Saturday, September 5, 2009

Article Writing Tips - Reliable Sources For Research

Most, if not all of the articles I write, I do so from my own knowledge or based on opinion, rather than fact. However, from time to time, you're going to write articles that are not only based on fact but also on topics that you know very little about and have to therefore research. This is where a lot of article writers run into problems. They don't know where to go for reliable information. For that matter, they don't really understand the reason why this is so important. In this article, I'm going to explain the why and how of getting information from reliable sources.

Let's start with the why first. Imagine you're writing an article on some health related issue. Maybe there is a new health scare and you need to get the facts on where it is occurring and who it is affecting. In the meantime, if this is something brand new, people are going to want to get the facts for themselves so they'll know if it's something that concerns them. Now imagine that you do your research and get your information from a source that isn't all that reliable and it turns out the facts that you're reporting are all wrong. Think you might have some angry readers on your hands, not to mention a few lawsuits besides? This is why it is CRITICAL to get your facts from a reliable source.

Okay, so what's a reliable source? Well, let's take the scenario above on the hypothetical health scare. Where would you rather go to get your information...a few blogs put up by John Doe, John Smith and Jane Doe or maybe go to a medical authority site like WebMD? Big difference between the two. For one thing, you don't know WHERE John Doe got his info from. Sure, he could have gotten it from WebMD himself, but there is really no way to know is there? By going to the most trusted sources, you give yourself the best chance of reporting facts that are accurate.

Having said that, you want to go to more than one source. I suggest a minimum of at least three sources and more if you can find them and verify that they are legit. A good reporter never relies on just one source for his information.

So, if you're going to write articles based on factual information, make sure you go to sources that are reliable and can be verified.

The last thing you want is a lawsuit on your hands.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Want to write articles that get people's attention and can earn you up to $200 per article written? Then check out my Complete Article Writing And Marketing Guide that you can find at - This is my own book that I wrote from over 30 years of writing experience.

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