Monday, September 7, 2009

Article Writing Help - Anything You Think About Can Be an Article

How is it possible that when I do my article writing, everything that I think about becomes and article. The short answer to that is whenever I think of something, I write it down.

My ideas do not come to me while I am at the computer preparing to write. My ideas come to me when I am pushing my children on the swings. When I was working for a living, they would often come to me at work. Often, I would be having a conversation with someone and I might be discussing what I did to try to earn extra money (namely article writing and affiliate marketing) and an idea for an article would come into my head. Usually, it was what the conversation was about that made the article idea.

I will give you another example. Recently, I was outside, raking leaves with my five year old son. I was thinking about how much fun he was having raking leaves, while I was satisfied that the leaves were being raked. If my niche happened to be Child Rearing, or Taking Care of Young Children, then that experience would have been and excellent idea for an article.

The key is to always have a pen and paper near by. Please get into that habit because you lose 90% of the thoughts that you do not write down. Buy a package of notebooks and a package of pens. You can keep one in your car, one in your locker at work, one near your bed, one on your desk where ever you might possibly have a thought that you can write down.

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Additional tips about article marketing and other Internet Marketing income streams.

Checking The Level Floor Framing

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