paid the ultimate price when he was hung from the gallows at the Flossenberg concentration camp-just like Christ paid the ultimate price on the cross.

This story reminds us that our struggles with ourselves are often more dramatic than our confrontations with others. We are designed in the image of Christ, but we are also marred by the stain of the original sin in the Garden of Eden. We are often torn between our desire to obey God's will and our own human weaknesses. The only way this struggle will end is for us to submit to God's higher calling.

Jesus asks the disciples to tell him who others confess Jesus to be. We should consider their answers carefully, for we can apply them to what people confess concerning Jesus today. We need to know who he is in order to follow him and continue his work. The importance and necessity of Christ's teaching and the proclamation of Christ are derived from our understanding of modern answers to the question "Who do you say I am?"

Those who refuse to acknowledge Christ by not attending church at all without good cause, or by only attending church on special occasions, or who refuse to attend when the Eucharist is not being celebrated, or when the service is not from the Book of Common Prayer, or when the service is not from the Book of Alternative Services, or because they do not like the celebrant are in effect stabbing the church and Christ in the back. When we come together in humility and humbleness in public worship, we admit that we are not better than God. We are all part of God's family. When we submit to him, we do so in the same way we submit to our parents' authority, or to another authority figure. When we say, "You are the Christ" we acknowledge God's authority. If we run away from him by not attending church, we are in effect running away from him and his family.

There are two sides to Christ. One side represents Christ's love for us, and the other side represents his wrath when we refuse to accept him and submit to his will. This might seem like a contradiction. After all, how can a God of love also show fierce anger? It's simple. God does love us, but that doesn't mean his wrath isn't real or that he lets us get away with sin. There is a price to pay when we don't take him seriously. All one has to do is remember the stories of the Great Flood, or the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, or the drowning of the Egyptian army after Moses parted the Red Sea, and one will realize what happens when God unleashes his wrath. We need to know the fierceness of God's wrath in order to understand the wonder of his love. He showed us his love by providing a way out of our sinful ways-namely, Christ's death on the cross.

A more down-to-earth example of the two sides of Christ is to remember a child's relationship with his or her own parents. The parents love the child like Christ loves us, but when the child misbehaves or does something to make the parents angry, they unleash their wrath through various forms of punishment. God is the same way. He loves us because he is our heavenly Father, but when we displease him and refuse to accept and acknowledge Christ, LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The church is where we can devote ourselves to the apostles' teachings. These teachings will provide us with the answer to the question, "Who do you say I am?" They teach us about who Jesus is, what he did and what he taught. They teach us what it means to follow Christ is our own life and congregation. Those who substitute attendance at worship services with listening to radio or TV evangelists do not receive the benefit of this "local touch". People who go to church are not perfect, and even the celebrants are not perfect, but when a church member faces the tough times that all believers will sometimes face when they take up Christ's cross, the entire church pulls together to share the burden.

Those of us who remember Christ's words from the Sermon on the Mount will remember the phrase "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven". This phrase refers to those who are humble, those who recognize the incompleteness or poverty of human resources, and those who realize their utter dependence on God. If we humble ourselves to God, and if we put our trust in God's plentiful resources, and if we put our trust in him, he will reward us with eternal life and a place of honour in his heavenly kingdom.

Craig Condon, Lay Minister, Anglican Parish of South Queens, Liverpool, NS Canada. He can be reached by email at

Prosperity Thinking Like The Rich

Why Is Faith Important - Zig Ziglar Video

Zig Ziglar explains how come your faith is so important. Listen to one of the best motivational speakers in the world explain his belief in Christianity.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Get Something Out Of Worship Or
Prayer Beads

Divine Power

Divine power is so great, Paul an apostle of Christ Jesus says in 2Corinthians 10:3, For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete. Now in many chapters of the Bible it says that Jesus is over everything, in Psalm 24:1 says, The earth is the Lords and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it upon the sea and established it upon the waters.

I recommend reading Philippians 2:5, it says Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant being made in human likeness, and being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to deatheven death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Enjoy more reading at:

Conversations With God

Measure Yourself Against This Positive Practical and Model Example

When I used to go to the football (soccer for those of you reading this across the pond) I expected to see a match taking place with 22 players. I did not expect a concert or flower arranging or knitting. Now, I am not against any of these things. I am not against anything, but sin.

