Saturday, June 27, 2009

Plumbers - Get Free PR and Grow Your Profits

Most plumbers do not think they will be able to get their stories into the press and so do not bother trying to get any free PR. This is a mistake, PR is a very powerful method of marketing for free and any business can get a massive amount of free PR which would normally cost a serious amount of money if it was done through paid advertising.

PR actually lends a lot more credibility than traditional paid advertising because when your story is featured in the editorial of your local newspaper, TV or radio station it carries a lot more weight.

There are plenty of people who have turned their businesses around just through using PR. Just by sending a simple one page press release to their local media they got a lot of free publicity and interest in their business. Follow the strategy below as one way that you can try to get some free publicity:-

Promote yourself as an expert in your field and make sure all your local media knows about you.
Use the world around you as a backdrop for what you have to say. For instance, the winter is a time when we all need to keep warm but in the current economic climate where money is tight we want to spend as little as possible to do so. As you are a plumber you could write a one page press release about how you can help home owners keep warm and save money at the same time and include tips on insulation and getting the most from their central heating systems etc. You may need to spend a bit of time doing some research, but if you assure the public that you have some genuine information that will help them you will find it is easy to get some free publicity.

Your local media is always on the look out for fresh, exciting and unusual stories to use, so get your imagination working and come up with some interesting stories to get that free publicity that could seriously increase your business.

Plumbers discover very easy to implement marketing and internet marketing strategies to recession proof your business with this free E-Book from Marketing Man. Marketing Tips for Plumbers

Marketing Man has hundreds of Marketing Tips to help you recession proof your business. If you run a small business visit his website today to get instant free marketing tips to help you fight the credit crunch. Marketing Man

You Absolutely Must Know Now - Self Help Tips

1) Find out what you really want (xyz income a year, romance)
2) And who you want to be (loving, successful, happy)
3) Know WHY you want the above (more time, less stress)
4) State them as specific Intentions (I am / I have vs I will)
5) Start being that person (How would a happy person earning $ xyz act?)

The word "Goal" often brings up draggy, hard to achieve images for most of us. Groannnn! No wonder we lose motivation - 'cos we didn't really care about the goal as much as what we thought it would bring us. It also says "DO DO DO" and while doing is a big part of it, it isn't quite the start point. So what is?

Being. As you focus on who you want to Be, the Doing action flows naturally.

You can be a successful entrepreneur. A great parent. Courageous. Happy. The good news is you get to consciously choose whoever you want to be!

Planning. Next, create SMART goals (specific, measurable, actionable, resonant and thrilling - a little twist on the conventional definition). Your goals should (not that I'm telling you what to do ha-ha) excite you, scare you and align with your values.

Doing. Be ready to take inspired action, and make it consistent action.

Some things you can do to climb back on the horse when you fall:

Hold yourself accountable to a friend, a coach, an accountability partner. Join a mastermind group. Change your goals if they don't excite you anymore. Yeah, really! Let them go. Be nice to yourself, have fun, treat yourself when you accomplish a task and ask for help - you don't have to go it alone.

This isn't an exhaustive list but it's definitely a good place to tap into when stuck.

Bottom-line: By clearly knowing what you want and why, you've got a better chance of getting it. Sounds good to me!

Tia Singh,
Inspired by Fun! Life Coaching -
Life And Success Coach, LOA Coach, NLP Practitioner and Psych K facilitator.
"Bust those self limiting beliefs - they're not working for you anymore!
"Live your Best Life Ever"
Simply stated, I inspire and support people like you to live a life of love, courage and fulfillment. It's time to live the life you were born to live.
Visit my website at to learn more about my services and to book a free consultation. Let's get this party started!

Friday, June 26, 2009

What Does a GFI Do

In your bathroom you should have a GFI electrical outlet. Most new homes or newly remodeled homes require you to have GFI electrical outlets in the kitchen. Most older kitchens do not have GFI electrical outlets. GFI stands for ground fault circuit interrupter.

Why not call it a GFCI instead of a GFI electrical outlet? Well it is called a GFCI in some instances. GFI is short and is the most common name used by most electricians and builders for this type of outlet.

GFI 's come in 15 amp and 20 amperage outlets. GFI outlets must be wired properly. Make sure you're using the proper wire size when hooking up the GFI outlet.

How do I know which size wire to use? This all depends on how far away you are running it from the electrical panel. There are charts you can use to figure this out. If you are not running the electrical wire more than 80 feet from the electrical panel you can use 12 gauge electrical wires for a 20 amp GFI. This is a general rule of thumb for most electrical house wiring.

If you're going to be using a 15 amp GFI and you are going to be less than 80 feet away from the electrical panel you can use 14 gauge electrical wires. Again this is just a general rule of thumb for most electrical house wiring.

A GFI is a light duty electrical plug used in bathrooms, kitchens and the exterior of your house. The sole purpose of the GFI is to shut the breaker off faster if there is any moisture or light load problems.

Let's say for instance you have your hair dryer plugged into the GFI outlet. The hair dryer somehow falls into the sink while it is on or plugged in. The GFI outlet will instantly shut off because of the sensitivity of the breaker inside of the plug it self.

The GFI plug has a test button and a reset button on it. If you are continually resetting the GFI you will wear it out eventually. I have had GFI plugs after resetting the button about 10 times break and no longer able to use them.

The GFI electrical plug is a great idea and if you don't have them in your bathroom or outside of your home it would be a great idea to have an electrician install them for you.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Home Building Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

San Diego Termite Damage

How to Install Bay Windows Properly

Proper Installation of Bay Windows

In order to properly install your new bay windows, you will need a few basic tools to assist you with. If you have a measuring devices like a handy tape measure and a long ruler or a framing square, you are almost ready to begin with your bay window project. As for cutting, shaping and other devices, be prepared with a sharp saw, drill and bits, a portable crow bar and a trusty stapler. A handy utility knife can also be of use for shearing small edges.

A basic package of a bay window must consist of the bay window unit itself. It should go along with other components such as fiberglass insulation, the brackets that will hold the bay window unit in place, nails, shingles and a caulking that is usually made of silicone. It is best to run a thorough check of all the materials, as they have to be complete to get you started. A window skirting for your bay window should be made of thick boards to support for the base unit. You will also need additional materials in any case you are installing a new window out of a space that was previously a blank wall. In the same manner, installing a new window out of an existing window, framing add-ons should be readily available, along with cripple studs.

Steps in Installing Bay Windows

The installation of a basic bay window comes in several steps. You have to follow closely to achieve a well-installed bay window at home.

First, locate a fitting area where you will position your new bay window. Locating a fine place for a bay window can be in an existing window that you wish to enlarge. In this case, remove the existing window from its case. Take note of the size of the new bay window that you need to install. This should be the size of the actual hole of your wall from where you removed the old window. Put appropriate markings on the exterior of the house to serve as your guide as you cut through them.

If the required opening is already achieved, you are ready to start with the framing. Prepare the studs, sill, and a new header to make up for the new frames. If you want your new frame to be more durable, prepare sturdy materials and work on them with the proper cutting tools.

With the framing ready, produce the support braces and have them installed. If this is done, ask a buddy to help you lift the window unit and slowly slide it through the opening that you made. Lock it in all the corners and consider adding support braces if necessary. A larger window would normally require more support braces.

The next part to install is the window's roof. It should consist of ample amount of insulation, roof sheeting and roofing paper. By the frame, staple the roof sheeting before wrapping it with the roof paper. The drip edges and the flashing comes next and lastly, the shingles. Do the same thing for the window skirting at the bottom. To polish all installation, have your caulking gun ready and seal all edges with silicone caulking.

These easy to follow steps also go along with your do-it-yourself bay window packages. The best thing to do is to read through them carefully and be sure to follow them religiously. The hint is doing things the right way and that can be achieved by sticking to the rule sheet.

Rudi Wolzett's articles are found on many websites tied to information on bay windows. Recording his experience in writings, the reviewer demonstrated his skill on issues relating to curtains for bay windows.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pocket Door Problems - House Repair Ideas

Just a few months ago I went over to repair a pocket door that was closing at a weird angle. This was the first time I had ran into this sort of situation and was definitely confused. I got a flashlight and started looking inside the pocket door frame. I had a hard time finding the problem but when I did it was obvious.

