Saturday, May 30, 2009

In Jesus Christ We Rise

Give glory and praise to Jesus Christ. Whom raised that temple up out of the grave. From death to life on the third day, just like he said.

The temple of God from which he stayed. While on this earth for many many days. Performing miracles and raising the dead. Forgiving and healing was his passionate way. Though the Roman soldiers and those who didn't know him. Saw him as a threat. When he was truly more, than we could ever hope for or expect to get. While hanging on the cross; he forgave them of that. And still he lives holding no regrets.

He paid a price. We could not pay. He chose to be the living sacrifice. So that we could have life. Leaving lessons, blessings and direction to heaven. Though we be blind. If we only believe and have faith the size of a mustard seed. We can say to the mountain. Be ye cast into the midst of the sea. We should be able to do just what he did.

And that much more. Because he lead the way. All we have to do is open the door. Following his lead to everlasting life. Cause we can do all things in Jesus Christ. Just as we live in this world, we shall surely die. Being born in sin is the reason why. We must confess and be born again. To be among the living. We can thank God for giving us Jesus Christ.

He made a way and provision for life. So lets keep that in mind. And when were laid in that grave. If we believe what he said. And have faith that he is. We also can have another chance to live. When he says rise my child. We can open our eyes. Because we know hes alive. But without faith. You'll lie in the darkness of death in a grave. With out ears to hear. In hell is where you will stay.

These short stories and poetry, express times in my life that were happy, joyful, funny, regretful and sometimes chaotic. I've been writing all my life and I can't imagine not doing it. I've always kept journals; wrote poems, lyrics etc. I'm a firm believer in the power of words. Therefore. I'm involved in several writing ventures. My husband and I have a Christian site, "Risen Word Ministry", where I write poetry. There's many topics with five children and eight grandchildren. Has encouraged me to write a series of stories from childhood all through the parental experience. Some here and, in "Tales from a multi-colored room". My main purpose in writing is to glorify God. Also to share some of my life experience with others in hopes of making a positive influence. Writing is something I plan on doing for the rest of my life, to go throughout generations as a family legacy.

Spiritual Benefits

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