But when I 'go to Church', I expect to hear about Jesus and sense that God is at the very centre and heart of all that is going on.

In Acts Chapter 11 and at verse 26, these disciples of Jesus Christ were always talking about their Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ, and in Antioch they were first called Christians - 'little anointed ones' - 'little Christs'. Antioch must have been a great place to be in these days. Faith was fresh vibrant and dynamic and there were spiritually powerful preachers and teachers.

It is a peculiar fact today, that you can bring the name of Jesus Christ even into some Church meetings, and people can become embarrassed and uncomfortable. Not so in Antioch.

Their lives were so different from other people's lives, in so many ways. They were distinctly different - by their love - their joy - their compassion - their openness - the way they could welcome all who came to faith - their eagerness to learn - their generosity - the way their lives were so radically transformed - the way they coped with and how they could handle suffering. These men and women were different from everyone else in Antioch, and it was JESUS Who made them different.

Sharing - speaking - testifying - fellowshipping - feeding upon the teach of Barnabas and Saul for a whole year - and their willingness to receive The Word of God helped made them different too - strong in character - filled with faith - powerful in The Holy Spirit.

They were so very positive.

Some prophets came down from Jerusalem. A man named Agabus stood up, and through the Spirit predicted that a severe famine would spread over the entire Roman world. What kind of man does that? What kind of man would have the courage today to speak forth like that, knowing that if it did not happened he would rightly be labelled as a false prophet.

Agabus had a prophetic ministry. He heard from God, and spoke on behalf of God, with the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon him.

There is also something here of a word of knowledge. Agabus knew something, revealed by God, which no-one else knew at that time. God was saying something vitally important, and God was saying it through The Church. A great need was going to arise throughout the whole Roman world. That covered quite an area at that time.

This actually happened during the historical reign of Emperor Claudius.

These disciples of Jesus Christ in Antioch just began to give. There was no appeal for funds, and it was no token offering. Each gave as much as he was able to.

They realised that there was going to a physical problem in Judea - in Jerusalem. As the Holy Spirit revealed the need, these disciples rose to the occasion, in a positive and practical manner.

Wherever real needs arise today will the Church of Jesus Christ respond in such a positive and practical manner without lengthy appeals? As an individual disciple of Jesus will you rise up when you become aware of some specific need in the world, in your local community or in the Fellowship where you regularly worship?

At the end of Acts chapter 11, the Church of Jesus Christ has been going for around four or five years.

Take a moment to consider how that young fellowship of Jesus Christ in Antioch was such a model fellowship, and an example for us today.

Persecuted disciples of Jesus Christ made their home in Antioch and influence many in the community.

They are so eager to hear The Word of God and receive teaching from those who were just a little bit further along the way than the others.

They are open to the Holy Spirit - open to prophecy and a word of knowledge.

There is an obedience to those in authority. These true believers are willing to give generously, and there were men of calibre who could be trusted to deliver the money to the people in need.

Yes, we are reading of these first early years of The Church. How does the Church where you worship measure to what we read of in the Fellowship in Antioch?

Sandy Shaw

Sandy Shaw is Pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship, Chaplain at Inverness Prison, and Nairn Academy, and serves on The Children's Panel in Scotland, and has travelled extensively over these past years teaching, speaking, in America, Canada, South Africa, Australia, making 12 visits to Israel conducting Tours and Pilgrimages, and most recently in Uganda and Kenya, ministering at Pastors and Leaders Seminars, in the poor areas surrounding Kampala, Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu.

He broadcasts regularly on WSHO radio out of New Orleans, and writes a weekly commentary at entitled "Word from Scotland" on various biblical themes, as well as a weekly newspaper column.

His M.A. and B.D. degrees are from The University of Edinburgh, and he continues to run and exercise regularly to maintain a level of physical fitness.

Sandy Shaw

Are You Fed Up With Religion

In Jesus Christ We Rise

Give glory and praise to Jesus Christ. Whom raised that temple up out of the grave. From death to life on the third day, just like he said.

The temple of God from which he stayed. While on this earth for many many days. Performing miracles and raising the dead. Forgiving and healing was his passionate way. Though the Roman soldiers and those who didn't know him. Saw him as a threat. When he was truly more, than we could ever hope for or expect to get. While hanging on the cross; he forgave them of that. And still he lives holding no regrets.