As the pocket door was sliding closed it would work perfectly but when you went to open it the bottom of the door would stick out about an inch and a half passed the door jam. The problem turned out to be the track was missing a screw in the very back and as the door slid back into the frame the tracking would hang down at an angle from the weight of the door. There was no way to reach the screw because it was at that very back of the pocket door frame near the framing itself.

In order to fix the pocket door problem I was going to have to remove a good sized area of the plastered wall at the upper right hand corner of the pocket door frame. This was the only thing I could think of and would require a simple wall patch and some paint to make the repair complete.

This job took me about one hour to cut the hole and replaced the screw that had fallen out of the pocket door tracking. I then use some fast setting drywall plaster and some fiberglass drywall tape to repair the wall. This took another hour to finish the drywall properly.

Some pocket door problems are a little easier to repair than this one. Most pocket doors seemed to have problems sliding and eventually are left closed, never to be used again.

Painting the doors over and over again can actually add to the thickness of the door or excessive moisture in the home over long periods of time can also cause the door to swell preventing it from opening properly.

Painting the rollers themselves or the track that the rollers ride in can create a problem with rolling the door easily and effortlessly. If the pocket door rollers or tracking is damaged they will have to be repaired or replaced, obviously. Some people actually spray silicon on the rollers or grease the pocket door wheels and over time the track becomes caked with dried grease and dirt making the door hard to open and close

Here's one most people don't ever think about and yet I have faced this problem more than once. "The Dreaded Picture Hanger". Most people don't realize that the pocket door will not operate very well with a nail driven through it. I have had people complain about their pocket door not operating properly but they can wiggle it a little.

When I come upon a situation like this it usually just requires removing the nail that the picture is hung upon.

I have also seen instances where the home has been remodeled and new floor trim or door trim has been installed. The finish carpenter using his nail gun without changing to a shorter nail has himself nailed the pocket door shut. This could be a big problem because the nails are so thin they could be hard to remove.

Well that's all I can think of for pocket door problems that I have ran into for now. Until the next article have fun remodeling your home.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on building and remodeling your homes and Vista Door Repairs

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Walk With Farrakhan - Can Righteous People Sin and Can Wicked People Do Righteous Deeds?

I have written 7 articles detailing different aspects of my faith walk with my spiritual guide, The Hon. Louis Farrakhan. I have been blessed by God during my time of being a student of God's word under his direction to make some amazing changes in my life since my acceptance of Islam on March 20th, 1996. However, I don't want anyone, for one second, to think that my life has been perfect for the past 12 years since walking in the path to become a Muslim. I have made an equally fair share of mistakes and yes "sins" since becoming a Muslim.

Sometimes, many religious people let their supposed new righteous life give them the false arrogance that they are better than others. But, I take the view that I am on a journey in the path of God striving to be qualified to be one of his righteous servants. I don't look down on others, but rather try to encourage others to reach for the best everyday.

I, after 10 years of being a Muslim, during the year 2006 had a major fall in my personal life that tested my faith and made me reflect on my journey deeper.

I will be exploring this sensitive subject of my fall to sin during the 8th part of my article series, My walk with Farrakhan. I won't give the specific instances where I fell, but I will say that I went from the highest of high to the lowest of low in my personal life.

Before we get into exploring this subject let's define a few words to ensure we have the clearest possible understanding of the words used in this article. One of the things both The Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad and his student The Hon. Louis Farrakhan teaches us as students is to get definitions of the words we use. Also, Minister Malcolm X began his journey to enlightenment just by reading the dictionary and learning the meaning of words.

The word Righteous, according to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary is defined as,
"1: acting in accord with divine or moral law : free from guilt or sin 2 a: morally right or justifiable righteous decision> b: arising from an outraged sense of justice or morality 3 slang : genuine, excellent"

The word wicked, according to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary is defined as,
"1: morally very bad : evil 2 a: fierce, vicious wicked dog> b: disposed to or marked by mischief : roguish does wicked impersonations 3 a: disgustingly unpleasant : vile wicked odor> b: causing or likely to cause harm, distress, or trouble wicked storm> 4: going beyond reasonable or predictable limits: of exceptional quality or degree throws a wicked fastball.

The word sin, according to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary is defined as,
"1 a: an offense against religious or moral law b: an action that is or is felt to be highly reprehensible c: an often serious shortcoming : fault 2 a: transgression of the law of God b: a vitiated state of human nature in which the self is estranged from God"

Now with a clear definition of the key words used in this article, we will now proceed to explore this subject of righteous people, wicked people and sin.

Understanding Adam, Sin and falling from grace

"And certainly We gave a commandment to Adam before, but he forgot; and We found in him no resolve (to disobey)." Holy Qur'an 20:115

Both the Bible and The Qur'an speak of ALLAH creating a new man, giving that man specific instructions and that man ultimately falling from grace. This is the daily story of the human family of the earth that is striving in the path of God. Whereas both the Bible and Qur'an relate the same story there are differences in understanding of meaning. The Holy Qur'an takes the position that human beings are created in a state of Islam(natural submission to God) and are pure until our parents, environment or our own deeds take us from the path of righteousness.

The story of Adam and Eve has been used to promote the position that it is natural to sin or the "human" thing to do. In one sense yes humans inevitably make mistakes, but we are not created in the image and likeness of Almighty God to act less. Also, the Holy Qur'an doesn't blame the woman for leading man into temptation. We learn from reading Sura(chapter) 20:125 that Adam didn't intend to disobey his Lord, but rather he forgot. We are taught in Islam that all deeds will be judged by our intentions while doing the deed. Some people do good deeds for wicked intentions. Likewise, some people do wicked deeds while feeling the pangs of their conscious.

Yes, Adam fell from his great glory, but did Almighty God give up on him or turn his face from him? The Qur'an teaches that ALLAH turned mercifully towards Adam and "reminded" him of the promise of divine guidance.

I will use the biblical story of the prophets to make the next points in this analysis of righteous people and wicked people. Before I proceed I must make a clarification. The Holy Qur'an accepts all of the prophets mentioned in the Bible as true men of God. However, The Holy Qur'an doesn't accept the stories attributed to them of unrighteousness. The Qur'an teaches that for the prophets to be examples to purify others they must be pure themselves.

The Bible teaches us of man named Noah who was chosen by God to be a fulfiller of his will. The story further teaches us that Noah was a "righteous and "just" man(Gen 6:8-9). He was chosen by God to build the Ark and be a savior of his people. After Noah had fulfilled his mission from God and survived the flood, the Bible teaches that the sons of Noah found him in a drunken state. One of the sons of Noah saw the drunken state of his father and told the other brothers. We then learn that the two brothers refused to look at the nakedness of Noah and covered him.

Later, when Noah awoke he cursed (and God upheld the curse) the son (Ham) who looked and blessed the sons (Shem and Japheth) who covered him. The point to this story (from the biblical perspective) is that Noah was a righteous man who did an unrighteous deed, but that didn't stop God's favor on him. As for the sons, their refusing to look at their father naked could mean: they chose to look at the good of their father instead of the bad or they refused to judge this aspect of his life.

Another biblical story teaches us of a great king named David, who was the father of Solomon and a forerunner of the Messiah. The Bible teaches that David had a heart after God's own heart. Yet, despite these great qualities the book informs us of several misdeeds of David. Some scholars have suggested that David violated about 9 of the 10 commandments. However, David is still held up as an example of a true man of God and his kingdom set a standard for all others.

Travelling (travail) on the path of God

I like to describe my faith walk with God as being a journey. I have been on this journey for 12 years and will be on it for the rest of my life. I want you to think about something related to a journey. Imagine if you lived in Pensacola, Florida and you decided to travel to Chicago one day. You would find yourself travelling up I-65 N for a long period of time. Let's also say this is your first time travelling to the destination, so you are checking your map closely trying to stay on course. Yet, you made a mistake and took a wrong exit, therefore ended up in Kentucky. What fool would sit on the side of the road, give up and never try to make adjustments (checking the map) to get back on the interstate towards your destination. Likewise, in our journey to godliness we may find ourselves making some wrong exist Ex. drugs, alcohol, adultery, lying, stealing etc...

However, we don't have to stay on these wrong exists. As one would get back on the interstate to continue travelling to a city, we should, if a wrong exit was taken, get back of the path to continue our journey to God.

