Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Victimization Vs Choice

Life without a doubt challenges each one of us with events that occur in ways where we label it as not having a choice. For example, Being laid off from work, the car breaking down, a natural disaster like a flood etc. however we do have a choice. We always have a choice over how we respond to the said event. We can choose to see things that feel like, and seem to be, tragic as opportunities for growth. We can choose to focus on the glass half full and be grateful for it or to focus on the half that is empty and be a victim of it. We have the Free Will choice as to where we focus our minds.

Empowerment is seeing reality as it really is, owning the choices you have, and making the best of it with the support of a Loving God Force. There is incredible power in the simple words "I Choose". All of us have been trained to be victims, consider how often you have said, or heard someone say, "I have to go to work tomorrow." When we use the language of "I have to" we are making a victim statement.

As long as we look outside of our Self to find out who we are, to define ourselves and give us self-worth, we are setting ourselves to be victims. We are taught at such an early age to look outside ourselves; to people, places, things, to money, property, and prestige, for fullfillment and happiness. THIS DOES NOT WORK and it does not serve us. We cannot fill the hole within with anything outside of the Self. Bottom line, you can get all the money, property, and prestige in the world, have everyone in the world Love you, but if you are not a Peace within, if you do not LOVE and ACCEPT yourself, none of it will work to make you happy.

When we look outside for self-definition and self-worth, we are giving power away and setting ourselves up to be victims. All of society is trained to be victims and we are taught to give our power away.

Everyone inherits victimization from the Parental/Ancestral lines as well as what we are taught growing up. Victimization can be removed from your Energy field. The following are some words and phrases we usually say when we are unconsciously firing victimization patterns.

It's your fault

But I did the best I could.

This is happening because you did not help me.

I am sooo disappointed.

It's OK I will sacrifice myself for you.

This always happens to me.

What's the point?

I can't its a rainy day.

She told me to do it.

You don't understand me.

He makes me angry.

I have always been so good to you.

Unnecessary OUCH comments.

You never say that you love me.

I am always doing everything here.


I have always tried to please you.

Nobody thanks me for what I do.

I am so miserable.

Can't you see how much I suffer because of you?

Don't you remember when I used to help you?

After all I have done for you.

I have no luck.

She is so lucky.

In order to become empowered and become the co-creator in our lives, and to stop giving power to the Belief that we are the victim, it is absolutely necessary to own that we have choices. The "have to" must be removed from our vocabulary. As long as we are reacting to life unconsciously we do not have choices. Clear the imprints from your energy field, unplug the neural net Programming and empower your language with I statements. I choose to go to work. Remember the until you own that you have a choice, you have not made one.

Nicole Lavoie, Founder of Frequency Awareness. Frequency Awareness is committed to assisting human evolution by providing information to educate, services to remove blockages in the energy bands that impede one from realizing and following their soul's purpose in life. For more information about the services Nicole offers visit

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