He paid a price. We could not pay. He chose to be the living sacrifice. So that we could have life. Leaving lessons, blessings and direction to heaven. Though we be blind. If we only believe and have faith the size of a mustard seed. We can say to the mountain. Be ye cast into the midst of the sea. We should be able to do just what he did.

And that much more. Because he lead the way. All we have to do is open the door. Following his lead to everlasting life. Cause we can do all things in Jesus Christ. Just as we live in this world, we shall surely die. Being born in sin is the reason why. We must confess and be born again. To be among the living. We can thank God for giving us Jesus Christ.

He made a way and provision for life. So lets keep that in mind. And when were laid in that grave. If we believe what he said. And have faith that he is. We also can have another chance to live. When he says rise my child. We can open our eyes. Because we know hes alive. But without faith. You'll lie in the darkness of death in a grave. With out ears to hear. In hell is where you will stay.

These short stories and poetry, express times in my life that were happy, joyful, funny, regretful and sometimes chaotic. I've been writing all my life and I can't imagine not doing it. I've always kept journals; wrote poems, lyrics etc. I'm a firm believer in the power of words. Therefore. I'm involved in several writing ventures. My husband and I have a Christian site, "Risen Word Ministry", where I write poetry. There's many topics with five children and eight grandchildren. Has encouraged me to write a series of stories from childhood all through the parental experience. Some here and, in "Tales from a multi-colored room". My main purpose in writing is to glorify God. Also to share some of my life experience with others in hopes of making a positive influence. Writing is something I plan on doing for the rest of my life, to go throughout generations as a family legacy.

Spiritual Benefits

What is their Role in the Second Coming of Christ


Couldnt the UN be the beast of Revelation thirteen instead of the European Union


Either the UN and the League of Nations which gave birth to it have never produced any lasting peace, or any reason to fear it very much. Other than a few nominally effective relief programs and monitoring efforts the UN has all but ceased to be the hope of the world. It is not the ineffectiveness of the UN that forces it out of the picture. There is one distinct difference between the UN and the EU. The UN is a relatively modern organization whereas the European Union is an ancient world power, namely the Roman Empire.

According to the Bible the beast once was something, it passed from history for a while then it returns to its former glory at the time of the end. Only the EU has an ancient past not the UN. The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder; whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they beheld the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. Revelation 17:8


How could anyone possibly accurately identify the antichrist, either before or after he starts to rule?


Many have endeavored to identify the antichrist in this generation. This is not new, but there are a few signs to show us when weve come upon the real McCoy, and unless they exist all attempts to spot this very wicked ruler are mere guesswork, if not outright nonsense. Because any government, ruler or individual that openly opposes Christ is a type of the final antichrist, many have thought that such figures as Antiochus Epiphanes, Nero, Hitler, Saddam Hussein and a host of others were the antichrist. They were in fact types of the antichrist but they are certainly not the final antichrist of Revelation.

By means of biblical numerology, misapplied scripture passages and some pretty extravagant guessing people have come up with some wild ideas on just who this man is. I have heard names such as Henry Kissinger, Sat Guru, David Duke, Ronald Reagan, the Pope, and a dozen of others. One web page I found recently outlines all the reasons why Arnold Schwarzenegger has to be the antichrist! I could laugh at this choice, but knowing why someone made such a ridiculous choice is no laughing matter.

There is less material available in the Bible to identify the antichrist before his rule than after it begins. There is some reason to believe that he will not even he revealed until after the rapture or removing of the church, a belief based on 2 Thessalonians 2:7. Some of the common mistakes in trying to identify this man happen because we are looking for the wrong kind of personality to start with.

He will not be the leader of any new or old religious order or tradition. He will be a political, military genius. He will come up through ordinary political channels and will rise to power so suddenly that the world wont have much time to consider his past. They will be far to busy trying to keep up with his devious antics in the present.

What can he known about him before he starts to rule is somewhat obscure but it is not hard to think that someone or a few people wont begin to notice him and his unusual way of approaching politics, rather early on. We might he able to identify him when we see some of those traits and attributes that the Bible says he begins to show after he has taken power.