The Bible perfectly illustrates this point in the following words
"For a righteous man falleth seven times, and riseth up again; But the wicked are overthrown by calamity." Proverbs 24:16

If you notice that while the above scripture describes a man (or woman) as falling he still has righteous attached to him name. Why is this? Though we are taught that all have fallen short of the glory of God; is there a difference between righteous people who sin and wicked people who sin? As I wrote the last sentence, I thought how it could sound like a major paradox or contradiction. I think people can make unintentional departures from the right way and still be righteous. Yet, other people live a lifestyle of sin and are blatantly ignoring the will of God. This is what I think is the difference between righteous people and wicked people.

The example of The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan

Brother Farrakhan, to me, is a great example of a Muslim, because of his strong insistence that me must submit totally to ALLAH's will, fear no one but ALLAH and his ability to be honest about his short comings. After the Nation of Islam "fell" in 1975, Brother Farrakhan said that he became "disillusioned" with religion and fell from his former resolve. After reflection on his life, the condition of our people and the teachings of his spiritual father, The Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad, Minister Farrakhan recovered from his "fall"

Concerning this The Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad, ALLAH's messenger to us, reminds us

"So this is the thing that you must remember, that trials, sometimes, are so terrific that they will weaken the most strongest person sometimes." (The Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad 1964 Laborer meeting)

His example teaches me that the true strength of a person is not that you wont get knocked down from time to time, but can you get back up from a fall, make adjustment and go on to shine.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, I had a major fall in my spiritual life after 10 years of striving to be a good Muslim. Yet, after much reflection and the help of God, I am now returning to the path of God and am seeking to be qualified to be called by his name. The Bible teaches us: "All things works for the good of those who love the Lord." It is important when you are having a down moment to have the "right mental attitude", which will determine your response to a down moment.

I want to encourage you to examine Minister Farrakhan and his example of being a servant of Almighty God.

Thank you for reading these few words!

Mustafaa Muhammad is an "African American" who is a follower of the Islamic faith. Through independent religious studies developed an ecumenical view of the world's religions and the people of God. And while he is devoted to Islam as his faith he is at home in the Church(or other religious institutions) as he is in the Mosque.

He has been featured on the Radio, Newspapers, public speaking events and at Mosques/Churches telling his story and offering his understanding of Almighty God's plan for salvation.

Mustafaa is involved in community activity. He believes that our faith must inspire us to greater service to humanity or we may be making a mockery of the purpose of faith. Contact him @

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Things to Do to Make Money Online

The Big question is what do I do to make money and the answer is simple: a Lot, in fact! The rate at which people are rushing to get online these days makes it easier to make money online. There are a lot of opportunities to make money online these days on like three years ago.

Below are a list of ways you can make money online with little or no capital

Become an Affiliate this is the easiest way to make money online, selling and promoting affiliate products (products like reports, ebooks, can make you a sizeable income. You can also sell services like domain registration and web hosting services you be amazed what you can do for people without ever seeing or meeting them, anywhere in the world!)

Online auctions eBay is the most popular online auction and has made thousands to abandon their regular job and are earning full-time incomes from auctioning collectibles, antiques, and even brand new equipment books and gadgets of all types. Products are been sold on eBay.

Membership sites: Target a group of people with particular interest that would love or willing to get information on some niches you can create a membership site around the niches and charged your members for subscription.

Sell information products: Information products are gold mine because every body online is always looking for one information or the other. You don't have to be a guru before you can create this information product you turn your knowledge into information product.

This could be in form of ebook or a report. You could also obtain the right to someone else info products and sell them. Most of the products I sell are other people's products. I just drive traffic to my site, provide information, and point to relevant products related to the information I provide people looking for a way to make money online.

The list can be endless and I can't go on. There are a lot of great way and things to do to make money online. Apart from big corporations, most of the web is made up of sites put up by little businesses people work from home.

Make Money Blogging - Plan For Success

Do you want to make money blogging? Blogs are a popular home business; some bloggers are making six-figure incomes. But if you've tried it, and it didn't work for you, there's a reason -- for success, you need a plan.

Your blogging plan can be very simple. Let's see how to create one in this article.

Firstly, choose a topic area you know something about. It's difficult to blog efficiently when you're a beginner in an area.

OK, now let's plan.

1. Choose a Product You'll Sell on the Blog

Making money is all about SALES. So, before anything else, decide what you'll sell. You can sell an affiliate product; visit ClickBank or some of the other affiliate networks for ideas.

For example, let's say that you're a keen eBay user. You love eBay, and visit the site every day. Great! You've found the area you want to blog in.

Now choose a product.

You can simply create a blog in any of the categories on eBay, and using the eBay Partner Network, could sell products in that category. Or, you can visit ClickBank and do a search for "eBay" and can find a product you want to promote there.

2. Research Keywords for Your Product

Your next step is keyword research. Yes, do this before you set up your blog.

Blog categories are a powerful way to get your posts indexed, so choose categories based on the keywords you've chosen.

3. Create a Free Blog, or Buy a Domain

Create your blog, using your primary keyword in the title. In our example, that would be "eBay".

4. Start Blogging

Start blogging with a product review of the product you've chosen. The review doesn't need to be lengthy, just long enough so you can describe the product, and its pros and cons.

5. Get Links to Your Blog

Once you've created a couple of posts, get links to your blog. There are many ways of doing this, and it's essential. Links will help your blog to get indexed in the search engines, and also to start ranking for your chosen keywords.

So, there you have a simple plan to help you to make money blogging.

Want more? Discover the secrets to making money blogging with Angela Booth's blogging bestseller, "Blogging for Dollars" at This ebook package gives you everything you need to build a highly successful blog.

Angela is a professional blogger who's been blogging since 2002. Her blogging ebook has a companion blog, the Blogging for Dollars Blog at which keeps you up to date with what's happening in the world of professional blogging.

Make Money Through Internet Marketing Without Spending a Dime

Internet marketing is definitely one of the smartest and most profitable ways to become a business person, because it has the power to literally skyrocket your income within a 6 month period without you having to spend a single buck. Indeed, there is not other business venture that can beat internet marketing in cost vs. benefit, as you can tackle this business and make big money with as little as $30 in your pocket. The only things you will really require to guarantee your success are:

1) Knowhow and brain power.

2) Effort and dedication.

This means that you have to commit yourself to learning and then working a little, so all you need is an educational resource (to ensure an efficient and profitable use of your time) and time dedication (at least few hours during the day at the beginning).

I know this sounds a bit hard for some people, because everyone expects internet money to be easy money, and up to some point this can be true, but not in the sense that you can make money doing nothing, but in the sense that you can make a lot of money spending and doing far less than you would within a traditional business model.

You are well aware that starting any traditional business will demand lot of money and effort right?

Well, making money through internet marketing demands exactly the same, only that you will need nearly zero money and less effort.

On top of that, making money through internet marketing is something you can do anywhere (at home, at your office, on the road) as long as you have access to the internet.

Believe me, I have tried pretty much everything to make money, and absolutely no other business has the potential to deliver a 10,000+ per month income starting with only your brain power and some hard work.

Learn more about the best tools and resources to effectively start a business with little or no money at:

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Meditation Postures Video

Structuring Your 24 Hour Day

Whole House Water Treatment Equals a Wholesome Family!

If good health tops the list of your priorities then a whole house water treatment will do the trick for you especially when our water supply is laced with prescription drugs, volatile chemical compounds, etc, the chances of contracting cancer and other health disorders multiplies by many folds. Whole house water treatment will ensure that the water is devoid of any harmful contaminants and health disorders will be kept at bay. This sort of water treatment gives you the liberty to use water in your kitchen or bathroom without flinching about the contaminants because they have already been eliminated and the water you receive after filtration is clean and pure as the rain.

Since substantial amount of chlorine is found in out water supply, it is a natural phenomenon that chlorine vaporizes and forms chloroform, which is responsible for various respiratory problems. When with the help of whole house water treatment, chlorine gets eradicated and you get fresh air to breathe. Keeping the health benefits aside, you can save a lot of money by using this. Now cleaning clothes and utensils with filtered water does not feel like a distant dream. It is affordable in every sense of the word. Filtered water cleans your clothes and utensils better because the amount of chlorine found in the water is nil.

Water equipment system must be purchased carefully as lots of brands are available and they do not possess equal levels of effectiveness. Higher points should be allotted to a water equipment system which has the right water treatment system installed in it. The ultimate goal of a water treatment system is to provide filtered water. So the filtered water can be used as a benchmark to compare water treatment systems. Water treatment systems primarily comprises of reverse osmosis, ion exchange, and multi media block.

