Monday, September 7, 2009

How the Universe Will Make You Rich

If you are an avid watcher or listener of motivational products like DVD, Podcasts or Life Coaching then you may have heard of The Law of Attraction. This is a concept that has been around since the beginning of the twentieth century and has been debated and discussed in many texts throughout the last 100 years.

Very basically, the concept is based around the following four steps;

1. Know what you want.

2. Ask the universe for it.

3. Feel and behave as if the object of your desire is on its way.

4. Be open to receiving it.

Should we be considering this concept or is it merely just another collection of new-age philosophy that is designed to encourage a wave of positive thinking? Let us discuss what the Law is, whether it is real and how we can use the concept to help our personal development.

It is easy to view the Law of Attraction as the easy route. Just think of what you want and it will happen for you. The obvious response is to think to yourself that there is nothing to worry about because success will just come to you. But this is not the concepts purpose, as you will have to actually do something for it to work. But you can activate it by amending your thinking to begin the process towards success and growth.

Have you ever thought about someone and the telephone rings and it is them? I think we have all had this at least once or twice. If this happened once to a friend or family member, we could think how amazing that is and it is a co-incidence. But to happen to many people has to make us stop and think. The philosophy is that what we think about will happen to us, whether it is good or bad. Therefore it is sensible to make our thoughts pure and totally focused on what we want to achieve. The Law of Attraction says that when we think about something the Universe will help make it happen. Noel Edmonds a popular U.K television presenter wrote down that he wanted a new T.V. show after having success in the 1990's with Noels House Party. He has said in many interviews that without the Universes help he would not be enjoying the success of Deal or No Deal or Noels Christmas Presents, which are his latest two successful shows.

Look at your current lifestyle critically. Lots of people have the goal of getting up, going to work, getting home as quickly as possible and then watching T.V. The universe makes this happen and they tend to achieve this quite well! But the law does not care what we want, it merely provides it blindly. So it is very important that you empower yourself to implementing some change and take control of your earning power and future. It does not necessarily need to be a business or even making money, but follow your goals with complete focus and the law will do the rest.

The law is based on what the power of positive thought can achieve. The fact you are here reading this article suggests you have an awareness of this and can relate to it, even if it at present observing others is the only tangible evidence. Everyone who has a rags to riches story is testament to the power of positive thought. In 1937 Napoleon Hill published his book Think and Grow Rich which became one of the best selling books of all time selling over 60 million copies. He discusses the importance of controlling your own thoughts in order to achieve success, as well as the energy that thoughts have and their ability to attract other thoughts and therefore opportunities.Can youwork out what Hills great secret of the book holds? He said it is better if you work it out for yourself, and it is widely believe the Law of Attraction is the big secret he alludes to throughout the book.

Scientists are critical of the law because they cannot measure it. The word law implies a set of rules, so when the only way we can measure the success of the law is through occurrences which could easily be looked on as luck we are obviously open to criticism when believing in things like this. Another very obvious criticism is that if merely thought produced positive results then why poverty, famine and death in third world and other suffering countries?

Readers are encouraged to watch The Secret (2006 which focuses on the Law of Attraction. This can be found on amazon. This gained so much exposure that Oprah Winfrey dedicated two shows to the concept, and Larry King also had a lengthy discussion on the subject.

My personal take on the idea is that it enforces things I already hold close to me. Positive thinking never hurts, but to think negatively or not at all means you can never reach your potential. If you decline to learn how to ride a bike do not expect to be able to cycle. So do not be one of these people who sits back and shouts that life is not kind to them, stand up and force life to consider you as a potential success.

Whether or not you are helped by the Universe in reaching your goals, a lot of your assistance will come from within. The dogged determination to let nothing stand in your way will break as many barriers and obstacles as any law can. If the law does exist, then combining your own positive attitude with the universes help will make you unstoppable.

Malcolm Clarke is a self-help and personal success writer.

He maintains his success website that offers articles, podcasts and products.

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