Rev Bresciani has written many articles over the past thirty years in such periodicals as Guideposts and Catholic Digest. He is the author of two books available on, Alibris, Barnes and Noble and many other places. Rev Bresciani wrote Hook Line and Sinker or what has Your Church Been Teaching You, publisher, PublishAmerica of Baltimore MD. He also wrote a book published by Xulon Press entitled An American Prophet and His Message, Questions and Answers on the Second Coming of Christ. His book is now being heralded as the clearest book on the subject of the second coming of Christ since Hal Lindsey's "Late Great Planet Earth" Rev Brescianis website is,

Can You Change Your Life

Friday, May 29, 2009

Pride Can Often Create Problems in Religion

Have you ever talked to someone about their religious beliefs, only to find out that they are very stubborn, they only want to talk about their beliefs and do not want to listen to your opinion at all. I have met plenty of people that fall into this category and rarely do I run into someone with an open mind about their religious beliefs. These people often try to make you feel stupid and don't realize, that they are the ones who are actually ignorant.

Pride can often create problems in religion and only later when you see the truth can you really understand how stubborn you were. The problem with these people, is that once they find the truth, it's another lie and they seem to push these beliefs on to others. Often these people can be very aggressive and it almost seems like they need to make up for lost time, since they were wrong about their last religion.

Psalm 10:4 In his pride the wicked does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God.

It seems like pride has often got man into trouble and rarely gotten him out of it. Pride can often start wars but only after defeat or education can they be ended. While some people go around town shoving religion down your throat in the name of God, others are ignoring the information completely. The problems in religion resulting from someone's pride have created too many problems throughout history and need to be stopped. Turn your prideful thinking into a compassionate mind.

The next time you meet someone on the street or in a store and they look different or have different beliefs, humble yourself and be kind to them. Show a little compassion instead of pride. Maybe, just maybe you could even make friends with these people and learn something about their beliefs. Often you will find that their religious beliefs are not that much different than yours and this could get you thinking and rethinking about your religion.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

What Is Aura Energy

How Can Goal Setting Worksheets Help You

Goal setting can be done in many ways. For example, you could simply think about it, make big plans or even use goal setting worksheets. Success is determined by a system that can streamline the process. Join me as you discover how goal setting worksheets can help you.

In any goal, there is always a way for its achievement. We can look at the success as a spectrum. On the one end, failure, and on the other, success. To achieve success then needs to do things different. After all, we see many people who have a goal, even if they haven't consciously thought about it. For example, those who want a Yacht, and want to retire to a sunny beech, but in most cases never do.

I truly believe that every goal you desire for the fulfillment of, you can achieve. However, tools are needed. You can't put on a new tire on a car, without effective tools, not can you succeed without the effective tools.

In goal setting, this is the goal setting worksheets. You see, from that spectrum of success, we can see less we do, less we get, and the more we do, the more we get. This applies in most cases but not all cases.

You could plan to make a cup of coffee, and make it into a 100 page business plan of how you will make the coffee. What we need is a simple way to do things. A goal setting system with goal setting worksheets that make this possible.

There are many places that offer goal setting worksheets, and some even offer comprehensive goal setting systems. These can be a great way to keep things simple, without having to fall short on the necessities of goal setting.

You can think about a cup of coffee and make it without plans; however, you can't just leave your life goals to such chances. They must at the very least be written down on paper. Even if you don't have a goal setting system, simply writing it down, will improve the likelihood that you will achieve that goal.

If we look at that success spectrum again, we will find that there are things we can do to either make it more likely to manifest in our lives, and decrease the time to achievement. Achieving both of these is a science and an art in goal setting.

It needs smart goal setting. And smart is all about finding solutions that makes life easier, cut down the time to achievement, and increase likelihood of success. This takes time, and even with a full on system, you may find that you can tweak the goal setting systems to meet your needs.

Goal setting worksheets are great for many reasons. Once you use them over time, you will find them become second nature. And then your goal setting will take on a new meaning. With you setting goals and achieving them on almost a daily basis.

Find out more about smart goal setting and the goal setting worksheets I use, and get your free eBook worth $7, where I give you the 10 best goal setting ideas. Get your copy by visiting:

Loving People With Kindness

Feng Shui and Symbols - What You Have in Your House Says a Lot About You

What does a broken statue of a rooster have to do with Feng Shui? Feng Shui teaches us that everything in our house is a reflection of what is in our mind. Symbolically speaking, your house and the things in it reflects your thoughts, feelings, and spirit.