Reverse osmosis is the most costly technique used for water treatment system. It helps in eliminating traces of chloride and fluoride from water. It is achieved by not letting particles of contaminants with larger size of molecules than water, by passing the water under high pressure through a semi permeable layer. Ion exchange basically stops contaminants with traces of heavy metal such as lead, etc from mingling with the water. Since lead consists of electrical charge it can be only defended by introducing ions which has an opposite electrical charge. Ion exchange essentially stops the lead particles by attracting them via ions with opposite charge. Multi media block can effectively combat contaminants like trihalomethanes and other volatile compounds. Multi media blocks have carbons as their components so that all the harmful chemical compounds can get attracted to the carbon filter and generate clean water. I highly recommend last mentioned water treatment systems as they are effective on many levels such as cost, cleanliness, maintenance and ease of installation.

Shei Tan has been studying the effects of contaminated water for many years, and contributes to - a site covering the very best methods for filtering and purifying water in the home. Visit the site now to find out more information.

Upside Down Room Vent

Garden Fountains - For an Idyllic Effect

Are you considering installing a garden fountain in your garden? As you know fountains today form an integral part of a well laid out landscape. Countries such as Italy, Spain and Japan are well known for their magnificent gardens with fountains and other water bodies that add to their beauty.

It is a well known fact that water bodies and fountains are a visual treat for our eyes. What's more, the water in motion has a very calming and soothing effect on our ears. In fact, fountains provide pleasure to all our senses. This can be very relaxing. For its various benefits, garden fountains are given a lot of importance in today's time. They are increasingly considered an extension of one's personality.

Plenty Of Options

The past few years have seen fountains undergoing modification and improvisation. As a result you have more and better options now available to choose from.

You may select from a wall mounted or a freestanding as per your style preference. Likewise, fountains are available in various materials such as metal, stone, concrete, fiberglass, and wood, among others. The choice of material depends on your budget and the design. There is practically a garden fountain to suit every need and taste.

Some Useful Tips

The selection of garden fountain depends on a number of factors such as space availability, the overall landscape, costs, maintenance and safety. You should understand your need.

If you have children in the family, you may like to opt for a design and style that is out of their reach to prevent any mishap.

Garden fountains require special care and maintenance. Winters can damage your system if adequate care is not taken. Fountain made with concrete or stone can develop cracks if any moisture is left behind. These should be kept absolutely dry. Besides, it is important to clean them periodically. There are low maintenance options available in case you are unable to devote much time caring for them.

Use of solar power to light up or operate the fountain is yet another innovation. If you care for your environment, you may consider this.

Most important, if you are confused or not able to define your needs, you may like to seek professional help. Services of Landscape Architects are available to help design your outdoors. Furthermore, services of Landscape Contractors are also available to help you build and install the fountain. It is not necessary to avail the services of both.

Your garden is incomplete without a garden fountain. A garden fountain not only adds style and sophistication to the overall landscape but also has a positive effect on your health.

Visit CORE online to get free access to more information and resources for garden fountains

Why Children Go Bad

To understand our children's fall from grace we must look at whom they serve. Many parents ask and even blame themselves,What did I do wrong? Parents do have a certain amount of responsibility to guide their children into the righteousness which is God, they must teach and explain, what salvation is, further more this must begin at a young age.

But after you've done these things, forget about blaming yourself on the state of your children. We cannot make the decisions for them and we cant hold their hand forever. A child goes bad many times, by choice, per- pressure and a falling society. There comes a time in each child's life that they must choose their walk in life. Then you say, Who's to Blame?

Its not really blame that we must look for but Circumstances that have surrounded them. Its easy to see the, cause and or circumstances, for our children to fall away from the teachings of their parents. Lets look at a few things before we get into the scripture.

1. The government, because of one woman, took God out of the class room.

2. The media has brought in sex and violence into the children's everyday life.

3. The Church has failed them because of so much Hypocrisy within its walls.

4. The entire education system has let the children down by not discouraging binge drinking, pre-marital sex and violence on campus. The emphasis is more on sports and less on education. Then who is this man our children follow? Let take a close look.

Luke 10:18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Satan was a teacher in Heaven, an Archangel, a Spirit of Beauty and Light. But Jesus stated that Satan's fall was because of Pride. 2nd Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. (Sometimes beauty kills.) Luke 22:31-32 And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you ( Satan's desire is to cause the fall of anyone that will believe his lies.

For He cannot return to the Kingdom of Heaven and will prevent as many as He can from doing so.) , that he may sift you as wheat (To tear into peaces.): But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren. (Prayer is the best defense against the wiles of the Devil.)

When a name is repeated in the Bible it is a sign that the event will take place twice, it also signifies, love and also a warning, just as we did when our children were out side playing and were about to get themselves into trouble. The first is to get their attention and the second is a warning. Satan is trying to destroy all who will not listen to the warning.

Lets look at 2nd Corinthians 2:11; Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. Many times our children fall because they do not know how cunning Satan is, nor what devices he uses to intimidate and confuse. Satan's grip on not only our children but mankind today has grown because of lack of social integrity. Society in large has become uncaring and disinterested in God. Wars and rumors of wars. Society has taught of children that gain is more important than the soul. The social decline and Lack of reverence to God has caused this world to come into turmoil.

When I was a child, my parents taught me about, right and wrong, Jesus and God, responsibility and patriotism. Thou it took me many years after leaving home to realize for myself that I was missing something in my life. I had it all but still felt empty. When the Holy Spirit reminded me of who Jesus was and I was converted, I found that that empty place in my Heart was gone. If you've taught your children about the Bible, the word will never leave them, its still there in their mind. Many times children fall because what they see their parents do, just because a parent does something wrong doesn't mean that the parent cant explain what he did wrong, why he did it and the consequences of their actions to their child to help prevent another wrong.

If the parents live in sin, the child will believe this action is normal, so we must be careful how we live and what kind of example we give. Children go bad, basically, because of lack of leadership.

1. From the parents.

2. From the Schools and

3. From their minister. The Minister is the last line of defense for a child. A good minister, after trying all prayers, will do as Paul had to do to save those that were hard hearted. Lets read 1st Corinthians 5:5; To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

A minister that is well informed in the scriptures has the power to turn an individual over to Satan to teach the other side of life.

And if this method doesn't work, He has no other recourse but to turn them over to God, to preform His will.

1Titus 1:20 Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme. Society has taught teenagers that it is natural to have intercourse before marriage, it has taught them that getting pregnant and aborting the pregnancy is natural, it has taught them, having a baby hinders their fun in life (I.E. You can have the pleasure of sex but you don't have to accept the responsibility for it.) Ars.

Temple of Spirit & Truth Ministries
A.R. Smith Ministries

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Article Writing Tips - Writing Articles For High Listings

Before providing you with article writing tips, it is important that you understand why writing articles should be important to you. Some of it is due to Google's beneficence with respect to the power of article directories, and even more is related to the even greater importance of offering useful and genuine content on your website.

First, let's agree on the definition of an article, since mine is unlikely to be yours. To me, an article is written content that provides non-commercial information about a specific topic. So adverts are not articles, and neither are reviews. What I am writing now is an article. Articles are important because search engine algorithms have been written to detect good quality content that provides useful information on a specific topic as defined by the search term, or keyword, used by the search engine user.

A good article can work wonders for your website because it offers you 5 benefits:

1. Google PageRank votes from directories that accept your article for publication.
2. The same votes from web pages to which your article has been copied.
3. Clicks to your site from the web pages referred to in item 2.
4. Clicks to your site from readers of your article on the directories.
5. Free advertising through high listings of your article on search engines.

Most benefit comes from items 1, 4 and 5, with 5 in the majority. Writing articles is the best way to advertise your website and individual pages within it, and these article writing tips are intended to help you make the most of the articles that you write.

First, it is not essential for you to write your own articles. You can pay to have them written for you by a professional article ghostwriter, but you have more control over how you present your content by writing them yourself. Here are a few article writing tips to help you get most benefit from the articles that you write.


Keyword Choice

Your article should be search engine optimized for specific keywords, and not just written in a literary sense. In this article I have chosen two keywords: 'article writing tips' and 'writing articles'. One, the latter of the two, has a fairly high demand (people using it to search) with not an excessive supply (other pages using it) while 'article writing tips' has a demand of 1000/month but a very low supply. 'Article writing' is another keyword there, with a larger demand than either of the above two.

