Sunday, September 6, 2009

Exam Stress - How Self Hypnosis Provides Self Help For Exam Nerves

You may feel excessive exam stress when you are faced with a test. It doesn't matter if the examination is for a certificate, degree or a simple measurement of your knowledge base. You still feel stressed about testing and this can lead to an inability to perform well.

Exam Stress and Your Thoughts

When you have excessive test nerves, you are unable to focus your mind on anything except the anxiety. The feelings of anxiousness flood your brain, making it impossible to concentrate. You can get control of your feelings and automatic nervous responses through self-hypnosis.

As you think about taking an examination, your mind fills with negative thoughts that lead to automatic physical reactions that you know all too well as exam stress when you are about to take a test. Your mind also develops images that work against your success as well.

Visualization and Stressed Testing

Your thoughts lead to images of yourself failing in some shape. You have developed a belief that you will not be able to concentrate because of exam stress. The visualization in your mind produces pictures of your inability to concentrate while being tested.

You have created a very strong self-image of a person who cannot take tests well and this leads to the inevitable exam stress that you feel. You can turn your thoughts and visions to your favor.

Using Self Hypnosis to Change Thoughts

You have the power in your mind to change your thought processes in another direction. This is very difficult to do on a conscious level, especially considering that you have put a lot of thought into making yourself a nervous test at the very thought of an examination.

When you use self-hypnosis, you are bypassing your conscious mind to create a new set of core beliefs that can help you feel calm and focused while you take any examination. The subconscious mind is receptive to believe the new thought patterns you instill deep in your mind.

Changing Your Self-Image

You can also use guided visualization thorough a self-hypnosis CD to help you see yourself successfully taking an examination. Your images shift from anxiety and clouded thoughts to relaxation and focus. These powerful images help you strengthen the belief that you can take tests with great ease.

Test-Taking Success

Your new thinking patterns and relaxed image of yourself create a new belief in your ability to effectively communicate what you have learned clearly when you are asked to do so. This sets of a completely new chain of physical responses that are calm and focused.

You can replace the nausea, nervousness and anxiety with a tenacious desire to express your understanding of various concepts. You have the ability and power necessary to succeed and you can tap into your strengths through self-hypnosis. You don't have to let exam stress stand in the way of your success.

J. Seymour is a writer with Self Help Recordings. 'Study And Exam Success' is an excellent recording by Duncan McColl, based on his decades of experience in powerful and classical clinical therapy. To find out more, visit Exam Stress A range of other self hypnosis products can be found here - Exams Self Help All of the recordings on Self Help Recordings are backed by an impressive sixty day guarantee, so to find out more simply click on the links.

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