Sunday, May 31, 2009

I Was Not Placed Here to Condemn - But to Shine

I was not placed in this position to condemn anybody. I was placed here to shine in order that those who do not know light may witness light and be drawn to the light.

I frequently notice how Christians tend to lash out at non-christians. They hit them on their heads with the bible and condemn them of their sins. Why? Do you not know that we are here not to judge but to shine so that others may see our light and in their witnessing our light that shines through, that they too will seek after the light and come to the light.

John 12:45 "And he who sees me sees Him who sent me."

12:46 "I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness"

12:47 "And if anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him: for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world".

Verse 45 states that when someone sees Jesus, they see God. Likewise when someone sees you they should be seeing Jesus, or possibly it could be that you will be the closest thing to Jesus that they will ever see.

Verse 46, in my personal translation, says let your light, which is Jesus in you, shine through that others will see the light and come to know the light and darkness in their lives will automatically be gone.

Verse 47 Jesus says that He did not come to Judge but to save. Do we set out to Judge the world or do we go into the world and let our light shine.

John 3:17 "For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved". Do we as Christians, rush out and start to bash people over their heads with the bible and convict them of their sins, or do we quietly go out, sit amongst the sinners and let our lights shine so that they are automatically drawn to the light? I wonder which approach Jesus chose?

How many Christians do you know that have absolutely no fellowship with non-christians. How will the non-christian ever come to see the light if we do not take the light out. We open churches in nice buildings, which is great, but sometimes the church building acts as a lampshade and all the christians go hide their lights in the building. When they leave the building many turn their lights off that they may go unnoticed! How can we ever be the light of the world and shine to the lost if we hide in buildings and keep turning our lights off?

I remember many years ago, how my earthly father, who was a fairly devout Roman Catholic at the stage, proudly explained to me how religion was a personal thing and how he hid his religion so well that most people in his work place thought that he was an atheist. SHAME. I did eventually, many years later, manage to lead him into a true relationship with Jesus. How? I never ever preached to him and never hit him over the head with the bible, but my light shone through and when he was sickly, he called for me. He had seen the light and realised that he needed the same light as what I had.

Now I am not saying to any of you that we should stop preaching and close the churches. I am saying that we should go out into our own little worlds and shine so that others will see the light. The light will attract them and they will be drawn to the source of the light which is Jesus. They will want Jesus and will come to him of free will, not because you hit them on the head. If you hit someone every time you see them , they will avoid you and run away from you. If you carry the light while you hit them they will come to hate the light as it starts to represent punishment to them.

Love them. Everyone craves to be loved and when you love them with your light, they associate the light with love and are then attracted to the light.

Now my great commission to you, the Christian, is to go into the whole wide world and let your light shine. Go to places where you would not normally go, and let your light shine into the darkness there. Do not let the darkness overcome the light, so make sure that the lamp in you has sufficient oil, so that it does not go out.

I frequently notice how Christians tend to lash out at non-christians. They hit them on their heads with the bible and condemn them of their sins. Why? Do you not know that we are here not to judge but to shine so that others may see our light and in their witnessing our light that shines through, that they too will seek after the light and come to the light.

John 12:45 "And he who sees me sees Him who sent me."

12:46 "I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness"

12:47 "And if anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him: for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world".

Verse 45 states that when someone sees Jesus, they see God. Likewise when someone sees you they should be seeing Jesus, or possibly it could be that you will be the closest thing to Jesus that they will ever see.

Verse 46, in my personal translation, says let your light, which is Jesus in you, shine through that others will see the light and come to know the light and darkness in their lives will automatically be gone.

Verse 47 Jesus says that He did not come to Judge but to save. Do we set out to Judge the world or do we go into the world and let our light shine.

John 3:17 "For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved". Do we as Christians, rush out and start to bash people over their heads with the bible and convict them of their sins, or do we quietly go out, sit amongst the sinners and let our lights shine so that they are automatically drawn to the light? I wonder which approach Jesus chose?

How many Christians do you know that have absolutely no fellowship with non-christians. How will the non-christian ever come to see the light if we do not take the light out. We open churches in nice buildings, which is great, but sometimes the church building acts as a lampshade and all the christians go hide their lights in the building. When they leave the building many turn their lights off that they may go unnoticed! How can we ever be the light of the world and shine to the lost if we hide in buildings and keep turning our lights off?

I remember many years ago, how my earthly father, who was a fairly devout Roman Catholic at the stage, proudly explained to me how religion was a personal thing and how he hid his religion so well that most people in his work place thought that he was an atheist. SHAME. I did eventually, many years later, manage to lead him into a true relationship with Jesus. How? I never ever preached to him and never hit him over the head with the bible, but my light shone through and when he was sickly, he called for me. He had seen the light and realised that he needed the same light as what I had.

Now I am not saying to any of you that we should stop preaching and close the churches. I am saying that we should go out into our own little worlds and shine so that others will see the light. The light will attract them and they will be drawn to the source of the light which is Jesus. They will want Jesus and will come to him of free will, not because you hit them on the head. If you hit someone every time you see them , they will avoid you and run away from you. If you carry the light while you hit them they will come to hate the light as it starts to represent punishment to them.

Love them. Everyone craves to be loved and when you love them with your light, they associate the light with love and are then attracted to the light.

Now my great commission to you, the Christian, is to go into the whole wide world and let your light shine. Go to places where you would not normally go, and let your light shine into the darkness there. Do not let the darkness overcome the light, so make sure that the lamp in you has sufficient oil, so that it does not go out.

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