Keyword Use

So, I have included 3 good keywords in my title. That is important since the title is what potential readers of your article will see first. You should also do as I have done, and use the keywords in the first 100 characters of your article (including spaces). The search engine spiders give highest weighting to words contained in these characters. You must, however, avoid excessive use of the keyword. 1% keyword density is enough.

Article Semantics

Google uses the latent semantic indexing (LSI) algorithm in calculating the relevance of your article to the keyword. This means the use of vocabulary related to the keyword, and using words that explain exactly the meaning of your article.


The important sections of your article are the title, the first 100 characters, the opening paragraph, the final paragraph, the resource and the summary. The last two are important only when your articles are written for distribution.

The resource is where you advertise yourself and your website or product. Try to persuade your readers to click to the web page you want them to visit, and when they do make it worth their while. You should be confident in telling them exactly what you want them to do, as I am doing here, and the way to achieve that is to be honest in what you say, and deliver what you offer.

Finally, write naturally, as if you were speaking to a person. In that way you should avoid the problems that you could get yourself into by trying to write for a search engine - never forget that people read your website content and people buy your products.

If you put these article writing tips into practice, you should see an improvement in traffic to your website. Writing articles can be one of the best internet marketing promotional techniques available to you, and is not only free but extremely effective if done properly.

These are just a few of the many article writing tips you will find on Pete's website Article Czar where, in addition to free gifts, Pete offers you a free article writing course. His site Article Services also offers his article ghostwriting service.

Article Writing Revealed - Secret Article Writing Tips That Don't Cost One Red Nickel

The very fact that you are scouring the internet for article writing tips means that you are on the road to success. And below I will supply you with a couple of additional tips to help you along the way.

Here's what makes a good article: It's informative, there are no spelling or grammar mistakes, it's easy to read and it is fluent. Getting to grips with all these issues will make for an article that people will read from top to bottom and move on to the next website feeling that they've learnt something. So how can you improve?

It all boils down to the organization of the information - if someone comes back to your article, how will they find the information they know to be there without reading the whole thing again? This is of course where things like sub-headings and bullet points come in. You'll need to plan your article before you write it and see how you can make it the best it possibly can be. Doing this will ensure that people remember your articles above someone else's, even if the content is exactly the same.

Now properly organized content is already a huge plus, but there's something else you can do to improve your articles even more. Consider who you are writing for - do they have their own way of talking? Do they use words that other people don't use in every day conversation? Are there certain things they will expect when reading your articles? All these can be answered by doing a little demographic research on the intended target audience. And, if you manage to portray, through your writing that you are one of them, then they will come back again and again and even refer their friends.

And final among the article writing tips, we'll only say that if you aren't enjoying writing an article, then you are readers will pick up on it. So be sure to relate information you find interesting in a way that's enjoyable to you.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 59-page Report:

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Head over to to get your FREE copy now!

Also, quickly download his FREE "Explosive Traffic System" report that shows you how to generate 10,000+ unique visitors per month at no cost! =>

Wealth Affirmations

Having the ability to attract wealth into our life through prosperity affirmations can be the motivational force you need to make changes to your current financial situation. Prosperity affirmations have long been known to help people achieve goals using the power of suggestion to influence the subconscious mind in a way that will give the user more control over their lives.

Just imagine the possibilities, having the ability to welcome planned changes into your life via a planned campaign of positive affirmation.

An affirmation is stated as being:

* A statement asserting the existence or the truth of something.

* The act of affirming or asserting or stating something.

* A solemn declaration that serves the same purpose as an oath.

As you can see the affirmation is a powerful assertion process that can, given the correct path, make a persons mind believe that a statement is true. For instance if you wish to believe you have the capability to perform business dealings and seek out prosperous sources of wealth then you can use positive wealth affirmations.

The prosperity affirmation is powerful but if done incorrectly it will be ineffective. The construction of an affirmation is important as this is the software you are downloading to your mind, and as we all know, inputting the wrong software to a computer causes all sorts of issues with its reliability.

An example of an incorrectly formed affirmation is by stating the outcome in terms of what you do not want to happen. eg. I do not want to be broke any more is unlikely to be successful as it is stating what you do not want and is ineffective. Better to state what you want: Prosperity is flowing into my life each and every day from many sources, this looks feels and works much better as it is affirming the actuality of the statement as if it is actually happening.

Have you ever caught yourself saying I am going to get sick, I just know it when a partner is in the throws of the flu? What probably happened was you did get the flu because you invited it in. Conversely you may recall a time where you said I know Im going to win, I just know it and it eventuated in that way. These are examples of affirmations working, usually you need to affirm over a long period of time to secure the belief in the truth of the statement because if you have doubt in the outcome or you allow yourself to give the doubt time to grow then no affirmation will ever work for you.

From a prosperity affirmations point of view if you believe you will attract prosperity into your life then it will come. If you believe you will always be struggling to get ahead then you always will. Seek out experienced advice from people who are already walking the walk and leverage their knowledge to your success, why not plant flowers in your mind not weeds, prosperity affirmations can help you achieve whatever financial goal you desire.

You can find prosperity affirmations from the experts. Affirmations For Prosperity.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Religious Thought - Are You Confused About Heaven?

As a young boy and even into my early adult hood, I asked almost every one that I knew, what they thought heaven was going to be like. These people painted me the most wonderful and beautiful pictures, with the words coming out of their mouths. One woman told me that heaven was going to be the most wonderful place you could ever imagine. She told me that, I would be able to do anything that I wanted to do at any time of the day or night.

All I can say to this, is why are we afraid to die and why do we put that much effort into staying here, when heaven sounds like the place we all want to be. This becomes very confusing during troubled times. We live our whole life to be the best we can possibly be, and then and only then do we get to enter the kingdom of heaven, the most wonderful place in the universe.

Another man told me that, if I wanted to go to heaven, the more good deeds I did on earth, the better buy chances were of actually entering heaven. He said that some people don't get to go, because they did a couple of bad things or maybe one really, really bad thing, like murder. I often wondered what would be worse, murder or painting demonic symbols on the walls of a church, mosque or synagogue. I hope I'm not confusing you anymore than organized religions.

Well now that I have a pretty good idea, that in order to enter into heaven, I need to do good things... that's what I will do for the rest of my life. Sounds simple doesn't it. Now for the bad news, depending on which religion you choose to follow and don't forget that Christianity is one religion that allows you, something special, right before you die, no matter how bad of a person you were to accept Jesus Christ into your heart and accept him as the Almighty God, and this gets you one free pass into heaven.

Am I confusing you at all, does this make sense? When the man told me, that, the only way I would get to go to heaven was by doing good deeds and then the Bible tells me that, I just need to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and I get to go to the promised land, heaven. All right now were talking, this sounds pretty good now. I won't have to do very many good things and before I die can ask forgiveness for all the bad things I did.

I don't know what's true, but I can say that it gets a little confusing and as you go from religion to religion and place of worship to other places of worship, you will hear different stories, from different religious leaders. I can't make much sense out of some religions, but if you want to believe in heaven, there is someone out there who can paint you, the most wonderful picture of heaven in your mind. Whether we really get to go there or not, depends on what you want to believe in.

I wrote this article to get people thinking about the choices they've made and the religions they choose to follow. Is your religion right and others are wrong? Ask yourself this one question, think back, to when you made a conscious choice to follow the religion you're in right now, if any, most of the time you started believing as a child and never really got to choose because your parents, teachers, friends, family or guardians made a choice for you.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, spiritual books

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence.

Changing Your Thinking

How to Glamorize Your Bathroom

During the dark and wintry months, you might find yourself sluggish, unmotivated and craving warmer temperatures. Spice up your winter season by tackling a do-it-yourself project. Not only will this home renovation project keep you occupied and focused, it will also enable you to totally transform your bathroom, resulting in an increase of your home or apartment's value.

Go Big and Bold

When redesigning your bathroom, do not be afraid to make major changes-both in functionality as well as design. If you feel like you and your family does not have adequate space for storage or dislike the lighting, now is the time to address the problem. If you are going to change any element of the bathroom, it is easiest to get it all done in one single bathroom remodeling project.

