Friday, June 26, 2009

How to Install Bay Windows Properly

Proper Installation of Bay Windows

In order to properly install your new bay windows, you will need a few basic tools to assist you with. If you have a measuring devices like a handy tape measure and a long ruler or a framing square, you are almost ready to begin with your bay window project. As for cutting, shaping and other devices, be prepared with a sharp saw, drill and bits, a portable crow bar and a trusty stapler. A handy utility knife can also be of use for shearing small edges.

A basic package of a bay window must consist of the bay window unit itself. It should go along with other components such as fiberglass insulation, the brackets that will hold the bay window unit in place, nails, shingles and a caulking that is usually made of silicone. It is best to run a thorough check of all the materials, as they have to be complete to get you started. A window skirting for your bay window should be made of thick boards to support for the base unit. You will also need additional materials in any case you are installing a new window out of a space that was previously a blank wall. In the same manner, installing a new window out of an existing window, framing add-ons should be readily available, along with cripple studs.

Steps in Installing Bay Windows

The installation of a basic bay window comes in several steps. You have to follow closely to achieve a well-installed bay window at home.

First, locate a fitting area where you will position your new bay window. Locating a fine place for a bay window can be in an existing window that you wish to enlarge. In this case, remove the existing window from its case. Take note of the size of the new bay window that you need to install. This should be the size of the actual hole of your wall from where you removed the old window. Put appropriate markings on the exterior of the house to serve as your guide as you cut through them.

If the required opening is already achieved, you are ready to start with the framing. Prepare the studs, sill, and a new header to make up for the new frames. If you want your new frame to be more durable, prepare sturdy materials and work on them with the proper cutting tools.

With the framing ready, produce the support braces and have them installed. If this is done, ask a buddy to help you lift the window unit and slowly slide it through the opening that you made. Lock it in all the corners and consider adding support braces if necessary. A larger window would normally require more support braces.

The next part to install is the window's roof. It should consist of ample amount of insulation, roof sheeting and roofing paper. By the frame, staple the roof sheeting before wrapping it with the roof paper. The drip edges and the flashing comes next and lastly, the shingles. Do the same thing for the window skirting at the bottom. To polish all installation, have your caulking gun ready and seal all edges with silicone caulking.

These easy to follow steps also go along with your do-it-yourself bay window packages. The best thing to do is to read through them carefully and be sure to follow them religiously. The hint is doing things the right way and that can be achieved by sticking to the rule sheet.

Rudi Wolzett's articles are found on many websites tied to information on bay windows. Recording his experience in writings, the reviewer demonstrated his skill on issues relating to curtains for bay windows.

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