Thursday, June 18, 2009

Whole House Water Treatment Equals a Wholesome Family!

If good health tops the list of your priorities then a whole house water treatment will do the trick for you especially when our water supply is laced with prescription drugs, volatile chemical compounds, etc, the chances of contracting cancer and other health disorders multiplies by many folds. Whole house water treatment will ensure that the water is devoid of any harmful contaminants and health disorders will be kept at bay. This sort of water treatment gives you the liberty to use water in your kitchen or bathroom without flinching about the contaminants because they have already been eliminated and the water you receive after filtration is clean and pure as the rain.

Since substantial amount of chlorine is found in out water supply, it is a natural phenomenon that chlorine vaporizes and forms chloroform, which is responsible for various respiratory problems. When with the help of whole house water treatment, chlorine gets eradicated and you get fresh air to breathe. Keeping the health benefits aside, you can save a lot of money by using this. Now cleaning clothes and utensils with filtered water does not feel like a distant dream. It is affordable in every sense of the word. Filtered water cleans your clothes and utensils better because the amount of chlorine found in the water is nil.

Water equipment system must be purchased carefully as lots of brands are available and they do not possess equal levels of effectiveness. Higher points should be allotted to a water equipment system which has the right water treatment system installed in it. The ultimate goal of a water treatment system is to provide filtered water. So the filtered water can be used as a benchmark to compare water treatment systems. Water treatment systems primarily comprises of reverse osmosis, ion exchange, and multi media block.

Reverse osmosis is the most costly technique used for water treatment system. It helps in eliminating traces of chloride and fluoride from water. It is achieved by not letting particles of contaminants with larger size of molecules than water, by passing the water under high pressure through a semi permeable layer. Ion exchange basically stops contaminants with traces of heavy metal such as lead, etc from mingling with the water. Since lead consists of electrical charge it can be only defended by introducing ions which has an opposite electrical charge. Ion exchange essentially stops the lead particles by attracting them via ions with opposite charge. Multi media block can effectively combat contaminants like trihalomethanes and other volatile compounds. Multi media blocks have carbons as their components so that all the harmful chemical compounds can get attracted to the carbon filter and generate clean water. I highly recommend last mentioned water treatment systems as they are effective on many levels such as cost, cleanliness, maintenance and ease of installation.

Shei Tan has been studying the effects of contaminated water for many years, and contributes to - a site covering the very best methods for filtering and purifying water in the home. Visit the site now to find out more information.

Upside Down Room Vent

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