Divide and Conquer

For families or people that share the bathroom, consider dividing the project amongst yourselves. This way, each family member can contribute to the overall design and feel like a part of them is represented in some way. Of course, use this concept within reason. If one member wants black paint and another wants pea green borders, you might want to exercise your right to limit the amount of design help.

Heat It Up

Let's face it, we all wish we could go to a spa or sauna each and every day. No matter what our age, nothing feels better than the calming effects of a long, warm shower or a good soak in the bathtub. What we love during this time is the heat and comfort given from the temperature. Why not extend that to other areas of your bathroom? To keep your toes toasty, install heated tile flooring near the vanity area and toilet; this eliminates the all too startling cold feet in the morning. Like any good spa service, you typically enjoy the warmth of a fresh-from-the-dryer towel. Installing multiple towel racks or heated stainless cabinet handles nearby the shower stall unit will enable you to have that additional comfort right in your very home! Finally, one last but oh-so pleasant warming unit is a heated toilet seat. We don't have to explain this one!

Soak It Up

As mentioned, tub lovers enjoy slipping under the comforting blanket of warm water after a long day or for a good start to your morning. But some also use this time to fret about their day. Installing a sound system in your bathroom will enable you to relax to whatever tunes of your choosing. Or, for the avid news watchers, including a television on a swivel unit will help you catch the morning traffic or breaking news while you shave, apply makeup or otherwise prepare for your day.

His and Hers

No matter what your household consists of, you are more than likely to have to share it with one male, even if it is your pet. Battling for areas of the sink, whose conditioner is whose and even the clean towel can be a daily struggle. Maintain the peace in your home by clearly organizing and labeling areas with "his" and "her" elements. For towels, add labeled French country cabinet knobs on the back of your bathroom door to keep the towels nearby. Keep soap, shampoo and conditioner in separate drawers with clearly marked cabinet pulls (either by favorite color or by name) so you'll no longer accidentally lather up with his pungent shave gel or wonder where all your citrus shampoo has disappeared to.

Mimic the Professionals

Spas and salons stay in business for their ability to provide a few minutes or a few hours of tranquility. Often, their showers include massaging shower heads or total body shower spouts that transport you to a tropic waterfall. For the brave, include this element in your bathroom and you'll never regret it. Newer shower models even include steam showers that invigorate the skin and even alleviate cold and allergy symptoms.

Amanda works for Your Home Supply (YHS) the definitive website for home improvement tools, and gardening supplies. Your Home Supply offers a wide range of products, like stainless cabinet handles, to help customers with common household repairs, as well as decorative accessories for the home. Visit them now at

Shower Window Installed

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Organic Vegetable Gardening - Healthy Way of Life

An Important aspect of organic vegetable gardening is the health benefits. You won't need to worry about consuming chemical pesticides since everything you'll use in this type of garden will be natural. This means your food will be more nutritious and your body will be able to fight against illness better.

The soil is one of the main things that need to be nourished if you want to produce the best nutritious vegetables. It's vital that plants have a healthy environment.

How to Nourish Your Soil

Find out what type of soil you have by picking some up and feeling it. This will help you know how to nourish it in the best way. Sand, Loam and Clay are three basic types of soil. Loam soil is great to grow plants in because it has a lot of organic matter that holds plenty of water. Loam soil will stay together but crumbles easily. One way to tell if your soil is healthy is send a sample away to an agricultural agency. They will test it for nutrients and measure acidity or alkalinity. You can also buy soil tests to you can use at home. A mild acidic or neutral soil is usually fine for vegetables to grow. Compost and manure will improve the quality of your soil. Mulch can help soil keep nutrients and moisture.

Picking an Area to Plant

Organic vegetable gardening needs to be done in area where there is direct sunlight for about six hours. Vegetables need this much sun in order to flourish so they shouldn't be put in an area where anything blocks the sun. The sun will also keep the soil warm. The area where you plant should also have adequate drainage. If there isn't enough drainage it can interfere with the nutrient absorption of the soil. Roots also won't grow properly. Too much drainage isn't good either and can take away nutrients. To find out if you have drainage problems you can use a percolation test which will measure how packed your soil is.
Designing a Garden Plan

When designing an organic vegetable gardening plan take into consideration that when plants are full grown they take up more space. Planting in blocks will give you more space than planting in rows. Block planting can make it easier for you to take care of your vegetables. Whether you decide to plant in rows or blocks, you should never overcrowd any area so your plants stay healthy. The way you arrange your garden can also depend on the type of plants you use since some vegetables require more space than others.

Choosing the Types of Vegetables to Plant

First, you should always choose vegetables that you and your family will definitely eat. Some common types of vegetables are artichoke, brussel sprouts celery and spinach. Low-maintenance vegetables plants are great if you're a beginner at organic vegetable gardening. Beetroot is easy to care for because it only needs moist soil to grow. You can eat beetroot fresh from your garden between June and late fall. Radishes, zucchini, cucumbers and parsley are also easy to grow. Green beans are a great vegetable choice and a very productive plant.

Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about organic vegetable gardening, please visit New Grow Organic for current articles and discussions.

Can You Imagine Living a Life in Peace

Imagine There's No Heaven, It's Easy If You Try, No Hell below Us, above Us Only Sky, Imagine All the People Living for Today. Imagine There's No Countries, It Isn't Hard to Do, Nothing to Kill or Die for, and No Religion Too. Imagine All the People Living Life in Peace. Think about It.

It's hard to imagine, with the information today and even 50 years ago that most people still believe in religions all over the world, just because they were raised to believe in them. Religions of the future will have to adapt to change, a little faster as more people read articles like mine to promote education within your religion.

Find out a little bit more about Your Religious Freedom

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religous help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

30 Days To Creating Super Habits
Creating A Habit

Beyond Positive Thinking by Dr Robert Anthony - A Book Review

Another exciting self-help book. This time it is by a Doctor and has studied human behavior for many years. Beyond Positive Thinking is packed full of powerful ideas. He also talks about the same stuff as James Arthur Ray in Harmonic Wealth. They both talk of quantum physics.

An important part of the book can be summed up in 3 words; Be Happy Now.

He starts off by saying that we are responsible for our own actions. Our word is Law in the Universe. Most of our beliefs and ideas come from the past and no longer serve us at all. We have to let them go and get some new beliefs. We are to have a vision of ourselves based on truth.

Everyone has a subconscious mind and it is this mind that can guide us to better circumstances and conditions.

Many of us are on a self-destructive mission. We say don't tell me anything that is in conflict with my beliefs, I already have them all ingrained in my mind and anything else will only mess them up.

Got a goal in mind? Keep it to yourself. Telling others will just weaken your motivation towards it. Telling others will only drive them to tell you it won't work, get out while you can and you're wasting your time.

He goes on about being around negative people and how they can rob you of you own creative power.

Too many of us operate on the premise of Seeing is believing. Those people are in for a big disappointment in their life. Believe it before you even see it, it is with this knowledge that the universe comes through.

Choose to make positive choices in your life.

Choose to feel good. Choose to laugh. Choose not to criticize others. Make positive choices for you.

Face your worries, it is only you that gives them power.

This entire book is full of really incredible ways to live life with the Universe, and not against it. It has true to life examples illustrating what life was like and what it could be. This book will have you squirming in your chair as I'm sure there are parts that you will disagree with. Once you put these skills in practice you're going to be saying, You know what? He was right!.
Thank you Dr. Robert Anthony.

For some free e-books on success please go to my home page: or leave me a comment.

What Changed My Thoughts

Education Can Often Bring the Desired Change You Want

I'm not the most successful person on the planet but have been educating myself, my entire life. I have always had some sort of fascination with public libraries and books. I was never a good reader but was excellent, and prided myself at how good I was at looking at the pictures. I graduated high school with a sixth-grade reading level and had only read two books from cover to cover by the time I was 18 years old.

My reading skills gradually increased but I rarely have time to read, because of my job. As a contractor, I spent a lot of time reading job specifications and contracts. Most of this reading was necessary to my survival. These contracts would often have loop holes that could cost me a small fortune, while the project specifications could have put me out of business if they weren't understood correctly.

My skills in the construction business increased as the years went on because of the information I gathered on the job site, dealing with other contractors, architects and engineers. This helped me move my family from survival, living from paycheck to paycheck to stability, having money in the bank and options. Options I wouldn't have had living paycheck to paycheck.

