Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Breast Cancer Awareness and Your Cosmetics

I Love what I do! Researching, writing and doing what I can to help all of us create health and wellness, a great source of abundance.

And in this month of Breast Cancer Awareness I'm so concerned about the lack of information we get on why we must read and UNDERSTAND the ingredient lists of our personal care products that we use daily. Whether it's women's lipstick, baby oil or men's shaving cream we need to know what is going on our skin.

Green washing and slick marketing mislead us to think that the products we are using are safe, but, the billions of dollars at stake do not necessarily lead corporations to put our health first on their list of corporate profit requirements.

We can create a better world through consumer power. Empower yourself daily, redirect your daily spending toward products that are safe for you, your family and the planet. Find products that surround you with health and wellness.

"Consumers believe that 'if it's on the market, it can't hurt me.' And this belief is sometimes wrong." Director of the FDAs Office of Cosmetics and Colors (FDA 1988)

For example:

PAHs, or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, are common contaminants in petroleum, also called petroleum jelly or paraffin and sold under the well-known brand name of Vaseline.

PAHs and Breast Cancer

Researchers at Columbia University found that the breast tissue of women with breast cancer was 2.6 times more likely to contain elevated levels of PAHs than the breast tissue of women without breast cancer. (Rundle et al. 2000). And this is only ONE chemical source, it does not even begin to address that we come in contact with over 100 chemicals a day using our personal care products.

The words 'natural' and 'organic' can be misleading, they can be used in labeling without any substantiation about what is really in the product. As much as possible purchase certified organic. Certified organic assures you that the product has been through an independent certifying agency that guarantees no genetically modified, pesticides, hormones or synthetic ingredients. You affect the lessening of global warming because sustainable agriculture techniques must be used to produce certified organic products. Who would have thought that using a cleanser and moisturizer could be so important to our planet.

It is astounding that we seem to ignore the connection between our daily chemical environment and our health as we hand over our dollars to corporations that are not holding our health, our children's future and the environment in everyone's best interest. As Breast Cancer Awareness month winds down being AWARE is the keyword to keep in mind throughout the year, every day, when you are at the market, department store or pharmacy. Your health is your responsibility so educate yourself as much as possible about how to create a healthy environment for you and your family.

Tana Dean is an ecopreneur, author and speaker. Her book Your Money, Your Power: 10 Ideas for Mindful Spending to Create a Healthy Green Planet coaches us on how to create a more healthy, peaceful planet using our daily financial decisions and actions. She designed and developed her internet eco business,, offering articles, products and resources focused on Abundant Lifestyle, Green Living and Healthy Bodies. She also offers her favorite products, Certified Organic Skin, Home and Nutrition. She is a Reiki Master in the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition.

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