Monday, June 1, 2009

Selling Your House in Tough Times - San Deigo Home Tips

Why is my house not selling? The question that is haunting many a home owner across the nation at this time. You may already have the answer and may not know it or just don't want to believe it. The housing boom which has now lead to the housing crisis is leaving people wondering what to do and where to look for answers. The person to start with is you. That is right, you. You ask how can it be me? You have to start with what you want and what you need to sell your home. What is your motivation for selling your home? In this situation we are trying to sell the house before going into foreclosure. What amount of money do you need from your home and how much should you spend to sell your home? These questions are very tough for some people to answer. The home owners out there are of all different ages and back grounds. You know yourself the best, so that is why it starts with you. You can say, I am not a home sales agent. Why would it start with me? You know what you need, you just need a little direction.

Let's just jump in here and get right to it. You have a house and you want to sell it. Let's also get out of the way, I am a home improvement expert with a long list of credentials and experience in the home improvement market. I have specialized in preparing people and their homes for the sales market. So, you will not see a article filled with key words or tags to just get my work found by the search engines, which so many are concerned with now days. I write to help people, and to sell their homes. My works are mostly free and can be found across the Internet on variety of writing sites and blogs. So, with that out of the way let's now get started again. You need to look at your self and ask yourself why should I sell my house instead of having the bank take it in foreclosure? Take a tablet of paper or your lap top and sit down and write the reasons out and go over them with your spouse or other vested party in the sale of the house. These reasons will determine how and what you will need to do to sell your house. Once you have these, you can move forward to the next steps to sell your house. I have seen many reasons people are selling their homes. The big one as of late is people are trying to sell before they have the bank take their home in foreclosure. This reason is now running rampant across the nation and people feel they are helpless in these situations. Many of these people can still sell their house and re-coupe funds if they look to themselves first and move forward.

The foreclosure home is a home that most people have come to thing is the most run down home on block or the home which looks or is abandon. You say to yourself, if I cannot pay mortgage how can I help to sell my house. You first need to jump in and work at it. This is hard for many and they just feel bad about the potential loss, so why do anything? One reason is you can still put money back into your pocket for you and your family. You purchased the home with the intention of making it yours correct? So, you would probably have some lawn tools, paint brushes and good old fashioned hard work to use. Take the time to see what you can work on to fix the appearance of your house, without spending alot of money. People, there are so many ways to renew your house on the cheap. Did you know you can go to some paint stores and get returned paint where they custom mixed paint for someone and they did not care for it. This stuff can sell for $5.00 a gallon of paint. So, instead of going to a fast food place, go to a paint store and buy some cheap paint. Painting even when buying top end paint is still the cheapest way to make a house look much better. You may have hit hard times and need to sell your house, but most people will still have some funds, if directed and used in the correct manner could put you one step closer to getting your next house, then you think.

You need to take that tablet out again and look at what you can do to the house to give it appeal to a buyer. You don't have to spend a ton to get it done. The paint example above is proof of that. You just need a little direction and you will be amazed at what you will be able to do. The right mind set is where you need to start. Don't look as all is lost. Look at doing a job and paying yourself to do it. Sitting on your couch and waiting for the knock on the door to get out is easy and sad. Why not take some time and effort and put money back into your pocket and enjoy a job well done. People can look at foreclosure for a host of many reasons. It still comes down to can you sell it before they take it. Selling it leaves you in a much better position not only financially but also mentally. Working on a house can be very rewarding, especially when the job is done and you sell the house. We can cover this couple areas in this article, as it would take a whole book to cover a full step by step and how to get the house sold. We need to get you going in the right direction for starters.

The right mind set is what will make or break you. Try again to look at it as if you were working for yourself and putting money into your pocket, because you are. Sitting around waiting to have a foreclosure happen in itself can lead to some very stressful times for people. Keeping yourself busy will help you in many ways. First take the tablet of paper out to the front of the house and write down what you see. What you see here is what others will see also, if you don't like what you see odds are nor will others. This goes for all houses that are getting ready to hit the market. Take a few minutes, no need to rush it as this time is you investing in yourself. Once you have what you see wrote down, take a walk around the whole property on the out side. Remember this is how others will first view your house. The out side has to get them to stop or at least slow down as they come by the house. Many exterior problems can be addressed by hard work and a few tools. Over grown grass and weeds 10 feet high around house are not appealing to most. This is one example of what you would have wrote down. There will end up being a large list, most likely. That is ok, you now have a idea of where to start.

This should be enough for now to get you going. Put forth the amount of effort you want to get out of it. Getting the house sold will come along more quickly and easier if you start with you and not others. Good luck in selling your home and start moving forward. Remember, always safety first.

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