One of these options was the ability to purchase more books on a variety of topics. These books with a little application, over time have taught me how to write better, type, perform almost any construction task, create a happier life, become what I would consider a better person, one that others like to be around and of course last but not least a spiritual path that is leading me to enlightenment.

Ignorance is our only enemy and education is the key to a better life. If you're business requires certain skills for advancement, educate yourself and start advancing in your business. Soon you could become invaluable to your company or start your own business. This education could allow you to take more time off, spend more time with your family, or gather more information to make your life easier and those around you.

Ignorance isn't our only enemy but it seems to be one of the easiest ones to overcome. We think we can do very little, when it comes to poverty, health, sanitation and education but you're wrong, with a few inspirational words, people have changed entire countries. Think about the change you could make and then seek to make the change. Why not start with a couple of books.

Achieving Ultimate Goals

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a Super Movies filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world.

Dealing With Selfish Thoughts

Need Motivation? Olympian Reveals the Number One Key That Will Ignite Your Motivation Forever

Every four years, millions of people around the world are enthralled by the athletes of the Olympic Games.

But as a spectator what you may not know is that Olympic athletes discover keys to success THAT CAN HELP YOU! True, you may not be able to relate to their god-like physical attributes, but if you're like me, you can relate to their desire to achieve, to reach a goal.

So whether you are a fan of the Olympics, and especially if you're not, you will want to take advantage of the number one key learned by all Olympic athletes. This key will build your motivation, ensure greater success and boost your self-esteem.


We all can agree on the first outcome, and that is TO WIN! Winning means that you achieved better results than anyone else on that day. That's good. The downside of winning is that only one person can win. So where does it leave everyone else?

Most people would say that if you don't win, then you lose. Losing is much rarer in the Olympics than you can imagine. But let's talk about another outcome.

You can BE BEATEN. This is not the same as losing. Being beaten means that you did your very best, but someone else did better than you. Of course everyone wants to be number one, but there is honor in being beaten. How can you possibly do better than your very best?

Think about it. If your very best isn't good enough, then only the impossible will do. What are your chances of achieving the impossible in your life? If there is only win and lose, you are setting yourself up for failure. How much motivation can you muster to continually try and fail? So the key is to include "being beaten" as an honorable outcome.

The final outcome is TO LOSE. In the Olympic world "to lose" means giving up or quitting. It means taking yourself out of the race, or not even trying. How motivating is that? Many people have this all-or-nothing attitude. If they can't win, then they don't try. Over time this attitude is the biggest killer of motivation. How do you operate your life?

To succeed we need a different attitude; we need to believe that doing our best is honorable.

A great story emerged from the 1968 Olympics. John Akhwari of Tanzania, brutally injured his leg during the marathon. The winner had already been declared an hour earlier when John hobbled into the stadium. As he crossed the finish line, the few remaining spectators roared its appreciation. A reporter asked him why he had not retired from the race, since he had no chance of winning. He seemed confused by the question. Finally, he answered: "My country did not send me to start the race. They sent me to finish." Was John a loser? No. HE WAS WELCOMED HOME A HERO.

Another great story you will never forget is about Nick If this story doesn't strengthen your motivation, nothing will!

It's true. The Olympics just come around every four years. And your life, your fitness, (or lack of it) is very, very real. However, if you are like me you appreciate guidance from whatever direction it comes. And this key learned from the Olympic athletes can (and will) insure you emerge from your particular challenges with stronger motivation, greater success, and increased self-esteem. So go ahead! Set high goals for yourself; just remember to celebrate EVERY time you do your best!

Linda Schaumleffel, Olympian and head injury survivor, guides people worldwide with faltering memory or head injuries, by teaching them how to thrive again, strive for peak productivity, and build a hedge against dementia. Get a jump on your own brain health with free special report, "BRAIN FITNESS: The Top 17 Activities That Will Revive Your Brain at Any Age!" at

Did The Indians Have It Right

Compassion - A Powerful Doorway to Personal Growth

What if there was one choice you could make that would change everything in your life for the better? Actually, there is. Its the choice to move out of judgment and into compassion for yourself and others.

Compassion is defined as a deep caring for the pain of others, often accompanied by a desire to help. There is nothing that feels more wonderful and comforting than experiencing anothers compassionate response to our painful feelings and experiences.

However, its interesting that compassion is never defined in terms of oneself. Yet, compassion is one of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves. In fact, when we give compassion to others but not to ourselves, we often end up feeling alone, worn out, and uncared for.

Jackie is a good example of a person who has compassion for others but not for herself. She is a very caring mother and wife. She listens compassionately to her husbands work problems and does all she can to help him, even when she is having her own work problems. She is always there for her children, helping them with whatever problems arise, as well as for her co-workers. Everyone sees Jackie as a very loving person and she is. So why is she often unhappy? Why is she often so fatigued and depleted? The problem is that Jackie is completely out of touch with her own feelings.

Jackie is so focused on meeting everyone elses needs that she never tunes into herself and her own feelings and needs. She doesnt know when she is tired or when she needs time for herself. She doesnt know when she is feeling sad, lonely, or anxious. Because she has no compassion for herself, she finds herself using food to fill the inner emptiness that is the result of not taking loving care of herself.

Richard, on the other hand, lacks compassion for both himself and others. While it may seem as if he has compassion for himself, he also is not tuned into his own feelings. It seems like Richard has compassion for himself because he does what he wants buys what he wants, goes after what he wants, spends time the way he wants. But his choices are coming from his fears and his addictive need to fill up from outside with things and approval rather than from love and compassion for himself. In addition, he is usually unconscious regarding the effect his behavior has on others. He keeps people waiting, doesnt do what he says he is going to do, and becomes judgmental rather than compassionate in the face of anothers difficulties. Instead of caring when his wife is tired or needs help, he gets resistant and resentful that she isnt there for him or is asking something of him.

A lack of compassion for oneself and others is a major cause of inner and relationship unhappiness. In terms of personal growth, if you were to just focus on making compassion your highest priority both for yourself and for others you would find yourself progressing toward happiness, peace and joy more rapidly than you can imagine.

We move into compassion for ourselves when we know that we have very good reasons for our feelings and behavior, and into compassion for others when we know that others also have very good reasons for their feelings and behavior. These good reasons are the fears and false beliefs that we have absorbed from our growing up years that create our painful feelings and our defensive behavior.

Moving into compassion is a process that takes time and practice:

1. Moving into compassion for yourself starts with noticing your self-judgment. Judgment is the opposite of compassion. When you judge yourself, you are telling yourself that you are wrong or bad for your feelings or behavior, rather than that you have good reasons. Each time you realize that you are judging yourself, consciously open your heart to compassion for yourself. When your intention is to be compassionate rather than judgmental, you will discover that it is not as hard as you think to shift from judgment to compassion.

2. Moving into compassion for others is similar. Begin to notice your anger, irritation, judgment, resentment, or resistance toward others. These negative feelings are the opposite of compassion. Once you notice these feelings, you have the choice to open to caring, understanding to compassion.

3. Each time you find yourself in judgment for yourself or others, instead of judging yourself for judging, move into compassion for the judgmental part of you. If you judge yourself for judging yourself or others, you will stay stuck. If you embrace with compassion the judgmental part of yourself, you will find yourself gradually becoming less judgmental and more compassionate.

Each time you are compassionate with yourself and others, it becomes easier next time. You will discover that focusing on compassion for both yourself and others will move you toward the peace and joy you are seeking. It all comes from your intent to protect against pain with your controlling behaviors, such as anger, blame and judgment, or to learn about loving yourself and others. When your deepest desire is to become a loving human being, opening to compassion is a powerful doorway to that path.

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Copyright: 2004 by Margaret Paul

About The Author

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?" She is the co-creator of a powerful self-help, 6-step emotional and spiritual healing process called Inner Bonding. Learn Inner Bonding now! Visit her web site for a FREE Inner Bonding course: or

Crisis In Christianity

Friday, June 5, 2009

Religious Freedom From Large Institutionalized Organizations

In the United States of America, we believe that we have this freedom, and it gives us the choice to belong to any religious organization in the country. We can even make up our own religions, if we want to. I have the right, in this country to start a new religious movement, without any persecution from the government. The government might choose not to persecute me but I would imagine, that other religious organizations will.

First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Freedom of Religion, of Speech, of the Press, to Petition, and to Assemble.

