Thursday, August 20, 2009

Letting Go of the Matrix

Over the past few days, I have noticed that I have been focusing much more on looking within. By this, I mean each time I become conscious of any issues in my life, I look within and see what relationship they have with the Self within.

By focusing on the Self, it is easy to release; to relax; to give that issue its freedom, and let go of something that is no longer serving me.

Through this process, I am finding within me new depth I did not know I had.

On a couple of occasions, I have become very aware of the depth of silence within and the effect it has on my consciousness. What I have been noticing is, when I take my awareness very deep within, I become very magnetic.

I almost feel like a mini Black Hole. The aura around my body becomes very pronounced and solid. I feel the power of the magnetic field around me and through me. The power of this magnetic field can have a restructuring effect on my physiology.

I have been getting gentle burning sensations in my legs. I feel this is my spiritual blueprint being readjusted and my physiology being restructured to a new energy flow, which is more integrated and has greater wholeness.

I feel this process could account for some of the causes of eczema, as the skin can get quite dry and flaky.

Although I feel this happening within myself, I feel I am a part of a much bigger system.

Over the past year, we have seen a lot of sunspot activity in the sun's aura. These sunspots are created by anomalies in the sun's magnetic field, which burst forth in a corona mass ejection as the magnetic field breaks down in that region.

As that happens, a little while later we start to see activities in the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights around planet Earth as the earth's magnetic field is affected.

What I am not sure of at this stage is, which comes first: the adjustments in my body the microcosm; or the adjustments in the planets and stars the macrocosm.

Whichever one it is, I feel these are linked and we are going through a major restructuring of awareness and consciousness, which now is getting so strong we feel it in our magnetic field and physiology.

I feel this is associated with the reintegration of the whole universe: a coming together, or oneness. We are all aware of the space and time that connects here and there together. What I feel we are starting to become aware of is all the dark matter that fills the gap between here, there and everywhere.

Although this dark matter is so small it cannot be seen or measured, science says it makes up 95% of the matter in the universe. Science also says 95% of the capacity of our brain goes unused. I feel there is a connection between these two figures.

As we start to become more conscious of this dark matter, we are beginning to see the universe becoming one with no separation interconnected by this dark matter.

We are seeing our consciousness and awareness flowing through this conscious and aware material, which is connecting human consciousness into an integrated whole of one Universal Mind that each human is a part of.

Message channelled by George Lockett (C) Copyright 2006, All Rights Reserved.

* New book * "A Journey into the Self -- the multi-dimensional nature of being human": HealerGeorge Web Site and New Book

Description: What is this book going to do for YOU? For those who are seeking a complete energetic makeover, as you read it you will feel a stirring and awakening in the depths of your heart. For those who have questions about Shifts in Consciousness, Energy Balancing and Healing within the body, you will find clear answers.

Read HealerGeorges Blog: Curezone Blog or ask at question at: Ask HealerGeorge

Hope In Religion

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