Saturday, June 27, 2009

Plumbers - Get Free PR and Grow Your Profits

Most plumbers do not think they will be able to get their stories into the press and so do not bother trying to get any free PR. This is a mistake, PR is a very powerful method of marketing for free and any business can get a massive amount of free PR which would normally cost a serious amount of money if it was done through paid advertising.

PR actually lends a lot more credibility than traditional paid advertising because when your story is featured in the editorial of your local newspaper, TV or radio station it carries a lot more weight.

There are plenty of people who have turned their businesses around just through using PR. Just by sending a simple one page press release to their local media they got a lot of free publicity and interest in their business. Follow the strategy below as one way that you can try to get some free publicity:-

Promote yourself as an expert in your field and make sure all your local media knows about you.
Use the world around you as a backdrop for what you have to say. For instance, the winter is a time when we all need to keep warm but in the current economic climate where money is tight we want to spend as little as possible to do so. As you are a plumber you could write a one page press release about how you can help home owners keep warm and save money at the same time and include tips on insulation and getting the most from their central heating systems etc. You may need to spend a bit of time doing some research, but if you assure the public that you have some genuine information that will help them you will find it is easy to get some free publicity.

Your local media is always on the look out for fresh, exciting and unusual stories to use, so get your imagination working and come up with some interesting stories to get that free publicity that could seriously increase your business.

Plumbers discover very easy to implement marketing and internet marketing strategies to recession proof your business with this free E-Book from Marketing Man. Marketing Tips for Plumbers

Marketing Man has hundreds of Marketing Tips to help you recession proof your business. If you run a small business visit his website today to get instant free marketing tips to help you fight the credit crunch. Marketing Man

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