So let's get back to that rooster. One of my clients had recently separated from her husband. I noticed that a statue of a large bird was directly facing her bed, so it was probably the first thing she saw when getting up in the morning. Upon closer examination, I noticed two things; first, one of the legs had previously been broken and was wrapped in what appeared to be a cast. Second, I realized that it was not a chicken; it was a rooster. Unfortunately, the coxcomb on the top of the head had broken off, probably in the same fall that broke the leg of the statue.

I examined this unfortunate art piece for a moment and then said to my client, "Do you realize that the first thing you see in the morning is a broken cock?"

After I picked her up from the floor (she was laughing so much she just collapsed), she gasped out, "You have no idea of how perfect that observation is." Not wanting to really know much more, I suggested we send out the broken rooster for repair. We then talked about what she really wanted to see first thing in the morning; it was her flute and music and a picture of her daughter.

Another client was having a hard time keeping relationships with men going. Visiting her apartment was like seeing a shrine to her daughter. Everywhere was a mother/daughter photograph. It felt like she was already in a relationship and there was no room for any other one to grow.

Everything that you choose to surround yourself with has symbolic meaning and reflects something about your life. Whether intentional or not, all those objects, pictures, photographs, and pieces of furniture resonate with information about you. Take a look around at your house. What is the first thing you see when you enter your home? When you get up in the morning? When you sit down to eat? Do those objects support you in living your best life? Observe what you have around you and then experiment. See how you feel swapping out the images that surround you for other ones that are a better reflection of who you are and where you want to go. I've seen this simple action do amazing things to improve people's lives.

Interested in learning more about Feng Shui and ways to improve the energy in your home or office? Get great tips and motivating messages by subscribing to the Empty Your Nest newsletter at

Adult Pier Pressure

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Individuals and of the Earth

Today, many people on the planet are in need of healing and are suffering through difficult times - some physically, some emotionally, some due to what appear to be external circumstances. In reality, the earth itself is undergoing a global purification which is causing many to experience an upsurge of both emotional and physical difficulties. We are not yet accustomed to thinking of everything that is physical as having a spiritual root, and yet this is what is taking place as purification advances upon the planet. Many nations, as well, are experiencing a similar kind of upheaval related to planetary purification. The purpose of this movement and, indeed, of this turbulence, is to free the self of formerly blocked negative energies and ultimately to create greater freedom for each self and for the planet as a whole.

The purification of the individual and of the planet operates according to similar principles and the healing that is made possible through both is the same. Light intensifies in its potency, creating a separation between energies of light and darkness. The darkness, once separated, moves from a dormant state into the light of awareness where it can be seen, and felt, and released into the infinite light of God. During this passage, things that were held in the body because they were too painful to feel things that may have manifested as longstanding physical or emotional symptoms may intensify in their level of activity while at the same time becoming available to our awareness again. On a planetary level also, things that were latent within human consciousness are now more readily acted out upon the world stage because what was hidden is now revealed, and what has become more conscious has a greater possibility for becoming active in its expression. The purification that is taking place in a general sense means that people will feel more that things will come up more frequently and with greater intensity on all levels in order to be healed. This is the result of the greater efficacy of light upon the earth, and though its immediate result may be disturbing in certain respects, it is simultaneously creating the possibility for greater freedom of people everywhere to live in love, in peace, and with a sense of unity with all of life.

The increased possibility for dealing with formerly concealed or dormant energies that are now making themselves known, creates entirely new possibilities for healing at this time. This can include physical, mental, and emotional difficulties that are acute, or those that may have troubled us for years. The power of light that is now more available on the planet is already infusing our physical, mental, and emotional bodies. Through understanding the process and through working with it in a conscious way in a way that focuses on the incorporation of greater light into the body and consciousness - greater healing of pain and suffering that relate to the time we are in can take place, and discomfort and distress can be alleviated.

There are many avenues of working with light for purposes of healing and purification, some more powerful than others. Some take place through meditation; some through participation in the synergy of light-filled groups; some through being in nature, and some through spiritual practices which focus more directly on alignment and on breathing in light for the purpose of healing painful areas of life, whether physical, emotional, or any other variety. Commitment to such a practice can go a long way toward concentrating light in the body for purposes of healing. It can also create a heightened awareness, simultaneously, of our deeper identity as spiritual beings.

For additional writings by Julie Redstone see Pathways of Light. For a deeper understanding of healing through light as it relates to pain and suffering, see the Calendar of Healing.

Lifes Suffering Cycles