Monday, September 7, 2009

Article Writing - 7 Tips on How to Write Your First Article

So you've probably heard that you must write lots of articles to attract lots of traffic to your site and become an authority in your niche. One of the biggest hurdles is lack the confidence and therefore you need someone to help you to get started.

How to write your first article

1. Create a list of topics

Article marketing is not just a one shot deal. You need to write and submit articles consistently to be effective. Therefore create a long list of topics so you won't be stuck for ideas in the near future.

2. Select a topic you know something about

It's hard to write about things which are not very familiar with. Choose a topic you are passionate about. It will make it easier to write the content.

3. Create a list of tips about your topic

Create a list of 7 tips on your favorite subject. This provides a good structure for your article. Make sure these tips provide great value to your customers.

4. Expand on each tip

Write a paragraph or two under each tip. Keep each paragraph to approximately 5 sentences. If it's longer than this just create another paragraph. This makes it easier for customers to read as most people scan content read online.

5. Summarize your content

Reemphasize the main points in your last paragraph. Don't repeat what you've written but try to express it differently.

6. Provide a call to action

The resource box at the end of the article is where you provide your call to action. Make it a natural transition from the body of your article. Offer a free report and/or an invitation to visit your web site. Most article directories allow 2 links. One link should include your anchor text (text associated with your link), the other should be your full web site address i.e.

7. Submit to EzineArticles dot com

Proof read your article before submitting it otherwise it will not be accepted by the editors and it won't look professional. EzineArticles is the top article directory because it gets the most traffic, has the most readers and is professionally managed.

If you have time, submit it to other article directories and/or contact ezine publishers in your niche. This helps spread your content elsewhere and attract more traffic to your web site.

Learn how to attract a continuous stream of NEW visitors
to your website without spending a dime on advertising by picking up a copy of "Article Marketing Strategies"

Herman Drost is the CEO of
Affordable Web Site Design, Web Hosting and Marketing.

Raised Door Threshold

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