This must have been very important to our founding fathers. A lot of people left England to come to America, before the United States Constitution was ever thought of. Before there was even a United States of America. People have been coming to the English colonies for over 150 years before the First Amendment was even signed. Often escaping religious persecution.

Religious freedom was very important to America's ancestors and founding fathers. We can only study history to find out how important religious freedom actually was. In the United States today, we really don't give it much thought. What religious freedom really means and the hardships and battles throughout history. They sacrificed, so that we could reap the benefits today.

Freedom of religion isn't the same today as it was 300 years ago. The country's leaders often dictated what religion you could belong to. This was the end of your religious freedom but today things are different. Organized religions have become extremely influential and powerful in today's world, often influencing governments and world leaders. When will these large religious organizations become powerful enough to take away our religious freedom. Do you honestly think things are getting better, or are we soon going to have one or even a few religions throughout the world.

How many Christians do you know that do most of their business with other Christians? How many Jewish people choose to do the same thing? I don't consider this religious freedom. In the State of Utah, it's well known, that if you're not part of the Mormon Church or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, you're probably not going to prosper, unless you convert to their religion. This might sound like, something you would expect back in the stone ages, but it still goes on today.

Religious freedom is a lot more than just being able to choose your own religion. It's becoming a choice economically, politically and of course socially. At what point do you financially make a decision to become part of a large religious organization, out of necessity. The simple need to feed your family. I believe religion is going to become a bigger problem in the future than it ever was in the past as we see more financial and political power forming in these religious organizations.

I'm not trying to scare anyone, I'm simply suggesting that we start associating with people from other religions or spiritual beliefs. We could learn a lot if we just open our ears and close our mouth. Become part of the solution and not the problem.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended authors, Norman Vincent Peale Books

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Gregs Videos

What is Injection Waterproofing?

Injection waterproofing is often used to fill and seal cracks and crevices. The material is most often made from a polyurethane compound. The compound is lightweight and expands up to twice its original size when applied to a surface. Many non-toxic and environmentally safe products are available at home improvement stores nationwide. Injection waterproofing is used mainly in foundation crack repairs.

In most foundation cracks, a polyurethane injection can seal the opening. In some smaller cracks it may be apparent that a sealant was used because it may be difficult to evenly inject the compound. Single caulking style cartridges and the dual side-by-side cartridge systems are the types of injection waterproofing compounds available for retail purchase. Both of these are manually injected and easy to pump.

When using an injection waterproofing method, it is important to keep the area dry. Temporarily block any flowing water to the area, and clean and dry the area as needed. Experts say that in the case of water flowing through a hole, you can temporarily caulk the hole with candle wax, modeling clay or plumbers putty. If the cracks are in narrow or hard-to-reach places, you can use a flexible hose attached to the injector nozzle.

Whatever waterproofing system your leakage problem requires, be sure to do your research. If you choose to make this a do-it-yourself project, make sure you know where your leaks are coming from and the proper method to repair them. When purchasing waterproofing materials you should make sure you are buying the appropriate product for your needs. The National Association of Waterproofing and Structural Repair Contractors (NAWSRC) has tons of information on waterproofing. Whether or not you decide to hire a contractor, this organization can help you from beginning to end.

Waterproofing Info provides detailed information on waterproofing systems, including injection waterproofing, foundation waterproofing, concrete waterproofing, deck waterproofing, basement waterproofing, and waterproofing basement walls, as well as waterproofing contractors and consultants. Waterproofing Info is affiliated with Business Plans by Growthink.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Rhode Island Landlord Tenant and Eviction Law FAQS - Nonpayment Rent, Termination

1) How long does it take to evict a tenant for non-payment of rent in Rhode Island?

In order to begin the process of evicting a residential tenant in Rhode Island (RI) for non-payment of rent, the tenant must be more than 15 days late and then a five-day demand notice must be sent to the tenant. After the five days, you are entitled to file a complaint for eviction of the tenant for non-payment of rent and the court date will be nine days thereafter. If the ninth day falls on a weekend or holiday, then it will carry over to the next business day. After attending court to get the tenant out, it will take a minimum of five days to evict the tenant up to a potential of a month or longer (if there is an appeal).

2) Is it legal to do a self-help eviction in Rhode Island?

No. Under Rhode Island law it is illegal for a landlord to do a self-help eviction. The landlord must go through the proper legal channels in order to evict a tenant from the premises. In the event that a landlord does an unlawful eviction, the tenant is entitled to collect damages against the landlord.

3) How long does it take to evict a month-to-month tenant?

In order to evict a month-to-month tenant, you are required to send a thirty-day notice to terminate the tenancy pursuant to Rhode Island law. After the thirty-day period has expired, then the landlord is allowed to file a complaint for eviction. This type of eviction is a lengthy process because you must not only wait the thirty days, but the tenant has a minimum of twenty days to answer and after that it takes a minimum of ten days before you can get a court date. After that court date, it takes a minimum of 5 days up to a month or longer to get the tenant out (depending on whether or not there is an appeal).

4) My tenant has a lease but is violating the lease and causing problems. What do I do?

Pursuant to Rhode Island law you can send them a notice asking them to terminate the offending behavior within 20 days. If they do not terminate the offending behavior, then you are able to file an eviction against them. These types of evictions are lengthy and you must prove that you sent the notice and that the tenant did not comply with the notice after receiving the notice. If the tenant is a month-to-month tenant, then it is better to terminate the offending tenant's tenancy rather than go through the above-described process.

Rhode Island Attorneys legal Notice per RI Rules of Professional Responsibility:

The Rhode Island Supreme Court licenses all lawyers in the general practice of law, but does not license or certify any lawyer or attorney as an expert or specialist in any field of practice.

David Slepkow is a Rhode Island RI lawyer who has handled landlord tenant matters and evictions on behalf of both landlords and tenant for ten years. The Attorneys at Slepkow Slepkow & Associates , Inc. represent clients in Real Estate, Probate Law, Elder Law, Divorce & Family Law, Zoning law and Corporate law.

Please go to Official Website of Rhode Island (RI) Lawyers / Attorneys, Slepkow Slepkow & Associates, Inc. for more information or to contact attorney David Slepkow.

Please visit our webiste: East Providence, Rhode Island Real Estate and Eviction Law Attorneys / Lawyers

Please also visit: East Providence, Rhode Island Divorce Law Attorney / lawyer and RI Family & Child Support Law information

How to Sell a Real Estate Property on Your Own

Ever heard the phrase "for sale by owner" or FSBO? This is actually a term in the real estate market that means the property is being sold by the owner without any assistance from realtors. In reality, there is a rough estimate that 30% of homeowners in the country do make their own effort to sell their properties without a middle man, or a third party. This is mostly done since this allows the owners to save up to 6% which they would have given to the realtors as fee for commissions or brokerage.

This sounds good if you are someone with marketing skills or if you have a large list of people you have connections with. If you are willing to exert some effort then all your hard work could really pay off and that you could sell your property and deal with potential buyers. Otherwise, you can really have a difficult time trying to sell a home without the help of a real estate professional.

If you are thinking of doing this step in the Sarasota real estate market, please know that it is indeed possible to do it in our times. In the past, there were actually companies that assisted homeowners to sell their properties without asking any commissions at all. They are even so generous that they will help sellers get access to a computer listing of prospective Sarasota real estate buyers. These days, it is now possible for you to conduct your own researches and access such listings even on your own since there are a lot of websites that are out there that could provide you just that.

Like in other real estate markets, the Sarasota real estate industry requires that those who will plan to sell their properties will have a thorough understanding of the market along with its dynamics. For instance, you have to keep in mind that the market value of a particular property is one of the most important things you should consider so you could sell your property for the right price.

Other Sarasota real estate investors actually place as on the local and national newspapers so they could reach out to more and more people than they could ever reach on their own. It could be a bit expensive, yes, but that allows you the convenience of you being contacted by potential buyers in the first place not the other way around - you looking forward to contact buyers on your own.

Selling a Sarasota real estate property is really possible, even if you do it on your own. If you want to reach out to more people without having to spend so much cash, you could also take pictures of your property and you could then post it into a blog or your own website so you could find those who may potentially want to purchase a property. Just be sure to leave detailed descriptions of your property and always indicate your contact numbers or email addresses so you could be sure that you will indeed be contacted.

Eliza Maledevic writes for - SEO Company