Saturday, September 5, 2009

Article Writing Tips - The Pro and Con Article

There are many ways to write articles. Depending on what point it is you want to get across, you'll use a particular style. One style that I will sometimes use is the pro and con article. This is a very easy article to write and can be done in as simple as four paragraphs. In this article, I'm going to show you just how easy it is.

In your first paragraph, you're going to introduce your subject, whatever it might be. In order to write a pro and con article, the subject has to be about something where the reader is making a choice to do or not do something and based on that choice, there are going to be pros and cons. For example, if I write an article about a certain payment processing script, I'll mention what the script is, what it does and then point out that there are pros and cons of using it. That will conclude our first paragraph.

Your second paragraph is where you go over the pros of whatever it is you're talking about. Start with the most important ones first. Don't leave your reader hanging. This isn't like a movie where you save the best part for the ending. You want them to get hooked early. By giving them the best pro first, you'll excite them enough to want to read the rest of the paragraph.

In your third paragraph, you are going to go over the cons. Now, depending on the purpose of your article, you'll either start with the worst con, the most detrimental, or one that isn't so important. If you want people NOT to buy the product, you'll lead with the worst. If you want them TO buy it, you'll lead with the least important.

Finally, you'll do a summary of the product and give your overall opinion of what you think. When writing this kind of article, it's important to be honest. You don't want to come off sounding like a salesman. Now, keep in mind, this will ONLY work if there actually are pros and cons to the product or whatever it is you're writing about. If the product is pure garbage, then there is nothing to report for your second paragraph.

If you follow the above outline, you should have no problem doing a pro and con article.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Want to write articles that get people's attention and can earn you up to $200 per article written? Then check out my Complete Article Writing And Marketing Guide that you can find at - This is my own book that I wrote from over 30 years of writing experience.

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