Saturday, May 16, 2009

How to Achieve Personal Development and Spiritual Growth

Huge institutions worth hundreds of billions of trillions together are losing over 75% of their values. And at the same time, all of the people that comprise these organizations are feeling devalued. Feeling stable and secure is something that is being ripped out of - from under the carpets, so to say for a lot of people nowadays. In this financial crisis, Lehman Brothers going bankrupt, AIG Insurance being rescued by the federal government today, Merrill Lynch being bought out by Bank of America. I am feeling my feet firmly on the ground.

What do they do now? They go out and now have to find a job feeling totally insecure as to what is the next step to take where once they felt that they worked in the most secure conglomerate. This causes a major shake up to the nation, to the world, to the foundations not only of the financial of the economics of the world, but it also causes a total shake up and break down of each individual involved who make up the whole of these conglomerates.

We are in a momentous time of change where we have to rebuild and pick up the pieces, all of the shattered pieces. I've been there in my own micro-cosmic way, and I am still walking a little wobbly, not sure where my next real estate deals are going to come. The worst that happened to Miami did not affect me personally and crush me down because I am definitely progressing in my vision of creating a stability and security for me. Not only a housing meltdown, but the number one in the country for mortgage fraud.

I read in the paper today that there is a company that wants to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in creating millions of square feet in the next few years because they have a vision for what Miami can be. These daring visionaries have the wherewithal to look ahead into creating a better city. I wonder how these companies have the wherewithal to sustain that vision?

Where do we get the the strength and courage to create a vision for our own lives to make our lives better instead of spiraling down in depression, anxiety, fear, panic, loss. All these real events are coming into view so massively and rapidly.

How to emerge from the ashes with renewed vigor and vitality? What does it take besides strength and courage and vision? It takes an unshakable trust in, I believe, in a higher power and an involvement in a collaborative effort with others to not feel alone; to feel that there are many resources amidst the panic to create a new future for ourselves initially on a microcosmic level, and hopefully on a macrocosmic level.

It takes courage. It takes strength, and it takes something like a tunnel vision to hold on tight and not let go, to take perseverance like a pit bull in our new vision amidst the shambles and the rubble of the shakedown.

How do we value ourselves? What values do we have? What talents do we have? What do we have to give? What have we not given of ourselves because we've been hiding in our own insecurities of not really standing up to the plate and discovering what our true gifts are? How do we value what our true gifts are if we haven't really utilized them? How can we replace all this evaluation with values? What can we do of value to give back somehow. That's what I want to do now.

As I was going through my own breakdown, I couldn't't even think of going out into the community? I couldn't walk, but I was rebuilding, and little by little, step by step, and not walking so wobbly. There's a greater sense of purpose, of going beyond my own little microcosmic situation into a more collaborative community outreach because I wish to stay in the profession I've been in for 23 years in real estate, and I see now that it is a community problem and some of us need to step up to the plate.

Free tips, resources and personal development books are avialble at

Constantly nourish your spiritual growth to move ahead in life.

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